AGN photoionization of gas in companion galaxies as a probe of AGN radiation in time and direction
Published 2018“…This parallels conclusions for luminous QSOs based on the proximity effect among Lyman α absorbers. In some galaxies, mismatch between spectroscopic classifications in the common BPT diagram and the intensity of weaker He II and [Ne V] emission lines highlights the limits of common classifications in low-metallicity environments.…”
Journal article -
Modeling the Atomic-to-molecular Transition in Cosmological Simulations of Galaxy Formation
Published 2021“…Most of these models rely on the surface density of neutral hydrogen and the ultraviolet (UV) flux in the Lyman-Werner band as input parameters. Computing these quantities on the kiloparsec scale resolved by the simulations emerges as the main challenge. …”
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ETHOS ‐ an effective theory of structure formation: Impact of dark acoustic oscillations on cosmic dawn
Published 2021“…This is an order of magnitude smaller comoving scales than currently constrained by other datasets, including the Lyman-α forest. Moreover, if a prospective 21-cm detection confirmed a deficiency of power at small scales, we show that ETHOS models with strong dark acoustic oscillations can be discriminated from the pure suppression of warm dark matter, showing the power of 21-cm data to understand the behavior of DM at the smallest physical scales.…”
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Illuminating the Cosmos: dark matter, primordial black holes, and cosmic dawn
Published 2024“…First, I have studied the signatures of exotic energy injection in various astrophysical and cosmological probes, including the Lyman-α forest, the blackbody spectrum of the cosmic microwave background, the power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background, and the formation of the earliest stars in our universe. …”
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Thesis -
Published 2015“…Their low stellar mass, low metallicity, and very high star formation rates make Green Peas the nearby (z ~ 0.2) analogs of the Lyman break galaxies which account for the bulk of the star formation in the early universe (z ~ 2-5). …”
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VIRUS: status and performance of the massively-replicated fiber integral field spectrograph for the upgraded Hobby-Eberly Telescope
Published 2018“…</p> <br/> <p>The main motivator for VIRUS is to map the evolution of dark energy for the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment (HETDEX‡), using 0.8M Lyman-alpha emitting galaxies as tracers. The VIRUS array has been undergoing staged deployment starting in late 2015. …”
Conference item -
Intense starbursts at z∼5: First significant stellar mass assembly in the progenitors of present-day spheroids
Published 2007“…We have performed a complete statistical study of the physical properties of a robust sample of z∼5 UV luminous galaxies selected using the Lyman-break technique. The characteristic properties of this sample differ from LBGs at z∼3 of comparable luminosity in that they are a factor of ten less massive (∼few109 M) and the majority (∼70%) are considerably younger (<100Myr). …”
Journal article -
A z = 5.34 galaxy pair in the Hubble deep field
Published 1998“…The system as a whole is slightly brighter than L*1500 relative to the z ∼ 3 Lyman break population, and the total star formation rate inferred from the UV continuum is ≈22 h-250 M⊙ yr-1 (q0 = 0.5) assuming the absence of dust extinction. …”
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Galaxies at high redshift and reionization
Published 2007“…Over the past 4 years, the Lyman break technique has been shown to be effective in isolating z ≈ 6 star-forming i′-drop galaxies through spectroscopic confirmation with large ground-based telescopes (Keck, Gemini and the ESO VLTs). …”
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The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: Cosmic star formation history since z ~ 5
Published 2017“…We find evidence of a potential underestimation of SFRD based on ultraviolet (UV) rest-frame observations of Lyman break galaxies at high redshifts (z ≳ 4) on the order of 15-20%, owing to appreciable star formation in highly dust-obscured galaxies, which might remain undetected in such UV observations.…”
Journal article -
A successful search for intervening 21 cm H I absorption in galaxies at 0.4 < z <1.0 with the Australian square kilometre array pathfinder (ASKAP)
Published 2020“…Our observations are sensitive to H I column densities typical of Damped Lyman Alpha absorbers (DLAs) in cool gas with an H I spin temperature below about 300–500 K. …”
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A lack of evolution in the very bright-end of the galaxy luminosity function from z ≃ 8-10
Published 2020“…Using a full photometric redshift fitting analysis applied to the ∼6 deg2 of imaging searched, we find 27 Lyman break galaxies (LBGs), including 20 new sources, with best-fitting photometric redshifts in the range 7.4 < z < 9.1. …”
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Feedback-regulated star formation and escape of LyC photons from mini-haloes during reionisation
Published 2017“…Using cosmological radiation-hydrodynamic simulations, we study star formation and the escape of Lyman continuum (LyC) photons from mini-haloes with Mhalo ≲ 10^8 M⊙. …”
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Illuminating the past 8 billion years of cold gas towards two gravitationally lensed quasars
Published 2016“…Given the sensitivity of our data, we find that our detection yield is consistent with the expected frequency of intervening H I systems estimated from previous surveys for 21-cm emission in nearby galaxies and z ∼ 3 damped Lyman α absorbers. We find spectral variability in the z = 0.886 face-on spiral galaxy towards PKS B1830−211 from observations undertaken with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope in 1997/1998 and ASKAP BETA in 2014/2015. …”
Journal article -
An 800-million-solar-mass black hole in a significantly neutral Universe at a redshift of 7.5
Published 2021“…We see strong evidence of absorption of the spectrum of the quasar redwards of the Lyman α emission line (the Gunn-Peterson damping wing), as would be expected if a significant amount (more than 10 per cent) of the hydrogen in the intergalactic medium surrounding J1342 + 0928 is neutral. …”
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ETHOS ‐ an effective theory of structure formation: Impact of dark acoustic oscillations on cosmic dawn
Published 2022“…This is an order of magnitude smaller comoving scales than currently constrained by other datasets, including the Lyman-α forest. Moreover, if a prospective 21-cm detection confirmed a deficiency of power at small scales, we show that ETHOS models with strong dark acoustic oscillations can be discriminated from the pure suppression of warm dark matter, showing the power of 21-cm data to understand the behavior of DM at the smallest physical scales.…”
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Published 2015“…In stars with [Fe/H] <–1.0, <[P/Fe]> = +0.04 ± 0.10, which overlaps with the [P/Fe] ratios found in several high-redshift damped Lyman-α systems. This behavior hints at a primary origin in massive stars.…”
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Spitzer imaging of i '-drop galaxies: old stars at z approximate to 6
Published 2005“…We had previously identified these galaxies in Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) / Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) images of Chandra Deep Field South through the 'i′-drop' Lyman-break technique, and subsequently confirmed the identification spectroscopically with the Keck telescope. …”
Journal article