A Semianalytical Model to Study the Effect of Cortical Tension on Cell Rolling
Argitaratua 2015Testu osoa
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Artikulua -
Molecular and Mesoscale Mechanisms of Osteogenesis Imperfecta Disease in Collagen Fibrils
Argitaratua 2015Testu osoa
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Artikulua -
Liberal Studies in Engineering - Workshop Report
Argitaratua 2015“...On the 30th and 31st of January, 2015, some sixty scholars from the humanities, arts and social sciences as well as engineering met at the National Academy of Sciences building in DC to discuss the possibilities for establishing an undergraduate, pre-professional degree program — a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies in Engineering — meant to attract students undecided about choice of a major who still have sufficient interest to enroll in a program that keeps open the possibility that they might pursue a career in engineering. The workshop over the day and one-half included six sessions, each led off by a panel of from three to six project participants. ...”
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mTOR Complex 2 Is Required for the Development of Prostate Cancer Induced by Pten Loss in Mice
Argitaratua 2015Testu osoa
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Artikulua -
Role of surface oxygen-to-metal ratio on the wettability of rare-earth oxides
Argitaratua 2015Testu osoa
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Artikulua -
Thin films in partial wetting: internal selection of contact-line dynamics
Argitaratua 2015Testu osoa
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Artikulua -
Optogenetic control of nerve growth
Argitaratua 2015Testu osoa
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Artikulua -
Ab initio Calculation of the np → dy Radiative Capture Process
Argitaratua 2015Testu osoa
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Artikulua -
Tuning adhesion failure strength for tissue-specific applications
Argitaratua 2015Testu osoa
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Artikulua -
Structure and stability of the lamin A tail domain and HGPS mutant
Argitaratua 2015Testu osoa
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Artikulua -
The Complexity of Optimal Mechanism Design
Argitaratua 2015Testu osoa
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Artikulua -
Design of robot integrated restaurant
Argitaratua 2020“...This is largely due to the fact that more and more people despise waitering as it is viewed to be a mundane and tiring job with the skills acquired from waitering not proving to be useful for their career ambitions. With more and more jobs which are less mundane and tiring opening up due to industrial revolution and technological advancement, people are increasingly reluctant to take on waitressing unless the pay is relatively higher than the market average. ...”
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Final Year Project (FYP)