Methods of growth and transfer of carbon nanotubes onto substrates for advanced electrical and electronic applications
Published 2023“…CNT possess exceptionally high Young’s modulus of over 1.2 TPa and a tensile strength of ~ 200 GPa due to the unique arrangement and bonding of carbon atoms. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method is one of the established techniques to synthesize CNT due to its ability to precisely control the process parameters such as growth substrates, flow rates of precursors and temperature. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
21世纪中国公路喜剧电影中的大众文化:城乡叙事、性别关系与世界主义 = The popular culture in 21st-century Chinese road comedies: urban-rural narration, gender relationships, and cosmopolitanism...
Published 2024“…Road comedies are inclined to arrange a rich entrepreneur and a humble migrant worker to travel together in the same vehicle to create conflicts and finally mutual understanding, indicating the process of reconciliation and indirect propaganda. …”
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Thesis-Master by Research -
民间歌谣《月光光》初探 :口语特点与程式 = A study of the Chinese folk songs entitled "Yue Guang Guang" : oral features and formulas
Published 2014“…This project will only cover “Yue Guang Guang” from Taiwan which are arranged by Wan-chuan Hu (胡万川) because of word number restricted. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) formation from alginate blocks and their effects on membrane fouling
Published 2016“…Alginate is composed of two different monomers, namely M ((1→4) linked β-D-mannopyranuronic acid) and G ((1→4) linked α-L-gulopyranuronic acid) which are randomly arranged into MG-, MM- and GG-blocks. Results showed the severest fouling in the filtration of MG-block, and the least flux decline in the filtration of MM-block. …”
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Thesis -
Investigation of particle movement in irregularly shaped channels in inertial fluidics for scale up applications in bioprocessing
Published 2019“…The altered axial velocity profile and consequently new shear force arrangement leads to a cross-laterally movement of equilibration toward the longer side wall; however, the lateral focusing starts to move backward toward the middle and the shorter side wall, depending on particle clogging ratio, channel aspect ratio, and slope of slanted wall, as the channel Reynolds number further increased (Re>50). …”
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Thesis -
Security for automotive electrical/electronic (E/E) architectures
Published 2018“…Messages are flexibly arranged in a virtual communication layer, before being divided into slots. …”
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Thesis -
Recognizing the Relevance of History and Shaping the Future of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health (APJPH)
Published 2008“…We hope that the new publishing arrangement with Sage Publications and the strengthening of the Editorial Board will encourage more international submissions and allow the journal to continue to maintain its unique and important focus on public health issues and challenges facing Asia-Pacific countries. …”
Article -
Impact of Silver Barb (Barbodes Gonionotus) Rearing on the Benthic Community and Nutrient Levels of Rice Fields at Sg. Manik, Teluk Intan, Perak, Malaysia
Published 2006“…Three replicates were carried out for each treatment arranged in fully randomized designed. There was no insecticide applied during the growing periods. …”
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Thesis -
Design and Development of a Segmented Rubbe-tracked Vehicle for Sepang Peat Terrain in Malaysia
Published 2005“…The proper track width, ground contact length, pitch and grouser height, idler diameter and location, sprocket diameter and location, road-wheel diameter and geometrical arrangement, the ratio of the road-wheel spacing to track pitch, location of the center ofgravity (CG) of the vehicle are important to select to ensure good tractive performance of the vehicle on unprepared peat terrain. …”
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Thesis -
Germination, seedling growth and anatomical responses of Cucumis sativus cv. MTi2 in different salts and development of germination enhancer
Published 2017“…Another type of saltssignificantly changes the structure and arrangement of the upper epidermis cells, mesophyll tissue and lower epidermis cells, also reduce of intracellular space among the mesophyll cells. …”
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Thesis -
Combustion synthesis of fullerenes and fullerenic nanostructures
Published 2006Get full text
Thesis -
Extending depth range of optical coherence tomography
Published 2020“…We considered two sample arm optical arrangements where defocus and primary spherical aberration caused significant degradation in the imaging quality, respectively. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
从常人方法学与会话分析审视街舞教导 = An analysis of the practice of street dance teaching through the lens of ethnomethodology and conversational analysis
Published 2024“…A basketball player may speculate on the opponent's attacking methods off the court and arrange the most sophisticated deployments, but if this player has never personally played under the constraints of the rules of a competitive game, it's all just theory. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Effects of locally produced microbial phytase on humoral immunity and blood characteristics in broilers vaccinated against Newcastle and Infectious Bursal Diseases
Published 2014“…Data of humoral immunity with live body weights,and blood characteristics were analyzed based on factorial arrangement (treatments × weeks) of completely randomized design (CRD) and CRD,respectively. …”
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Thesis -
Food insecurity and vitamin D deficiency factors, and effects of vitamin D supplementation on metabolic syndrome among food insecure and vitamin D deficient Iranian elderly
Published 2019“…In summary, this study indicated that a significant level of food insecurity is present in older adults in Iran which was associated with socioeconomic factors, dwelling arrangements. This in turn affected prevalence of chronic diseases such as vitamin D deficiencies and decreased health-related quality of life in older adults. …”
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Thesis -
Wearable wireless ultrasonic sensors for human gait analysis
Published 2020“…To increase the number of mobile nodes, we test spatial division multiple access in the initial experiments in the second part of the thesis where sensors are arranged spatially in a way that multiple mobile nodes can transmit at the same time without interference. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Constructive foil-wake Interactions of tandem flapping hydrofoils for propulsion and energy harvesting
Published 2023“…A tandem flapping configuration with a forefoil upstream of a hindfoil in a short spatial arrangement can achieve augmented force production and outperform that of two isolated single-foils, as the hindfoil can attain additional thrust and lift by interacting with the shed vortices from the forefoil. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
徐渭边防诗研究 = Study of Xu Wei's frontier poems
Published 2013“…Main body of this thesis includes three chapters which are the most important parts. They are arranged according to the time at which the poet wrote those poems analyzed. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)