Published 2010“…Analysis reveals that of the three distinct dimensions of OCB, only one (consisting of altruism and courtesy items) has influences on both measures of student peiformance (i.e., productivity and cumulative grade point average). …”
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An exploratory analysis of organizational citizenship behaviour factor structure among employees in hotel industry / Shaiful Annuar Khalid and Hassan Ali
Published 2005“…Factor analysis of OCB items based on self-ratings (non manager employees) resulted in six dimensions, named as altruism, courtesy, conscientiousness, sportsmanship, effort expended and civic virtue. …”
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Detecting kin selection at work using inclusive fitness.
Published 2007“…A recent model shows that altruism can evolve with limited migration and variable group sizes, and the authors claim that kin selection cannot provide a sufficient explanation of their results. …”
Journal article -
What’s love got to do with it? An experimental test of household models in East Uganda.
Published 2006“…While the absence of altruism is rejected, we find evidence for opportunism. …”
Working paper -
Detecting kin selection at work using inclusive fitness
Published 2007“…A recent model shows that altruism can evolve with limited migration and variable group sizes, and the authors claim that kin selection cannot provide a sufficient explanation of their results. …”
Journal article -
Published 2016“…This ‘complex problem of cluelessness’ is vivid and pressing, in particular, in the context of Effective Altruism. This motivates a more thorough examination of the precise nature of cluelessness, and the precise source of the associated phenomenology of discomfort in forced-choice situations. …”
Journal article -
Duchenne smiles and the perception of generosity and sociability in faces
Published 2007“…Therefore the Duchenne marker shows some specificity to judgements of altruism and sociability. © 2007 Akadmiai Kiad.…”
Journal article -
Does market competition motivate corporate social responsibility? Insight from Malaysia
Published 2020“…This study aims to examine the role of product market competition on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by engaging altruism and utilitarianism views. Using dynamic Generalized Method of Moment panel regression for 524 Malaysian non-financial industry listed companies from 2010 to 2016, we find that firms in a more competitive environments increase their CSR activities. …”
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Giving in an Islamic perspective
Published 2020“…This study also refers to a conventional theory such as Altruism, Socially Consumer Behaviour, and Social Exchange Theory. …”
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Relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and job performance among engineers
Published 2015“…OCB is deemed as it is able to enhance the trait of job performance. Altruism, conscientiousness, courtesy, sportsmanship, and civic virtues as dimensions of OCB have been recognized to influence job performance. …”
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The effect of individual motivational factors towards knowledge sharing at small and medium enterprises
Published 2017“…The analysis results confirmed that trust, self-efficacy, altruism, self-motivation and enjoyment were significant factors influencing knowledge sharing. …”
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The relationship of workplace spirituality on organizational citizenship behaviour
Published 2018“…While, organizational citizenship behaviour has been measured using five dimensions, which altruism, courtesy, civic virtue, conscientiousness, and sportsmanship. …”
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Development and validation of the green customer citizenship behaviour measurement
Published 2019“…The components of activist behaviour are green advocacy and green altruism, whereas the components of non-activist behaviour are green affiliation and green advisory. …”
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Public views of and reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic in England: a qualitative study with diverse ethnicities
Published 2022-08-01“…Data were transcribed and analysed through inductive thematic analysis.Setting England and Wales, June to October 2020.Participants 100 participants from 19 diverse ‘self-identified’ ethnic groups.Results Dismay, frustration and altruism were reported across all ethnic groups during the first 6–9 months of the COVID-19 pandemic. …”
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Increasing engagement of Hispanics/Latinos in clinical trials on Alzheimer's disease and related dementias
Published 2022-01-01“…Knowing the high prevalence of ADRD in Latinos increases willingness to participate. Observing altruism from researchers increases willingness to participate. …”
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Motivation for public service : perspective of self-determination theory (SDT)
Published 2017“…It was proposed in 1990 as a major research theme in public administration within the scope of altruism. PSM refers to people’s commitment to public interest, compassion, and interest in policy making. …”
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Thesis -
Inclusive Fitness Affects Both Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior: Target Gender and Insult Domain Moderate the Link between Genetic Relatedness and Aggression
Published 2012-10-01“…Drawing on inclusive fitness theory ( Hamilton, 1964 ) and the Kinship, Acceptance, and Rejection Model of Altruism and Aggression (KARMAA; Webster, 2008 ; Webster et al., 2012 ), we designed a 2 (participant gender) × 2 (target gender) × 2 (insult: status vs. reproductive) × 3 (relatedness: stranger vs. cousin vs. sibling) between-person experiment in which 489 participants (a) read vignettes in which a stranger, cousin, or sibling was insulted and (b) reported their emotional reaction and retaliation likelihood (six-item α= .91) in response to the insult. …”
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Budaya, Agama, dan Makna Volunterisme bagi Kader Warga Peduli AIDS di Kota Bandung
Published 2019-12-01“…This study finds that WPA Kader derived their motive of action from religious and cultural values, and their action is a combination of altruism and self-interest to pursue their personal spiritual satisfaction. …”
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Exploring Motivations and Benefits of Volunteering: The Perspectives of High School Students in Selected Australian Islamic Schools
Published 2023-04-01“…The findings demonstrate that students were motivated to volunteer because of intrinsic religious reasons, self-satisfaction and development, altruism, knowledge and skill-based enhancement, social motives, employment-based motives, and inspiring parents’ motive. …”
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Title not available
Published 2020-12-01“…These 5 factors are called Altruism, Worry, Raising no Objection, Avoidance and Guiltiness. …”
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