The essence of phenomenon of peace and the notion of peace building
Published 2018-01-01“…There is virtually no human activity that has not touched, in its own particular way - through commonsense, teleologically, mythically, epically, scientifically, intellectually, spiritually, with heart and soul, the questions and phenomena of war and peace because both peace and war are so crucially important for man, society and the overall humankind. …”
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Published 1988-09-01“…In the first, Louay Safi discusses war and peace in Islam, challenging the classical doctrines as issue-specific and incomprehensive. …”
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The business of peace and the politics of inclusion: What role for local 'licit' and 'illicit' business actors in peace mediation?
Published 2019“…Using case studies on Yemen (2011-2016) and Somaliland (1990-1997), this thesis demonstrates that both ‘licit’ and ‘illicit’ business actors play distinctly political roles in war to peace transitions, as: supporters and/or humanitarian aid providers (‘benefactors’); beneficiaries of the government and the war economy (‘profiteers’); mediators and peacemakers (‘intermediaries’); and, conflict actors or spoilers (‘agitators’). …”
Thesis -
Barriers Influencing Vaccine Development Timelines, Identification, Causal Analysis, and Prioritization of Key Barriers by KOLs in General and Covid-19 Vaccine R&D
Published 2021-04-01“…Prioritizing the impact of barriers in general, and in Covid-19 vaccine development, shows clear differences that can be used to inform policies to speed up development in both war and peace time.…”
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'Natuur, met kunst vereent' Historisch onderzoek naar de vroeg 18de-eeuwse situatie van de terrastuin van kasteel Neercanne
Published 1993-08-01“…These are dominated by the themes of war and peace. The trip through the landscape from Van Dopff's St. …”
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Il femminile nell’opera di Tolstoj
Published 2013-11-01“…Maybe, unconsciously pictured in War and Peace epilogue, the only portrait which resembles to the searched ideal is Nataša’s, which is bind to the memory of the maternal figure.…”
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Management and communication ideas in the late 17th – early 19th centuries
Published 2021-06-01“…These founders of the scientific discourse around the problems of power and state, war and peace, the effectiveness of government and communication in relations with the people laid the enduring foundations of the theoretical argumentation of two opposing views on the cardinal problem of our time – the possibility or impossibility of achieving mutually acceptable foundations of a new world order peacefully, excluding all types of hybrid wars. …”
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Inner Peace needs of male psychiatric patients in post-war Croatia are associated with their needs to clarify open issues in their life and their needs for forgiveness
Published 2023-09-01“…The best predictors of their PTSD symptoms were life satisfaction, perceived burden, depressive symptoms, Inner Peace needs, religious trust, and duration of war participation, explaining 60% of the variance.ConclusionIn Croatian male war participants in clinical treatment decades after the war, Inner Peace needs indicate their ongoing intention to let go of their disturbing experiences and to find states of inner peace, particularly at specific places of quietness and peace. …”
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Peaceful human coexistence in the Qur'an and the international human rights system
Published 2014-11-01“…The purpose of the peaceful coexistence of human beings transcends the issues of war, or peace versus war, and it is a method which includes cooperation with and benefaction to others. …”
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林奕华《城市三部曲》中城市/华人共同体的再现 = The representation of urban/Chinese community in Edward Lam's Urban Trilogy
Published 2012“…It included three living theatre known as Design for Living, Man and Woman War and Peace and Grand Expectations. The following thesis introduces the analysis of the strategy of cultural production, content and context of the performance and focus on the theory of Urban Community and Chinese Community, which derive from Imagined Community by Benedict Anderson, to narrate the concepts of imaginations of desire, gender, cultural, nation and homeland in urban.The concept of urban and Chinese community will let the audiences find their identities and values through the performance and let the shows successfully penetrate to Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and overseas Chinese community. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Respectus Philologicus, 2009 Nr. 16 (21)
Published 2009-10-01“…The Concepts of “War” and “Peace” in the Old Russian Language Picture of the World: The Genesis of Antonymous Relations...73 Olga N. …”
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Insurgent armies : explaining military loyalty after rebel victory
Published 2023Get full text
Academic theses. -
عروض مختصرة
Published 2015-10-01“… • The Shari'a and Islamic Criminal Justice in Time of War and Peace, M. Cherif Bassiouni, Cambridge University Press, October 2013, 405 pages. …”
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Econometric forecasting of academic management in the face of uncertainty regarding hostilities
Published 2023-12-01“…In doing so, it challenges the conventional binary view of conflicts as either war or peace, emphasizing the nuanced gradations that emerge over time. …”
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Sudão: entre a promessa de paz no sul e a incerteza da guerra no Darfur Sudan: between the promise of peace in the south and the uncertainty of war in Darfur
Published 2009-12-01“…Through a more rigorous analysis of the complexities of war and peace in Sudan, this paper aims at evaluating the recent developments of the peace process and understanding the challenges posed to the prospects of a more peaceful and prosperous future in the country.…”
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Civilizados, Bárbaros, Europeus Três homens de letras em face do inimigo - 1914-1925 Civilized, barbarians and Europeans Three intellectuals faced the enemy -1914-1925
Published 2005-07-01“…Taking into account the interest of cultural history in restoring the feelings to their rightful place in the construction of the past, this article proposes to follow the careers of three men of letters - André Gide, Jean Schlumberger, and Jacques Rivière - investigating how their life experiences led them to express hatred, producing diverse representations of the enemy at two moments of great commotion in France: the passage from peace to war, in August 1914, and, after victory, the return from war to peace in the period between wars that followed.…”
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La disputa por el reconocimiento de las víctimas en Colombia: Política, revictimización y ética
Published 2016-09-01“…</em></p><p align="justify"><em><strong>Keywords:</strong> social recognition, war victims, peace dialogues, political contest, Colombian armed conflict</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p align="justify"><em>Este artículo propone una reflexión sobre el reconocimiento social de las víctimas de la guerra en Colombia, en el marco de los diálogos de paz en La Habana, Cuba, entre el gobierno y la guerrilla de las Farc, dada la importancia que el reconocimiento tiene en el tratamiento de las responsabilidades frente a las víctimas. …”
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17.423 Causes and Prevention of War, Spring 2001
Published 2001“…Topics covered include: causes and consequences of national misperception; military strategy and policy as cause of war; US foreign policy as a cause of war and peace; and the likelihood and possible nature of another world war. …”
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عروض مختصرة
Published 2014-10-01“… • The Shari'a and Islamic Criminal Justice in Time of War and Peace, M. Cherif Bassiouni, Cambridge University Press, October 2013, 405 pages…”
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