Autonomous sensor network for rural agriculture environments, low cost, and energy self-charge
Published 2020“…The final target of this system is, therefore, to gather environment data, analyze it, and actuate by activating the watering installation. An analysis of the exposed agriculture monitoring system, in addition to results, is exposed in the paper.…”
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Near-bottom flow characteristics of currents at arbitrary angle to 2D ripples
Published 2013“…Implications of this feature, in terms of net sediment transport direction in combined wave-current flows in inner-shelf coastal waters, is discussed.…”
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Distribution of diverse nitrogen fixers in the global ocean
Published 2015“…In the model, the diazotroph analogs occupy warm subtropical and tropical waters, with higher concentrations and nitrogen fixation rates in the tropical Atlantic Ocean and the Arabian Sea/Northern Indian Ocean, and lower values in the tropical and subtropical South Pacific Ocean. …”
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Interactions between microbial community members
Published 2019“…With the exception of specific symbioticrelationships such as the Hawiian bobtail squid(Euprymna scolopes)andVibrio fischeri(McFall-Ngai,2014; Norsworthy and Visick, 2013; Schwartzman andRuby, 2016), there are very few examples of microorgan-isms present as a mono-cultures in natural systems.Indeed, most habitats, such as soils and marine waters,are represented by high species richness and this diver-sity is intrinsically linked to ecosystem function and pro-ductivity (Heidelberget al., 2010; Llad oet al., 2017).Further, this diversity of organisms is central to food websin the environment, which is predicated on the combinedactivity of individual organisms contributing to carbon cap-ture and mineralization, as well as other various nutrientcycles. …”
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Journal Article -
The anti-oxidant defense system of the marine polar ciliate euplotes nobilii : characterization of the msrb gene family
Published 2018“…Organisms living in polar waters must cope with an extremely stressful environment dominated by freezing temperatures, high oxygen concentrations and UV radiation. …”
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Journal Article -
Pengaruh lengas tanah terhadap aktivitas nitrat reduktase dan glutamin sintetase beberapa varietas kacang tanah=The influence of soil moisture on nitrate reductase and glutamine sy...
Published 2004“…The first factor was watering interval to the field capacity (FC), consisted 2 days interval (L1), 4 days interval(L2), 6 days interval(L3), 8 days interval(L4). …”
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Efficiency of Universal Barcode Gene (Coxi) on morphologically cryptic mugilidae fishes delineation
Published 2011“…To address the issue we used all the 95 barcode sequences of Mugilidae family available at NCBI (National Centre for Biotechnological Information) along with the barcode data generated from Mugilidae fishes of Parangipettai coastal waters. The average GC content of Mugilidae was found to be 46.46%. …”
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Published 2011“…One role of the Indonesian National Army Navy (TNI AL) is to safeguard and secure the jurisdiction of the territorial waters of Indonesia from all threats, whether the threat comes from internal of Indonesia and from abroad. …”
Thesis -
A critical review of state-of-the-art and emerging approaches to identify fracking-derived gases and associated contaminants in aquifers
Published 2018“…Secure retention of fluids (natural gas, saline formation waters, oil, HVHF fluids) during and after well stimulation is important to prevent unintended environmental contamination, and release of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. …”
Journal article -
Dancing the silent dhikr: Negotiating temporality and reciting litanies in the zapin dance in Maritime Southeast Asia
Published 2010“…Performed by Zapin dancers who are followers of Tariqat or 'way' of the sharia 'at, which literally means "the road to the watering place, " dancing the silent dhikr symbolizes the broad way in which the performer practitioners find way to travel and seek God. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
From ‘Mundu’ to Kidnapping For Ransom (KFR): evolution of maritime security threats in the East Coast of Sabah
Published 2020“…KFR is an abduction of individuals or groups of people for ransom that is rampant in Sabah’s east coast waters. The discussion in this paper will be divided to three parts, first, look at the history of piracy before 1963; second, piracy in the east coast of Sabah after 1963; and third, the emergence of KFR threat after the year of 2000. …”
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Dari ‘mundu’ Ke Penculikan Untuk Tebusan: Evolusi Ancaman Keselamatan Maritim Di Pantai Timur Sabah From ‘mundu’ To Kidnapping For Ransom (Kfr): Evolution Of Maritime Security Thr...
Published 2020“…KFR is an abduction of individuals or groups of people for ransom that is rampant in Sabah’s east coast waters. The discussion in this paper will be divided to three parts, first, look at the history of piracy before 1963; second, piracy in the east coast of Sabah after 1963; and third, the emergence of KFR threat after the year of 2000. …”
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Nutrient deficiencies impact on the cellular and metabolic responses of saxitoxin producing Alexandrium minutum: A transcriptomic perspective
Published 2023“…Dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum Halim is commonly associated with harmful algal blooms (HABs) in tropical marine waters due to its saxitoxin production. However, limited information is available regarding the cellular and metabolic changes of A. minutum in nutrient-deficient environments. …”
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Interspecific variation of heavy metal concentrations in the different tissues of tropical intertidal gastropods from Malaysia.
Published 2010“…The present study on interspecific variations of heavy metals in gastropods provided information on differences of metal distributions in the different tissues, which could be useful in proposing potential tissues as better biomonitoring tools of heavy metal bioavailabilities in the coastal waters of Peninsular Malaysia.…”
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Efficiency of universal barcode gene (Cox1) on morphologically cryptic Mugilidae fishes delineation.
Published 2011“…To address the issue we used all the 95 barcode sequences of Mugilidae family available at NCBI (National Centre for Biotechnological Information) along with the barcode data generated from Mugilidae fishes of Parangipettai coastal waters. The average GC content of Mugilidae was found to be 46.46%. …”
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Life history-related organotin body burden in the catadromous eels Anguilla marmorata and A. bicolor pacifica in Vietnam.
Published 2011“…In order to understand the ecological risks caused by organotin compounds (OTs) in diadromous fish migrating between sea and freshwater, tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPT) compounds, and their breakdown products, were determined in the catadromous eels Anguilla marmorata and A. bicolor pacifica, collected in Vietnam waters. Ontogenic changes in otolith strontium (Sr) and calcium (Ca) concentrations were examined along life history transects in order to determine habitat use in the eel. …”
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Antioxidant activities and phenolics content of eight species of seaweeds from north Borneo
Published 2008“…The antioxidant activity of eight edible species of Malaysian North Borneo seaweeds obtained from Sabah waters (Kudat, Tanjung Aru and Semporna) consisting of three red seaweeds (Eucheuma cottonii, E. spinosum and Halymenia durvillaei), two green seaweeds (Caulerpa lentillifera and C. racemosa) and three brown seaweeds (Dictyota dichotoma, Sargassum polycystum and Padina sp.) were determined. …”
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Cultural & nature-based tourism corridors: pilot project at Terengganu Darul Iman
Published 2008“…Kelantan Darul Naim is a state blessed with many touristic attractions, unique art activities, mouth-watering dishes, the oldest tropical rainforest and the friendly nature of its people. …”
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Monograph -
The Asean Charter: An Analysis
Published 2016“…When the Eminent Persons Group (EPG) representing each of the countries addressed two main issues related to the recommendations to reform the norm and principles of ASEAN as well as the rights of the member countries to be put into the Charter, the ASEAN leader were not very receptive with the concept of using consensus decision-making process to impose sanctions and changes. Therefore, a watered-down ASEAN Charter was adopted portraying the un-readiness of the member countries to diverge away from the ‘ASEAN Way’ that had been implemented for the past 40 years. …”
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China’s South China Sea Claims, The Historic Rights Debate and The Middle Approach of Islamic International Law
Published 2023“…The notion of historic rights forms the major basis to the claim by China to ‘islands’ in the South China Sea and the adjacent waters which are located within what is known as the nine-dash line. …”
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