Published 2020-12-01“…Differences between males and females were found for Total length (TL) x Carapace length (CL) and TL x Total weight (TW) and negative allometries (b<3) were found for all relationships. …”
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Allometric convergence in savanna trees and implications for the use of plant scaling models in variable ecosystems.
Published 2013-01-01“…When we compare empirical scaling exponents to the theoretical predictions from the three models we find MST predictions are most consistent with our observed allometries. In those situations where observations are inconsistent with MST we find that departure from theory corresponds with expected tradeoffs related to disturbance and competitive interactions. …”
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La croissance et de développement corporel de la naissance à la maturité dans la race ovine iranienne Mehraban à queue grasse
Published 1995-02-01“…L'application de l'allométrie aux caractères mesurés a été examinée en vue d'établir des courbes de croissance plus précises. …”
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Modelling Variable Fire Severity in Boreal Forests: Effects of Fire Intensity and Stand Structure.
Published 2016-01-01“…We integrated forest sample plot data, tree allometries and historical forest fire records within a diameter class-structured model of 1.0 ha patches of mono-specific black spruce and jack pine stands in northern Québec, Canada. …”
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Root-shoot growth and time to transplant of different lettuce genotypes during nursery
Published 2021-07-01“…The significant leaf area and dry weight accumulation found could be explained by growth parameters such as the rate of leaf appearance, the relative rate of leaf area expansion, the relative growth rate, the net assimilation rate and the partition coefficient from root: shoot allometries. Highlights Root restriction due to small plugs in transplant trays delay lettuce transplant. …”
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Les objectifs et les critères de sélection : Les aptitudes bouchères : croissance, efficacité alimentaire et qualité de la carcasse
Published 1992-12-01“…Cet article rappelle un certain nombre de données de base sur les aptitudes bouchères : courbe de croissance, évolution de la composition chimique et tissulaire chez l’animal en croissance (notion d’allométrie), énergétique de la croissance (relation entre efficacité alimentaire et croissance musculaire), développement des tissus musculaire et adipeux, qualités de la viande et du gras. …”
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Combination of UAV Photogrammetry and Field Inventories Enables Description of Height–Diameter Relationship within Semi-Arid Silvopastoral Systems
Published 2023-11-01“…A linear relationship between UAV and extracted H and the maximum DBH of pollarded trees explained a notable part of the variation in maximum DBH (R<sup>2</sup> = 0.56), and more complex and well-known nonlinear allometries were also evaluated, for which the accuracies were in the same range as the linear model. …”
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Deriving Tree Size Distributions of Tropical Forests from Lidar
Published 2021-01-01“…Our methodology, further tested at additional sites, provides a useful approach to determine the tree size distribution of forests by integrating information on tree allometries.…”
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Tree biomechanics: a study of the mechanical stability of broadleaf trees
Published 2019“…This process alters local height-diameter allometries and so influences forest carbon stocks. …”
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Impacts of pH on the Fitness and Immune System of Pacific White Shrimp
Published 2021-10-01“…We found that, even though there were no significant effects on fitness parameters (survival, growth and allometries between length and weight), some immune markers were modified under low pH. …”
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Body size and body volume distribution in two sauropods from the Upper Jurassic of Tendaguru (Tanzania)
Published 1999-01-01“…Basierend auf den so gemessenen Körpermassendaten wurden anschließend einige wichtige funktionell-morphologische Größen für eine paläophysiologische Rekonstruktion dieser Sauropoden mit Hilfe der Allometrie berechnet. Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse sind u. a. wichtig für die Rekonstruktion eines Ökosystems im oberen Jura von Ostafrika.doi:10.1002/mmng.1999.4860020106…”
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Cancer as a Model System for Testing Metabolic Scaling Theory
Published 2021-10-01“…Biological allometries, such as the scaling of metabolism to mass, are hypothesized to result from natural selection to maximize how vascular networks fill space yet minimize internal transport distances and resistance to blood flow. …”
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Assessing the Performance of a Handheld Laser Scanning System for Individual Tree Mapping—A Mixed Forests Showcase in Spain
Published 2023-02-01“…This study is one of the first HLS-based studies conducted in the Mediterranean mixed forest region, where variability in tree allometries and spacing and the presence of natural regeneration pose challenges for the HLS approach. …”
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Published 2019-03-01“…Nationally developed allometries (Alvarez et al., 2012) were used to estimate AGB. …”
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Body size and body volume distribution in two sauropods from the Upper Jurassic of Tendaguru (Tanzania)
Published 1999-01-01“…Basierend auf den so gemessenen Körpermassendaten wurden anschließend einige wichtige funktionell-morphologische Größen für eine paläophysiologische Rekonstruktion dieser Sauropoden mit Hilfe der Allometrie berechnet. Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse sind u. a. wichtig für die Rekonstruktion eines Ökosystems im oberen Jura von Ostafrika. …”
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Covariación ontogénica en el endocráneo de Pan troglodytes / Ontogenetic covariation in the endocranium of Pan troglodytes
Published 2014-04-01“…Through their configuration, centroid size and Procrustes coordinates were obtained, and Principal Components Analysis, regression, correlation, ANOVA and Goodall’s F-test were performed in order to evaluate size and shape changes against age and allometries. The results indicated that significant morphological ontogenetic shape changes are highly integrated and they occur up to the late ontogeny: elongation of the vault and the base, separation of the foramen magnum and the cribiform plate, retroflection of the basicranial angle, and descent of the temporal poles. …”
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Covariación ontogénica en el endocráneo de Pan troglodytes / Ontogenetic covariation in the endocranium of Pan troglodytes
Published 2014-04-01“…Through their configuration, centroid size and Procrustes coordinates were obtained, and Principal Components Analysis, regression, correlation, ANOVA and Goodall’s F-test were performed in order to evaluate size and shape changes against age and allometries. The results indicated that significant morphological ontogenetic shape changes are highly integrated and they occur up to the late ontogeny: elongation of the vault and the base, separation of the foramen magnum and the cribiform plate, retroflection of the basicranial angle, and descent of the temporal poles. …”
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