Post-humanismo en la pista olímpica: casos Pistorius/Semenya y la re-definición del deporte Post-humanism in the Olympic track: Pistorius/Semenya case studies and the re-definition...
Published 2010-11-01“…The sport subjectivity of Semenya and Pistorius, far from being a given essence, is going to be built through the re-assembling of human and non human actors (Latour, 2005); the notion of tecno-biopower is going to have a special relevance during this process (Haraway, 1997). …”
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Displacing AIDS
Published 2014“…I explore these intersecting biosocial and displacement-induced transitions through several streams: the social transitions of forced displacement and the return process; the transitions from illness to a precarious health; from social exclusion to a contested inclusion; transitions between local and biomedical understandings of healing; transitions in authority and biopower; as well as continually shifting forms of identity, support and affiliation. …”
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Solar Radiation Resources Under Climate Change Scenarios - A Case Study in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
Published 2018“…Solar power is the third major renewable energy after hydropower and biopower. It constitutes an increasingly important element of the global future that is less carbon energy investment. …”
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Ética e política em Michel Foucault Ethics and politics in Michel Foucault
Published 2010-01-01“…This conflict seems to be paradoxical because, at the same time that biopolitics makes a statement about a politics of life, for it provides its care, preservation, longevity, it is also possible to notice the act of a politics about life, for life is controlled by and subject to biopower. This discrepancy between discourse devices and effective practices reveals an absence of care for truth, understood as the coherence between what is said and what is done. …”
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A medicalização como estratégia biopolítica: um estudo sobre o consumo de psicofármacos no contexto de um pequeno município do Rio Grande do Sul Medicalization as a biopolitical st...
Published 2007-12-01“…The analysis identified the statements thread in the interior of the medicalization device (dispositif) that sustains a form of biopower based on the tripod of "dependence - welfarism - individualism".…”
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Effect of a probiotic and an antibiotic on the mobilome of the porcine microbiota
Published 2024-03-01“…Probiotics are often studied as a way to modulate the microbiome and are, therefore, an interesting way to potentially decrease antibiotic resistance.Methods: To assess the efficacy of a probiotic to reduce the prevalence of ARGs in the pig microbiome, six pigs received either treatment with antibiotics (tylvalosin), probiotics (Pediococcus acidilactici MA18/5M; Biopower® PA), or a combination of both. Their faeces and ileal digesta were collected and DNA was extracted for whole genome shotgun sequencing. …”
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Supplementation with Resveratrol, Piperine and Alpha-Tocopherol Decreases Chronic Inflammation in a Cluster of Older Adults with Metabolic Syndrome
Published 2020-10-01“…As far as we know, this is the first study showing a chronic inflammation decrease in MetS patients due to the administration of a biopower Resveratrol-piperine and alpha tocopherol dietary supplement together with conventional therapy.…”
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Published 2016-07-01“…Concomitantly is used genetic engineering enabling alternative of a body enhanced by the use of biotechnological artifacts that aims to extend the natural human form, ie a parabiosis. The Biopower is performed daily, and acts in various ways through the mechanisms of power, these potentiated control of life, without this use physical force to impose their control. …”
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