Numerical assessment of the side impacts on lithium-ion battery module integrated with honeycomb reinforcement
Published 2024“…A honeycomb reinforcement design is proposed to mitigate side impact effects by adopting a special arrangement. The battery pack, consisting of 12 modules each with 417 LIB cells, was attached to the vehicle bottom in a “floor” configuration. …”
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Dynamic key scheduling algorithm for block ciphers using quasigroup string transformation
Published 2018“…Quasigroup has other algebraic property called “Isotophism”, which literally means Different quasigroups that has the same order of elements but different arrangements can be generated from the existing one. …”
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Thesis -
A guided artificial bee colony (GABC) heuristic for permutation flowshop scheduling problem (PFSP)
Published 2021“…This study proposed two variants of the guided initial ABC or Guided Artificial Bee Colony (GABC) with one variant (NEH-based ABC), employing the concept of NEH and the second variant (GABC), employing the concept of NEH and First Job Sequence Arrangement Method. The study experimented according to ten datasets of Taillard benchmark and divided the experiments into several categories and the experiments run every data for several iterations, and for each dataset, there are 20 replications. …”
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Thesis -
Bottleneck-based heuristic for three-machine flow shop scheduling
Published 2011“…A simulated random data within specific limitation being assigned at each job’s processing time produces new recommended job arrangements. The generated makespan was compared with optimum makespan from complete enumeration and lower bound (LB) analysis. …”
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Thesis -
Design and optimisation of three-phase salient rotor wound field flux switching motor
Published 2016“…The non-overlapping winding arrangement on the stator consumes less copper material, thus improves the efficiency. …”
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Thesis -
Optimize class time tabling by using genetic algorithm technique in UTHM
Published 2019“…In order to schedule timetables, reshuffling and arranging classrooms need to be done and may lead to the complexity of classrooms scheduling. …”
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Thesis -
Internet of things security implementation using blockchain for wireless technology
Published 2019“…All this data should arrange in cryptography order and chain together in a vertical line. …”
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Thesis -
Mapping on slope seepage problem using Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI)
Published 2018“…Data acquisition configuration was based on long and short arrangement, schlumberger array and 2.5 m of equal electrode spacing interval. …”
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Characterization of gas-solid two-phase flow by using electrical capacitance tomography
Published 2020“…A simulation of an ECT sensor arrangement was carried out, and a real sensor was then built. …”
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Thesis -
Engineering the Maltose Binding Protein for Metal Ions Sensing
Published 2005“…The affinities of the M1, M2 and M3 sites to maltose and to transition metal ions such as Zn2+, Cu2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Mn2+, Cd2+, Ag+ were tested in solution on a microtiter plate arrangement. Nanoliter volumes of the variants have been spotted onto streptavidin-coated glass slides and work is ongoing to evaluate the arrayer produced for metal ions sensing.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The study of heat penetration in palm oil fruitlets by developing a new technique for measuring oil content in fruiltlets during sterilization process
Published 2003“…Apart from the temperature and pressure of the jet curtain, its efficiency also lies with the type of nozzles, arrangement of curtain jet and gap, all of which was investigated. …”
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Monograph -
Konsokiasional: Analisis kestabilan kerajaan = Consociational: Stability analysis of government
Published 2012“…Theories that related to consociational are consociationalism theory and consociational theory.Goals of consociationalism are to focus on the stability of the government, the survival of power-sharing arrangement, the survival of democracy and avoid violence.The principal argument in theory of consociational is divided territory, region or state, with a history of ethnic conflict, religious or linguistic divides people, it is an effective, cost-efficient and sometimes optimally governed by consociational principles. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Balls-into-leaves: sub-logarithmic renaming in synchronous message-passing systems
Published 2016“…Our solution, called Balls-into-Leaves, combines the deterministic approach with a new randomized scheme to obtain perfectly balanced allocations. The algorithm arranges the items as leaves of a tree, and participants repeatedly perform random choices among the leaves. …”
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Techno-economic assessment of two novel feeding systems for a dry-feed gasifier in an IGCC plant with Pd-membranes for CO[subscript 2] capture
Published 2016“…The hydrogen separation is performed in membrane modules arranged in series; consistently with the IGCC plant layout, most of the hydrogen is separated at the pressure required to fuel the gas turbine. …”
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Redrawing the boundaries: planning and governance of a marine protected area—the case of the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park
Published 2017“…These management tools may be contentious when human settlements exist within an MPAs’ boundaries, since zoning affects existing human activities and potential developments, and managing structures overlap traditional governance arrangements. Varying perspectives emerge when each stakeholder is taken into consideration separately. …”
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Zinc-binding structure of a catalytic amyloid from solid-state NMR
Published 2018“…When β-strands of an amyloid are arranged parallel and in register, side chains from the same position of each chain align, facilitating metal chelation when the residues are good ligands such as histidine. …”
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Interactions of magnetized plasma flows in pulsed-power driven experiments
Published 2020“…A supersonic flow of magnetized plasma is produced by the application of a 1 MA-peak, 500 ns current pulse to a cylindrical arrangement of parallel wires, known as an inverse wire array. …”
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Identification of determinants of differential chromatin accessibility through a massively parallel genome-integrated reporter assay
Published 2021“…We show that a single binding motif for a key regulatory transcription factor is sufficient to open chromatin, and classify sets of stem cell-specific, endoderm-specific, and shared accessibility-modifying transcription factor motifs.We also show that overexpression of two definitive endoderm transcription factors, T and Foxa2, results in changes to accessibility in DNA sequences containing their respective DNA-binding motifs and identify preferential motif arrangements that influence accessibility.,.…”
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Designed Single-Step Synthesis, Structure, and Derivative Textural Properties of Well-Ordered Layered Penta-coordinate Silicon Alcoholate Complexes
Published 2014“…The designed one-pot synthesis is straightforward, robust, and efficient, leading to a well-ordered (10ī)-parallel layered Si complex with its principal interlayers intercalated with extensive van der Waals gaps in spite of the presence of substantial Na+ counter-ions as a result of unique atomic arrangement in its structure. However, upon fast pyrolysis, followed by acid leaching, both complexes are converted into two SiO2 composites bearing BET surface areas of 163.3 and 254.7 m2 g−1 for the pyrolyzed intrinsic and B-assisted Si complexes, respectively. …”
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Regularized Spatial Filtering Method (R-SFM) for detection of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) from resting-state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rs-fMRI)
Published 2019“…The resulting approach called as regularized spatial filtering method (R-SFM) further uses Mahalanobis whitening to lower the effect of two-way correlations while preserving the spatial arrangement of the data in the feature extraction process. …”
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Conference Paper