Shou / Tomonari Tsuchiya
Published 2017“…This event is part of the World Music History Lecture Series organized by Dr Sharifah Faizah Syed Mohammed.…”
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Ciccolini / Tomonari Tsuchiya
Published 2017“…This event is part of the World Music History Lecture Series organized by Dr Sharifah Faizah Syed Mohammed.…”
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Sawari : Transcending traditional Japanese sounds in western music / Tamonari Tsuchiya
Published 2017“…This event is part of the World Music History Lecture Series organized by Dr Sharifah Faizah Syed Mohammed.…”
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Sawari : Transcending traditional Japanese sounds in western music / Tamonari Tsuchiya
Published 2017“…This event is part of the World Music History Lecture Series organized by Dr Sharifah Faizah Syed Mohammed…”
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Published 2019-03-01“…The article analyzes the phenomenon of the Italian language in the world music tradition and Italian songs in the world cultural history. …”
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Questionnaire for the lecturing TOMO 3 : Sawari : Transcending traditional Japanese sounds in western music / Tamonari Tsuchiya
Published 2017“…This event is part of the World Music History Lecture Series organized by Dr Sharifah Faizah Syed Mohammed…”
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Teaching Resource -
Introduction. Son, musique et violence
Published 2020-03-01“…Listening can become a tool for exploration of, engagement with and sensorial knowledge of the world. Music can be a device for projecting, framing and preparing for confrontation with the enemy. …”
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Introduction. Sound, Music and Violence
Published 2020-03-01“…Listening can become a tool for exploration of, engagement with and sensorial knowledge of the world. Music can be a device for projecting, framing and preparing for confrontation with the enemy. …”
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Questionnaire for the lecturing TOMO 2 : Sawari : Transcending traditional Japanese sounds in western music / Tamonari Tsuchiya
Published 2017“…This event is part of the World Music History Lecture Series organized by Dr Sharifah Faizah Syed Mohammed…”
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Звуки музыки как средство открытия нового мира в избранных рассказах А.П. Чехова
Published 2012-06-01“…Chekhov succeeded in portraying different sides of the human beings’ inner world. Music provided inspiration for the emergence of A. …”
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Published 2007-05-01“…The organizing of the musical education continued the stated traditions in sing the best achievements of national and world music culture. Different forms and methods of music-aesthetic upbringing of the youth were used with the aim of forming a personality and professional training of a teacher of Music. …”
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Folklore motives in the early compositions of Nikola Borota - Radovan
Published 2014-01-01“…The creative work of Nikola Borota - Radovan (musician, composer, lyricist, arranger and record producer, based in New Zealand - formerly from Yugoslavia) held a specific place in development of world music (poly)genre in his native homeland in the early 1970s. …”
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Marimba de chonta y poscolonialidad musical
Published 2007-01-01“…La cara poscolonial de estos imaginarios se encuentra en discursos como el multiculturalismo y la world music que obligan a las músicas tradicionales a debatirse entre la inclusión y la exclusión, el deseo y el rechazo.…”
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Hudební preference vysokoškolské mládeže ve vztahu k minimal music
Published 2008-02-01“… Příspěvek shrnuje výsledky a interpretace výzkumné sondy, která sledovala hudební preference vysokoškolské mládeže ve vztahu k minimal music a jí blízkým žánrům v oblasti artificiální a nonartificiální hudby (etnická hudba, world music, new age, taneční hudba apod.). Vztah mladých lidí k minimal music byl interpretován na základě hodnocení třinácti ukázek třemi soubory respondentů v sémantickém diferenciálu. …”
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Marimba de chonta y poscolonialidad musical
Published 2007-04-01“…La cara poscolonial de estos imaginarios se encuentra en discursos como el multiculturalismo y la world music que obligan a las músicas tradicionales a debatirse entre la inclusión y la exclusión, el deseo y el rechazo.…”
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On End-to-End White-Box Adversarial Attacks in Music Information Retrieval
Published 2021-07-01“…Furthermore, we show the potential of adversarial attacks being a security issue in MIR by artificially boosting playcounts through an attack on a real-world music recommender system.…”
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Hibridismo no mercado da música e a articulação das identidades
Published 2014-01-01“…This process is clearly noticed at the level of social relations, which are analyzed here on the basis of descriptions of musicians found in catalogues of a World Music international trade fair. These descriptions show that social actors can now articulate identities hoping for a symbolic gain. …”
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Творчі настанови народно-інструментальних ансамблів у культурному просторі Харкова другої половини XX – початку XXI ст....
Published 2023-09-01“…Виявлено притаманні їм ознаки: варіабельність форм і складів, віртуозність, новаційне розширення органологічних, тембрових, фактурних, техніко-виконавських параметрів; інтенсивна апробація світової та національної класики, оригінальних творів сучасних українських митців; значущість автентичних настанов і фольклорної домінанти репертуару, академізації та утвердження нових звукообразів народних інструментів, тембрових експериментів та театралізації виконавства, естетики world music і кроссоверу; синтез виконавської, композиторської, науково-дослідницької, педагогічно-методичної діяльності його представників. …”
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Meintjes, Louise. 2003. Sound of Africa! Making Music Zulu in a South African Studio. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 335 pp.
Published 2003-03-01“…In the wake of Paul Simon's Graceland collaborations, accomplished studio musicians and eth-nically identified groups like Ladysmith Black Mambazo gained access to the burgeoning world music market. At the same time, however, a violent upsurge of Zulu ethnic nationalism threatened the negotiated transition from white minority rule to nonracial democratic elections. …”
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German-language Popular Music Studies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Published 2011-01-01“…Nevertheless, there is no big gap between the issues of popular music research in Germany and in the predominant Anglo-American academic discourses, due to central themes concerning popular music that bridge the frontiers of nation-states and national culture, such as globalisation, world music, or performance and media studies.…”
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