Design and construction of a new coaxial high voltage fast impulse current transducer
Published 2003“…The measurement of current impulses in this range is highly influenced by the circuit arrangement and measurement transducer characteristics. …”
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Monograph -
Effect of central pile in increasing the bearing capacity of bored pile groups
Published 2006“…The study outlines the behaviour of 9-pile groups arranged in a doubly symmetric [square] layout with different embedment lengths and pile spacing in medium dense dry sand [normal] and dense dry sand [compacted] around the piles.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Penyusunan semula proses pendaftaran hakmilik
Published 2004“…However, this process involves a lengthy cycle time which in turn affects the flow of other activities. The arrangement of activities involved in the flow of the work process has been identified the causal problem. …”
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Thesis -
Investigation of angular distribution on copper ions using faraday cup technique
Published 2009“…The angular distribution of ejected ions species were collected by a developed Faraday cup. The cups were arranged radialy at the range of angles from 5o to 90o with two radiuses of 5 cm and 10 cm. …”
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Article -
Development and performance evaluation of a prototype electric hybrid powertrain system for automotive applications
Published 2005“…The aims are to achieve even lower exhaust emissions, better fuel economy and better performance than the conventional arrangement, demonstrating an alternative solution to the conventional power plant. …”
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Article -
Gas Adsorption Characteristics of Metal Exchanged Zeolite
Published 2004“…Zeolites consist of alumina-silica structures of nano-sized cavities with different sizes and arrangement. In recent years, numerous studies have been conducted on the capability of zeolites as adsorbents in adsorptive gas storage (ANG) and gas separation. …”
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Article -
A tomography imaging system using two types of sensors
Published 2008“…The sensors are suitably arranged around an 80mm x 80mm x 40mm transparent square pipe. …”
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Thesis -
Using ATLAS.ti 7 for researching the socio-legal implications of ICT adoption in the justice system of the High Courts of Malaysia
Published 2013“…In deriving the findings of the re search, the ATLAS.ti was used throughout the research process to manage both the secondary and primary data, properly build up the code list inductively and deductively, track the relevant quotations from time to time, explore the data using the built-in feature Query Tool, connect ideas and notes to the existing objects and visually arrange the objects to iteratively make sense of the data. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Regional Integration and Development in Africa: Between the Rock and a Hard Place
Published 2016“…The reality of the Post-Cold War international economic world order also stimulates the intensification and fine-tuning of existing regional arrangements leading to the establishment of a supra-national organization and capacity building institutions to address the problems of underdevelopment in Africa.As a consequence, numerous integration groupings have been reorganized and created but their achievements have largely been modest due to inappropriate integration approaches.It is against this background that this article examines the interlocking nexus between regional integration and development in Africa, and maintains that Africans need to adjust their orientation as well as take a major shift towards economic complementary among member states of integration blocs for the actualization of laudable development.It concludes that inward looking and the involvement of all Africans in the regional integration processes would be the best approach for regional integration to foster development.…”
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Article -
Importance of Wine Tours and Cultural Activities in Events Organized in Canada and Slovakia Wineries
Published 2022“…The study deals with wine tourism in two countries namely Canada and Slovakia, and the discussion is focused on answering the question of how important wineries are for tourism by arranging wine tours with wine tasting and visits to cultural attractions. …”
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Article -
Assembly Line Efficiency Improvement by Using WITNESS Simulation Software
Published 2018“…The proposed design plan has shown an increase in yield and productivity compared to the current arrangement. This research has been carried out in company XYZ, which is one of the automotive premises in Pahang, Malaysia.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
V-I characteristics of a coreless ironless electric generator in a closed-circuit mode for low wind density power generation
Published 2018“…A confinement technique is proposed to confine and focus magnetic flux by introducing opposing permanent magnets arrangement. The generator was fabricated and experimentally validated to qualify its loaded characteristics. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Advanced in carbon membrane by relating to coating-carbonization-cycles for oxygen performance
Published 2020“…This work discusses the creation and assessment of rounded carbon membrane arranged from P84 co-polyimide mixes with Nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC). …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Fragmentation techniques for ideal performance in distributed database - a survey
Published 2020“…Distributed processing is an operative way to improve the performance of the distributed database systems and thus showing the effectiveness of computational intelligence. A specific arrangement of distributed processing through distributed database, where a logically integrated database is physically scattered over several distinct but linked through the computing facilities. …”
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Article -
Fabrication of display unit for electrical and electronic wire harness of single cylinder four stroke engine for teaching purpose
Published 2012“…This project is design base on the sketching from the computer software and manual sketching to place the electronic component of the motorcycle which will ease the user to understand the arrangement of the wire harness in the motorcycle. Understanding the problem of user to identify each component, it has been label and each of them had been described as simple as possible. …”
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Undergraduates Project Papers -
Design, Development and Performance Test of Two-Axis Solar Tracker System
Published 2014“…In this paper, an automatic solar tracking system has been designed and developed using DC motor on a mechanical structure with gear arrangement. The movements of two-axis solar trackers for the elevation and azimuth angles are programmed according to the mathematical calculation by using the Borland C++ Builder. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Precision positioning using a novel six axes compliant nano-manipulator
Published 2016“…Undesired deflections, while operating in a specific DOF, are restricted by the aid of distinctive design of flexure hinges and actuators’ arrangements. The compliant mechanism is actuated by thermo-electro-mechanical actuators, as they could be integrated and exert large forces in a nanometer resolution. …”
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Article -
Mechanical signatures of microbial biofilms in micropillar-embedded growth chambers
Published 2017“…Pressure from the biofilm is transferred to the micropillars via the extracellular matrix, and reduction of major matrix components decreases the magnitude of micropillar deflections. The spatial arrangement of micropillar deflections caused by pressure differences in the different biofilm strains may potentially be used as mechanical signatures for biofilm characterization. …”
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Article -
Mechanical signatures of microbial biofilms in micropillar-embedded growth chambers
Published 2017“…Pressure from the biofilm is transferred to the micropillars via the extracellular matrix, and reduction of major matrix components decreases the magnitude of micropillar deflections. The spatial arrangement of micropillar deflections caused by pressure differences in the different biofilm strains may potentially be used as mechanical signatures for biofilm characterization. …”
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Article -
Time-resolved, dual heterodyne phase collection transient grating spectroscopy
Published 2017“…In this letter, an optical configuration is presented which allows for collection of TGS measurements at two heterodyne phases concurrently through the use of two independently phase controlled interrogation paths. This arrangement allows for complete, heterodyne amplified TGS measurements to be made in a manner not constrained by a mechanical actuation time. …”
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