Historical literacy competence as a type of media literacy among German language undergraduate students
Published 2019“…A class project called “Exploring World War II – A Historical Feature Film Project” with 7 historical feature films and face-to-face interviews was applied as the instrument in this study. …”
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Thesis -
History of moneylending during British era: A case study of Chettiars as the major money lenders
Published 2014“…Role of Chettiars became more prominent after the late nineteenth century on wards due to development of commercial economy such as rubber and tin under British laissez faire policy in the Malay states.Yet, neither banking nor British credit facilities could cater/accommodate the fast growing commercial economy in Malay states.Thus, the local and Asian capitalists relied on loans from Chettiar for their investments to open up thick virgin jungles for rubber cultivation and tin mining.Large capital and liberal lending methods resulted Chettiars to be known as leading money lenders in the Malay States.Through moneylending activities, Chettiars also played other roles in the socioeconomy development of Malaya.However, borrowing became rife especially among the small capitalists (farmers, tin miners and petty traders) and low income civil servants during the recession period and reached alarming stage whereby British realized the need to curb money lending activities of Chettiars.Thus, British implemented laws and administrative regulations which were later on proof to be unsuccessful until World War II. After the Japanese occupation, British became more tactful towards Chettiars until more stringent law was enforced to control money lending activities in Malaya. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The Loss Of Identity In Emily Bronte‘S Wuthering Heights and K. S. Maniam‘S The Return in relation to communication issues: A critical analysis
Published 2021“…The Post-world War II was the period of an act to ask for decolonisation and freedom of nations, which were hitherto under colonial rule. …”
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Thesis -
History and development of documentary production in Malaysia
Published 2007“…The purpose of this paper is to unveil some of the history and development of documentary programme making in Malaysia, from the establishment of the Malaysian Film Unit (currently known as Filem Negara Malaysia) by the British colonials office in 1946 after the World War II until the period of commercialisation of television stations in Malaysia. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Iran’s foreign policy towards the United States during the Khatami Presidency, 1997-2005
Published 2016“…During World War II, Iran had a close relationship with the US. …”
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Thesis -
Fairy tales and allegory of Malay(si)an Chinese literature in the early stage of the cold war (1946-1965)
Published 2021“…Shortly after the end of World War II, the Cold War kicked off. During this time the capitalist and socialist countries headed by the United States and the Soviet Union respectively formed opposing camps. …”
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Thesis -
The Philippine view of the first Hari Merdeka as reported in Philippine newspapers
Published 2014“…Malaya at the time of its independence was the one of world’s leading supplier of rubber and the largest producer of tin.The Philippines on the other hand achieved its independence eleven years earlier.By `1957 it had a population of more than 20 million people.The Philippines was struggling from the problem of post World War II reconstruction and like Malaya it was fighting a serious communist insurgency led by the Hukbong Magpalaya ng Bayan (HMB).1 Massive military and economic aid from the United States kept the rebellion at bay and military operations and government reformed weakened the movement by 1955.It was still however a serious threat.At the time of Malaya’s independence in 1957 the Philippines was headed by President Carlos P. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The Camouflage That Grapples Our Perception
Published 2021“…During World War 2, airplanes designers and engineers were researching on how to best strengthen their warplanes so that it won’t doom easily as a result of enduring the multitude hits from the enemy’s planes.…”
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UMPSA News -
The repressed trauma of a devoted English butler in The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro
Published 2019“…In his 1989 Booker Prize winning novel, The remains of the day, Ishiguro portrays the main character, a butler named Stevens, who works under an aristocrat whom he highly respects which he later finds out had supported the Nazis during World War Two. The text is laden with Steven’s gradual acceptance of how his mentor eventually fails him and also how he denies himself of happiness in the pursuit of his career. …”
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Article -
Varsities must be drivers of innovation and progress
Published 2008“…Among its objectives was to create close collaborative links among institutions of higher education after the ravages of World War 2. Sixty years later, the IAU has congregated again at its "birthplace" in the University of Utrecht to reaffirm its original objectives.…”
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Article -
Germ Warfare and the Zero-Sum Game
Published 1995“…While there is as yet no report of largescale use of germs as weapons, lately, there is evidences to indicate that germs warfare did take place towards the end of World War Two. Biological warfare is banned under the Geneva Protocol of 1925. …”
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Article -
Salina: the story of a "noble" prostitute
Published 2009“…Generally, these articles and studies find Salina's plot to centre on the protagonist Siti Salina, a 'noble prostitute' who lives in Singapore during World War Two. Because of this focus, the presence of Siti Salina is the cause of a lingering controversy. …”
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Article -
The impact of Japanese occupation in the writings of Malaysian Indian writers
Published 2017“…The Japanese occupation in Malaya from 1942 -1945 during the World War Two has scarred the lives of many people. The victims and their descendents were haunted by the memories of the Japanese atrocities for decades. …”
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Article -
The implications of cold war on Malaysia state building process
Published 2009“…Malaysia was no exception in being affected by the turmoil the international world, particularly after the World War 2, due to ideological conflicts. Based on the domino theory, the ups and downs of particular country in terms of its, strong ideology, brings about network impacts to each country in the world. …”
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Article -
The rong ngeng of the Andaman Coast: History, ecology, and the preservation of a traditional performing art
Published 2020“…This article examines recent grassroots strategies for preserving traditional performing arts along southern Thailand’s Andaman Sea Coast, focusing on rong ngeng, an idiomatic form of social dance and music, widely popular there in the post-World War Two years. Between 1935 and 1960 a small, mixed cohort of rural performing artists created networks of communities, scattered on Thai-Andaman, with a distinctive regional culture based in the shared repertoire of songs and dances they adapted, created an innovative lyrical style called phleng tanyong (Tanyong song), and a star system that turned village performers into local celebrities (Ross 2017, 68). …”