Published 2015“…The narrow morphology of the ionization cone supports the scenario that an orientation bias contributes to the difficulty in detecting Lyman continuum emission from starbursts and Lyman break galaxies.…”
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Article -
The GLARE survey - II. Faint z approximate to 6 Ly alpha line emitters in the HUDF
Published 2007“…Possible explanations for this effect include a tendency towards stronger line emission in faint sources, which may arise from extreme youth or low metallicity in the Lyman-break population at high redshift, or possibly a top-heavy initial mass function. © 2007 RAS.…”
Journal article -
Galaxy Zoo Green Peas: Discovery of A Class of Compact Extremely Star-Forming Galaxies
Published 2009“…They are also similar to high redshift UV-luminous galaxies, e.g., Lyman-break galaxies and Lyman-alpha emitters, and therefore provide a local laboratory with which to study the extreme star formation processes that occur in high-redshift galaxies. …”
Journal article -
Unveiling the nature of bright z ≃ 7 galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope
Published 2017“…We present new Hubble Space Telescope/Wide Field Camera 3 (HST/WFC3) imaging of 25 extremely luminous (−23.2 ≤ MUV ≲ −21.2) Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) at z ≃ 7. The sample was initially selected from 1.65 deg2 of ground-based imaging in the UltraVISTA/COSMOS and UDS/SXDS fields, and includes the extreme Lyman α emitters, ‘Himiko’ and ‘CR7’. …”
Journal article -
The nature of HI absorbers in gamma-ray burst afterglows: clues from hydrodynamic simulations
Published 2010“…In recent work, we have shown that it is possible to link quantitatively many aspects of damped Lyman α (DLA) absorbers in the spectra of quasars to high-resolution simulations of galaxy formation. …”
Journal article -
Star-forming galaxies at z approximate to 8-9 from Hubble Space Telescope/WFC3: implications for reionization
Published 2011“…We present a search for galaxies at 7.6 < z < 9.8 using the latest Hubble Space Telescope/Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) near-infrared data, based on the Lyman-break technique. We search for galaxies which have large (Y-J) colours (the 'Y-drops') on account of the Lyman α forest absorption, and with (J-H) colours inconsistent with being low-redshift contaminants. …”
Journal article -
Constraints on Star Forming Galaxies at z> 6.5 from HAWK-I Y-band Imaging of GOODS-South
Published 2009“…We present the results of our search for high-redshift Lyman-break galaxies over the GOODS-South field. …”
Journal article -
The zoo as urban refuge : a transformation of Boston's Franklin Park Zoo
Published 2013Get full text
Thesis -
The impact on cosmology of a primordial scaling field
Published 1998“…We briefly discuss the dynamics of such a scalar field and its impact on Big Bang nucleosynthesis, the growth of large scale structure and abundance of damped Lyman$-\alpha$ systems at high redshift. Given the simplicity of the model, its theoretical motivation, and its success in matching observations, we argue that it should be taken on par with other currently viable models of structure formation.…”
Conference item -
The impact of galactic feedback on the circumgalactic medium
Published 2015“…All our simulations produce the observed number of Damped Lyman α Absorbers. At lower column density, several of our simulations produce enough Lyman Limit Systems (LLS) 100 kpc from the galaxy, but in all cases the LLS abundance falls off with distance faster than observations, with too few LLS at 200 kpc. …”
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Article -
The CALYMHA survey: Lyα luminosity function and global escape fraction of Lyα photons at z = 2.23
Published 2016“…We present the CAlibrating LYMan-α with Hα (CALYMHA) pilot survey and new results on Lyman α (Lyα) selected galaxies at z ∼ 2. …”
Journal article -
Star forming galaxies at z ≈ 6 and reionization
Published 2006“…The majority of these sources are likely to be z ≈ 6 galaxies whose flux decrement between the F775W i′-band and F850LP z′-band arises from Lyman-α absorption. We have shown with Keck/DEIMOS and Gemini/GMOS spectroscopy that this technique does indeed select high redshift galaxies, and we discovered Lyman-α emission in the expected redshift range for about a third of the galaxies with z′AB < 25.6 in the 150 arcmin2 of the GOODS-South field. …”
Journal article -
Galaxies in the first billion years: Implications for re-ionization and the star formation history at z>6
Published 2006“…We discuss the selection of star-forming galaxies at z6 through the Lyman-break technique. Spitzer imaging implies many of these contain older stellar populations (>200Myr) which produce detectable Balmer breaks. …”
Journal article -