Who does (not) belong to the jihadis’ umma? A comparison of IS’s and al Qaida’s use of takfīr to exclude people from the Muslim community.
Published 2017-12-01“…The Islamic State uses the concept of excommunication (takfīr) to legitimise violence against four categories of Sunnis: (1) Muslim rulers, who do not rule according to the sharia; (2) Islamist parties that take part in democratic elections; (3) Muslim rebels questioning the authority of a ruler; and (4) other jihadis who come to the defence of Sunnis who are declared apostates by IS. Whereas al Qaida agrees in the excommunication of the first two categories, it heavily criticises IS for excluding the third and fourth categories of people from the Islamic society (umma), accuses IS of leaning towards extremism (ghulū) and provoking a division of the society (fitna). …”
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The Spoken Word, the Book and the Image in the Work of Evangelization
Published 2017-06-01“…Little is known about the ‘material’ equipment of the early missionaries who set out to evangelize pagans and apostates, since the authors of the sources focused mainly on the successes (or failures) of the missions. …”
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Hadis Nabi Dalam Politik Kekuasaan: Studi Pemaknaan Hadis Nabi Perspektif Kekuasaan
Published 2022-08-01“…On the other hand, disobeying power means disobeying Allah (ka>fir), zindiq, apostates, and even atheists…”
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«Сonfitentium dignitas, a desertoribus et profugis recessisse»: Novatian’s schism
Published 2017-12-01“…The split arose after the persecution of Decius (249-251) as a result of the confrontation between the moderate party led by Pope Cornelius and the devotional party of the Roman community led by Novatian on the question of repentance for the apostates. The schism quickly moved beyond Italy, and Cyprian of Carthage, Dionysius of Alexandria and the bishops of other centers of the Mediterranean joined the controversy. …”
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Pendekatan Istishlāhi dalam Ijtihad Abu Bakar Al-Shiddiq
Published 2017-06-01“…The ishtishlahi approach in ijtihad Abu Bakr as-Siddiq can be seen in the case of possibility of collecting the Koran, the establishment of financial and judicial institutions, fighting the apostates and anti-zakat. In such cases, it is concluded that ijtihad cannot be performed by one method alone; it takes many approaches that ultimately leads to the consideration of public benefits. …”
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Published 2016-06-01“…This strategy include increased communication with community members, religious dialogue with Christians, apostates relatives empowerment, inviting apostates in Islamic studies, shelter and guidance apostate children, as well as the provision of compensation and reward. …”
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Christian-Jewish Polemics in the 2nd–3rd centuries and Necromancy (Mart. Pionii 13–14)
Published 2015-12-01“…It was necessary both for those who resisted in the time of persecution and for apostates. Pionios said that forced apostasy was the venial sin, but voluntary avoidance of true faith is deadly sin.…”
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On the issue of punishment for apostasy in islamic law
Published 2023-08-01“…In this regard, it seems relevant to us to conduct a study on the issue of bringing an apostate to justice. The purpose of the research is to argue the judgment that, from the point of view of the basic principles of Islamic law, the use of coercion in matters of religious self-determination is unacceptable. …”
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Juliana Apostaty mit o Heliosie
Published 2010-07-01“… The present paper is a brief study on Julian the Apostate’s religion with the detailed analysis of the so called Helios myth being a part of his speech Against Heraclius (Or. …”
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Tāhā Jābir al-ʻalwānī’s viewpoint on apostasy : an analytical study from Bangladesh perspective
Published 2021“…However,‘Alwānī said putting an apostate to death is opposite of the Qurʼānic viewpoint, Prophetic tradition and his rightly guided Caliphs. …”
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TASAWUF WUJŪDIYYAT: Tinjauan Ulang Polemik Penyesatan Hamzah Fansūrī oleh Shaykh Nūr al-Dīn al-Ranīrī
Published 2018-09-01“…This shows that categorizing Hamzah Fansuri and his understanding as apostates is a misleading accusation. Abstrak: Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk meninjau kembali polemik antara Hamzah Fansūrī Syekh dan Nūr al-Din al-Ranīrī tentang kesesatan tasawuf Wujūdiyyat Hamzah Fansūrī yang diungkapkan oleh Nūr al-Din al-Ranīrī. …”
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Do Shia-Sunni Tensions Affect Iranian-Saudi Relations?
Published 2023-06-01“…The author concludes that criticism of Saudi Arabia has lost its religious connotation and Tehran does not position its confrontation with Riyadh as a fight against the enemies of Islam or apostates. The traditional epithets classifying their holders as supporters of the forces of darkness and actively used against the Western countries and Israel are not cited by critics of the Saudi dynasty. …”
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ANALISIS YURIDIS TERHADAP PUTUSAN HAKIM KARENA ISTERI BERPINDAH AGAMA (Studi Kasus Putusan Perkara Nomor 514/ Pdt.G/2007/PA.Smn, Perkara Nomor 18/Pdt.G/2008/PTA Yk, dan Putusan Nom...
Published 2012“…From the results showed that the legal basis used religious court to decide a divorce for reason apostates are correct. Having been in accordance with applicable regulations, although in the rules or the Act has not been detailed explicitly regulate how the divorce due to religious reasons to convert.…”
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Procès inquisitorial contra el castellà d'Amposta Fra Pedro Roiç de Moros a la cúria pontificia del papa Benet XIII (I414-1418)
Published 2002-06-01“…A l'Arxiu de la Corona d'Aragó de Barcelona es conserva el procés original instruït per un tribunal de cardenals creat pel papa Benet XIII l'any 1414 per jutjar el Castella d'Amposta, l'hospitaler Fra Pedro Roiç de Moros, acusat de crims greus —concubinat, bandositats, recepció d’apòstates, perjuri i fabricació de moneda falsa, mala administració dels bens de la Castellania, comissió d'excessos contra els seus vassalls, dilapidado de bens i abando del patrimoni moble i immoble—, crims pels quais fou condemnat perdent la dignitat de Castella. …”
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Published 2015-01-01“…In this case, the Hanafiyah scholars still allow non-Muslims to act as ad} h} in but not the apostate. Because apostates, as explained in fiqh, should be locked up. …”
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The Category of Neighbourhood in Islamic Modernism of Yugoslavia. "Fetve" of Husein Đozo
Published 2015-12-01“…According to the analysed exegetical and juridical Islamic sources, the neighbourhood category is based on freedom and mutual respect and can be shared by Muslims, atheists and apostates from Islam to atheism. In consequence the text shows that the non-trespassable border of an inherent to each of the neighbour units culture, forms a central neighbourhood-defining category. …”
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Cerai Gugat Akibat Murtad (Studi Putusan Pengadilan Agama Palu No: 0249/Pdt.G/2016/PA.Pal)
Published 2017-04-01“…Marriage can be over when one of the parties becomes apostate in which apostate may cause problems of housewifery. …”
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Liability for apostasy in islamic criminal law
Published 2013-12-01“…There are various in the article opinions concerning the property confiscation of apostate. The misconducts are described after commiting which Muslim becomes a apostate.…”
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A new approach to keratoconus detection based on corneal morphogeometric analysis.
Published 2017-01-01“…Significant correlations in keratoconus group were found between Aant and Apost (r = 0.836), Amctant and Amctpost (r = 0.983), and Dmctant and Dmctpost (r = 0.954, all p<0.001). …”
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Hukm Washiyyah al-Muslim wa Shihhatuha li Ghair al-Muslim: Dirasah Muqaranah Bayna al-Fiqh al-Islami wa Qanun al-Washiyyah fi Majmu’ al-Ahkam al-Islamiyyah al-Indunisiyyah
Published 2023-02-01“…The debate of Jurisprudence scholars on law and validity of the will of a Muslim to a non-Muslim in the area of harbi, musta’min, and apostate. Whether a will is valid or not depends on the fulfillment of its pillars and conditions. …”
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