Gender differences in work-family conflict and family-friendly employment policy practices
Published 2008“…Three broad categories of family-friendly facilities were studied including work arrangements, family care benefits, and child care facilities and related benefits. …”
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Response of two fig (Ficus carica L.) varieties after receiving Brassinolide on leaf, shoot and root segment
Published 2019“…Materials and Methods: The experiment was arranged as Split Plot Randomized Complete Block Design (SRCBD) with 4 replications. …”
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Effects of formulated and commercial liquid fertilizer on growth, yield and nutrients content of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
Published 2018“…The mixtures were then arranged in orbital shaker before shook for 0, 8, 16 and 24 hours. …”
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Thesis -
The effect of Pseudomonas spp. and UPMB10 and different rate of urea fertilizer on protein content and growth of leaf mustard
Published 2015“…There were 10 treatments including two control treatments with four replications arranged in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The treatments were; T1 (Not inoculated + 0 g Urea), T2 (Not inoculated + 0 g Urea), T3 [Inoculated with UPMB-10 (Bacillus sphaericus) + 0 g Urea], T4 [Inoculated with UPMB-10 ( Bacillus sphaericus )+0.49 g Urea], T5 [Inoculated with UPMB-10 (Bacillus sphaericus) + 0.98 g Urea], T6 [Inoculated with UPMB-10 (Bacillus sphaericus) + 2.94 g Urea], T7 (Inoculated with Pseudomonas spp. + 0 g Urea), T8 (Inoculated with Pseudomonas spp. + 0.49 g Urea), T9 (Inoculated with Pseudomonas spp. + 0.98 g Urea), T10 (Inoculated with Pseudomonas spp. + 2.94 g Urea). …”
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Project Paper Report -
Bioefficacy of saponin nano-emulsion formulation against Pomacea maculata, pest of rice
Published 2017“…All of the treatments were replicated five times and arranged in Completely Randomized Design (CRD). MR219 rice seedlings were planted continuously to feed the apple snails. …”
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Project Paper Report -
Morphology and growth among mutant turfgrass cultivars under different rates of nitrogen
Published 2015“…The fertilizer was applied every two weeks in both species. The experiment was arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with two factorials and four replications. …”
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Project Paper Report -
The effects of rice husk biochar rate on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and growth of soursop (Annona Muricata L.) seedlings
Published 2021“…The polybag experiment was conducted under glasshouse conditions at Farm 15, Faculty of Agriculture, UPM Serdang, Selangor. The study was arranged in Randomised Complete Block Design (RCBD) with eight treatments comprising different rates of rice husk biochar (RHB), with and without AMF and four replications. …”
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Effectiveness of K2 siO3 on growth and physiobiochemical changes of banana seedlings grown under tropical climate as influenced by application frequency
Published 2021“…The experiment was conducted under a rain shelter and all treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block (RCBD) design. …”
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Effect of hydroponic and conventional production systems on plant growth performance and nitrate content of green coral lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. Crispa)
Published 2021“…This research was conducted in a randomized complete block design with a factorial arrangement of treatments. A stagnant hydroponic was prepared using stock A and B complete Hoagland nutrient solutions as liquid fertilizer. …”
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Comparative evaluation of mouse bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells characteristics cultured in two different supplemented media
Published 2022“…In recent years, conflicting data have been reported regarding various aspects of their characteristics, development and differentiation potential, which may be due to arrange of factors. Among the factors worth investigating is the culture medium formulation. …”
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Effect of High Frequency Heating Time on Glue Bond Quality in Laminated Rubberwood
Published 1991“…Thirty samples were prepared for each grain pattern arrangement at each heating time and were subjected to shear block test. …”
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Project Paper Report -
Flow And Turbulence Characteristics Through A Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Using Eddy Covariance Method
Published 2016“…The flow source was simulated by three 26" industrial standing fans arranged in a row at different speed settings. The three dimensional flow velocities fluctuations were measured by an ultrasonic anemometer at 10 Hz in order to cover most turbulence scales. …”
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Thesis -
The Efficiency Of I-Beam Steel Section With Perforated-Corrugated Web Profile
Published 2017“…TriWP with the perforation size of 0.4D, diamond perforation shape arranged in Layout 3 is found to shows the highest structural efficiency value compared to other models. …”
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Thesis -
Innovation And Firm's Performance In Malaysia Seberang Perai Region SME's Food Processing Industry
Published 2017“…Face-to-face interviews are arranged and the survey questionnaires are distributed to managers or owner managers of the selected SMEs. …”
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Monograph -
Computational And Experimental Study On Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine Slotted Blade Design
Published 2018“…The current works include the development of unconventional slotted blade of three-blade arrangement horizontal-axis wind turbine. The aerofoil shape is chosen according to National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) standard of 5 digit series. …”
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Monograph -
Mobile health application for breast examination awareness using health belief model
Published 2022“…Purposive sampling was used to recruit participants [public women attending hospital services; Hospital USM breast cancer content experts (oncology nurse, oncology counsellor and breast surgeon); and USM Health Campus software experts (Centre of Knowledge, Communication and Technology staff] (n=37) according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. An appointment was arranged according to participants’ preference time and location. …”
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Thesis -
The Influence Of Culture And Attitude On Students’ Lms Acceptance In Learning Mathematics At The University Of Ha’il In Saudi Arabia
Published 2022“…In fact, focused on analytical principles of the social sciences, data analysis includes three major steps: preparing and arranging data for review (data preparation), explaining data (descriptive statistics), and evaluating theories and models (inferential statistics). …”
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Thesis -
Experimental Investigation On The Performance Of Regeneration For Axial Flow Multilayer Silica Gel Hollow Cylinder Desiccant Bed
Published 2019“…The highest humidification effect is by using 2x4 vertical flow arrangement at 1 m/s with 89.8% of relative humidity followed by 83.7% in counter flow and 80.0% in parallel flow. …”
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Monograph -
A preliminary study of the effects of REM sleep deprivation on oxidative stress markers and vascular endothelium in animal model
Published 2015“…The endothelium appeared smooth with regular arrangement of the endothelial cells in FMC and TC groups. …”
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Monograph -
Microstructural Characteristics of Fly Ash Geopolymer Modified Asphalt Binder
Published 2023“…The focus was on examining how the inclusion of fly ash geopolymer could alter the internal arrangement and composition of the asphalt binder, leading to potential improvements in its properties and performance. …”
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