Intelectuais e epistemologia crítica latino-americana
Published 2016-06-01“…Recalls the tradition of anti-colonial nineteenth-century thought on the continent to see it highlighted the intellectual efforts of Darcy that anticipates the displacement of hegemonic forms of knowledge in his critique of eurocentrism to assert Latin America as an important locus of enunciation, this displacement that characterizes the efforts of the theoretical movement ‘modernity-coloniality’ of which one of the most significant representatives is Walter Mignolo. The results confirm the power contained in the ‘liminar gnosis’ or subaltern perspective that opens new horizons of analysis and action in a post-colonial world that put into question the metanarrative of modernity, responsible for the violence of the old and new colonialism. …”
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Thinking Translation as Cultural Contact: The Conceptual Potential of “Transculturación”
Published 2008-12-01“…The term, coined by the Cuban scholar Fernando Ortiz, has been taken up by critics such as Ángel Rama and, more recently, Gustavo Pérez Firmat, Mary Louise Pratt, and Walter Mignolo, to examine the dynamics of culture and the cultural dimension of center-periphery relations in Latin America. …”
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The roads of rage and ruin: contemporary art and its publics after the global
Published 2021-01-01“…I will do so through a reading of Walter Mignolo’s outline of five options for the future: decoloniality, rewesternization, reorientation of the Left, dewesternization, and spiritual reawakening. …”
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(Des) Coloniality of Power in 13 pueblos en defensa del agua, el aire y la tierra
Published 2018-01-01“…This concept, in accordance with Walter Mignolo, refers to the subordination of the knowledge and culture of subaltern and excluded groups that is a feature of Western modernity. …”
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A modernidade vista desde o Sul Global: três contribuições teóricas recentes
Published 2018-01-01“…Among those debates, the present work intends to present the contributions by Walter Mignolo, Kuan-Hsing Chen e Salman Sayyid, whose thought has set a series of theoretical problems not covered by European theories of modernity. …”
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(Re)Inventions of the Body in the Irreducible Liminarity of Samba:
Published 2024-01-01“…Based on the concepts proposed by Walter Mignolo, of liminal thought and irreducible colonial difference, of cruzo, intersections of Simas and Rufino, the interwovens between queer studies and local contexts of race and class are discussed. …”
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“You’ve Heard It Now:” Traveling Through Stories While Teaching Indigenous Studies at a Polytechnic University in California’s Central Coast
Published 2017-06-01“…Using Thomas King’s The Truth About Stories (2003), I argue that King’s predicament about storytelling, including the social and moral responsibilities that come with it, intersects with Walter Mignolo’s notion of “border thinking” and his overall theorization on decolonialialism. …”
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Challenges for an internationalization of higher education from and for the global south
Published 2022-09-01“…Archanjo & Barbosa, 2019) – a reference to Walter Mignolo’s thought on coloniality – hides mechanisms that maintain and reinforce power asymmetries and hierarchies between knowledges and people (Vavrus & Pekol, 2015), accordingly with their positioning within the historical worldsystem (Wallerstein, 2006). …”
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El sentido de comunalidad y la lucha del pueblo Mixe/ The meaning of communality and the struggle of the the Mixe people
Published 2017-07-01“…Retomaremos la propuesta de autores como: Enrique Dussel, Walter Mignolo, Aníbal Quijano y el indianismo de J.C. …”
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Fisonomía de la metafísica decolonial: lo damné , una identidad sin narración
Published 2013-01-01“…El presente artículo busca mostrar el esencialismo de la reflexión de Walter Mignolo en La idea de América Latina . Tal esencialismo no consiste en considerar a las comunidades subalternas puras o incontaminadas, ni a todos sus miembros (los damnés ) dotados de unos rasgos fijos y a históricos, sino en concebir la existencia de la memoria y la experiencia propias de lo damné , cuyos portadores sólo pueden surgir de entre los miembros de esas comunidades. esta forma de esencialismo es consecuencia del propósito de edificar una teoría capaz de alcanzar a la vez y con igual eficacia objetivos epistemológicos y políticos, y pone en discusión la relación entre identidad y narración.…”
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Performing the Bounds of Responsibility
Published 2021-10-01“…Albeit that there are many differences between the drivers of antisemitism and racism against Indigenous Australians, I investigate both of these racist structures through the lens of border-thinking as theorised by Walter Mignolo as a method of decolonisation (2006). The article has been formatted as an example of discursive border-crossing by juxtaposing theoretical ideas (particularly inspired by Zygmunt Bauman and Deborah Bird Rose) with interjections from my personal journal. …”
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Published 2002-01-01“…Los otros participantes en el panel eran Walter Mignolo, representando los estudios poscoloniales, Néstor García Canclini y John Kraniauskas, representando los estudios culturales, y Nelly Richard representando la llamada crítica cultural. …”
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Modernidade/colonialidade na literatura peruana:
Published 2023-12-01“…Ao revisitar a recepção crítica, as repercussões desse projeto no espaço literário peruano também são examinadas, no sentido das expressões e estratégias do sujeito migrante frente a matriz colonial do poder (Walter Mignolo) ou colonialidade (Aníbal Quijano). Aqui Simas e Rufino entram na gira para ajudar o artigo a dialogar com a perspectiva de cruzo no projeto arguediano. …”
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Anancy stories beyond the moralistic approach of the western philosophy of being / Los cuentos de Anancy más allá del enfoque de la filosofía occidental del ser
Published 2014-07-01“…There is placed special emphasis on Anancy and his relationship with other animals of the forest present in the stories collected by a group of Costa Rican researchers. Walter Mignolo’s concept of colonial and imperial differences, the notion of the trickster, Mikael Bakhtin’s carnival, the psychological theories of the id and humor are used to support the analysis. …”
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El tonto y los canallas. Notas para un republicanismo transmoderno
Published 2019-12-01“…Vinculado originalmente al grupo Modernidad/ Colonialidad y de forma general a la red de pensamiento decolonial (Walter Mignolo, Ramón Grosfoguel, Arturo Escobar, Enrique Dussel, Aníbal Quijano, Catherine Walsh, Rita Segato, etc.), Castro-Gómez ha construido una trayectoria intelectual diferenciada, y en este libro pretende tanto mostrarnos los problemas, las contradicciones y los desvaríos teórico-políticos en los que actualmente estaría naufragando el pensamiento decolonial, como esbozar algunas salidas posibles desde su personal posicionamiento intelectual... …”
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Epistemology and Domination: Problems with the Coloniality of Knowledge Thesis in Latin American Decolonial Theory
Published 2020-11-01“…I argue that the epistemological claims of four decolonial thinkers (Aníbal Quijano, Walter Mignolo, Enrique Dussel, Santiago Castro-Gómez) that make up the coloniality of knowledge thesis are problematic for several reasons: they are based on distorted and simplistic readings of Descartes, Hume and other Enlightenment figures; they make contentious generalizations about so-called Western epistemology; and they ultimately lead to epistemic relativism, which is a problematic basis for the social sciences and, contrary to decolonial aspirations, renders the subaltern unable to speak.…”
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Justiça acima de todos?
Published 2022-12-01“… RESUMO: O artigo parte da análise de conteúdo de matéria jornalística escrita por Fabiana Moraes que reflete sobre o racismo no judiciário pernambucano a partir da história de três homens negros acusados de envolvimento em furto de bicicleta de aplicativo de mobilidade urbana na cidade do Recife, correlacionando-a com o conceito analítico de Amefricanidade trazido por Lélia Gonzalez e as ideias de desobediência epistêmica e identidade em política de Walter Mignolo. Partindo desta análise que conecta conteúdo da reportagem com os conceitos elencados, são desenvolvidos apontamentos sobre a importância de se pautar o racismo estrutural presente no judiciário pernambucano e brasileiro. …”
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The school should educate for life: how education becomes reproduction, an instrument of a new colonization
Published 2022-10-01“…We will try to answer questions like this one from a critical analysis of the sociological thesis of Bour-dieu (1975; 1997) as well as decolonial proposals theorized by Quijano (2005) and Walter Mignolo (2008; 2020). Decolonial proposals, to overcome activities that enslave ways of being/thinking, can be summarized as follows: any discourse or activity that proposes to counteract old or restructured methods of controlling subjectivity. …”
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On the nature of botanical gardens; Decolonial aesthesis in Indonesian contemporary art
Published 2022-04-01“…This article provides a historical reading of the content matter of the artworks presented from a decolonial standpoint as conceptualized by Aníbal Quijano, Walter Mignolo, and María Lugones. The article will demonstrate that the artists have applied various strategies and methods to uncover, criticize, and decolonize botanical gardens and their role in empire-building, knowledge development, and the exploitation of nature. …”
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Arte Pará: etnografia e interpretação em um salão de artes visuais na Amazônia
Published 2019-04-01“…Parte integrante de uma pesquisa de doutorado, este recorte se baseia em premissas metodológicas sincrônicas e dialógicas, a partir de autores como Vincent Crapanzano e James Clifford, problematizados por aportes de pensamentos de Walter Mignolo, Eva Marxen, Beatriz Sarlo, Homi Bhabha e Johannes Fabian, dentre outros. …”
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