Ik’aletik « Les hommes noirs »
Pubblicazione 2020-07-01“...This article shows how the multiple names attributed to actors of the k’in tajimol festival—Black Lords, Wind Lords, Our Ape Fathers, Mixed-Race Fathers of the Night, Devil, Judas, Mixed-Race Elder Brother—reveal their nocturnal nature. These characters, who rise up from the world of the dead as ancestors of the Tsotsil, oppose Our Sun Father and his wife, and the Servants of Christ. ...”
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Making space (The possibility of family)
Pubblicazione 2017“...The series was made over a two-month stay with my mother and brother, with whom I have not lived with for almost ten years. ...”
Final Year Project (FYP) -
On Antigone's suffering
Pubblicazione 2021“...If she didn’t love (her brother), could she have suffered? I read the play alongside Kamila Shamsie’s postcolonial rewriting of it in Home Fire to elaborate on the relationship between personal loss and collective (and communal) suffering, particularly as it is focalized in the novel by the figure of a young woman who is both a bereaved twin and a vengeful fury....”
Journal article -
Great answers to difficult questions about death : what children need to know /
Pubblicazione 2009“...How could God let my brother die? -- Where is my person? What is heaven? ...”
Architecture related books in Auersperg’s Library
Pubblicazione 2008-06-01“...The special concern was put on the Count Volf Engelbert and his brother, Prince Janez Vajkard Auersperg’s architectural and technical taste. ...”
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Disseminated Soft Tissue Infection and Sepsis with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in a Bone Marrow Transplant Patient
Pubblicazione 1996-01-01“...A 32-year-old female presented with aplastic anemia and subsequently underwent a one-antigen mismatched bone marrow transplant from her brother. She failed to engraft and a second graft was attempted. ...”
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Pubblicazione 2024-06-01“...He comes from gymnastics family (his brother Pavel have world championship medals) and he devoted his life to gymnastics. ...”
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« Moi, je revenais à ma mère ». Les trajectoires « scolaires » des frères et des sœurs comme lieu d’expérience de la différence des sexes au xixe siècle
Pubblicazione 2017-12-01“...Some women, writing their autobiographies, remembered that they suffered from another handicap : their brother were widely favored as siblings, since their parents considered boys’ education as a priority investment. ...”
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What Shall We Call Each Other? Part One: The Issue of Self-designation in the Pastoral Epistles
Pubblicazione 2002-11-01“...The key terms used for self-designation in the Pastoral Epistles are ‘brother and sister’ and ‘the believers’, which, it is argued here, are used both by the author and the readers. ...”
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Il faut sauver l’auditeur Matías Delgado y Florez. Lettre d’un magistrat de Manille du 30 novembre 1631, à son frère Sancho, à Cáceres
Pubblicazione 2015-09-01“...The letter of Manilla magistrate Delgado y Florez to his brother Sancho who remained in Spain is rare because we seldomly have private writings of officers in the Hispanic Monarchy. ...”
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"I Have a Kind of Power I Never Knew I Possessed": Surveillance, Agency, and the Possibility of Resistance in YA Dystopian Fiction
Pubblicazione 2017-09-01“...Anderson’s Feed, Suzanne Collins’s Hunger Games trilogy, and Corey Doctorow’s Little Brother—to demonstrate how they depict adolescents as having varying degrees of agency to resist the gaze. ...”
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Konsep Diri LANSIA di Panti Jompo
Pubblicazione 2018-07-01“...Based on the interview to these three elders that has been nursed in this dwelling, one elder says happy although living far away from the family and the brother feels grateful, 2 elders say that they feel sad and yearning of their family. ...”
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Music Lyrics and Influence on Teen Sex
Pubblicazione 2012-07-01“...I recall the first time I heard my mother respond to explicit lyrics my older brother was listening to and thinking what a renegade he was. ...”
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Caroline de Solar : mobiliser son réseau lors de l’affaire du sourd-muet de l’abbé de l’Épée
Pubblicazione 2023-12-01“...This penniless orphan managed to stand against the young man who pretended to be her deceased brother. To understand how, we need to analyse the networks surrounding her parents and her tutors, Marie-Françoise Julliot and Paul-Augustin Moreau de Vormes. ...”
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The return of the dead
Pubblicazione 2018-07-01“...Then when I was older she got remarried and had my brother. I was just over thirty years old when my mother died in a car accident and for me it was a very painful shock. ...”
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La doble dimensión trágica de Barrie y Peter Pan
Pubblicazione 2011-01-01“...Most of the works of James Matthew Barrie, Peter Pan in particular, explore the relationship between the adult's world and the child's one, with the death set in a privileged location, since only the dead children (as his older brother David) are able to remain as children forever. ...”
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Quanti oracoli per i fondatori di Gela? (P-W 3 e 410)
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"As jou broer verkeerd opgetree het teen jou...": Enkele aspekte van kerklike dissipline uit die Kerkorde van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika
Pubblicazione 2008-03-01“...“If a brother sins against you ...”: Certain aspects of church discipline from the Church Ordinance of the Netherdutch Reformed Church of Africa Church discipline has been a substantial part of Church Ordinances since the Geneva Church Ordinance of 1541, and was pursued and developed in the Netherlands and consequently also in South Africa. ...”
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Pubblicazione 2025-02-01“...He comes from a gymnastics family (his brother Pavel has world championship medals) and he devoted his life to gymnastics. ...”
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Las estructuras de Emilio Pérez Piñero en la musealización de dos espacios singulares
Pubblicazione 2013-03-01“...Due to the premature death of the architect, his brother José María was the one who finished assembling these structures, which have become modern icons of the structural architecture used in museums and heritage preservation....”