« Wolves in sheep’s clothing » : la rhétorique du combat chez Thomas Becon
Published 2008-03-01“…One of the answers is provided in many dainty dishes, diligently prepared by the celebrated catechist and religious writer, Thomas Becon (1512-1567).The first course in this gracious menu is the argument that the true Church of Christ is being subverted under Mary, that false Jezebel, whereas its proper foundations were prepared under Edward VI, the true Josiah. …”
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Testimonia Koleksiyonları ve Hıristiyan Apolojetik-Polemik Eserlerdeki Şahit-Metinlerin Kullanımı/Testimonia Collections and Using Proof-text in Christian Apological Literature...
Published 2023-06-01“…These extract collections were also used in catechist education. Over time, early Christians attributed the status of testimonia to certain passages that became prominent among other proof-texts, so that, compared to other circulating proof-texts, the testimonia passages were regarded as testimonials to the theological truth that did not even require interpretation. …”
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Luther als protestantischer Katechet
Published 2009-07-01“…Luther as protestant catechist Luther’s catechetical activity is based on the catechetic tradition already extant in the Early Church. …”
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Published 2005-01-01“…It demands an interaction between the specific ministry of catechists and community life, which by its nature shall reflect what is communicate in the specific catechesis. …”
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A instrução pelo riso em Santo Agostinho = Religious instruction by amusement in St. Augustine
Published 2010-07-01“…In the book reviewed in the present essay, Augustine shows how the catechist should use mirth and amusement as factors that facilitate the teaching of the Christian religion to people who desire to partake of the latter. …”
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Met fictieve peers op zoek naar de waarheid. Fictie als didactisch instrument in Verlicht-religieuze catechismussen van Samuel van Emdre (1781-1798)
Published 2016-09-01“…As a late eighteenth century catechist Van Emdre faced an intriguing didactic paradox: while the genre of the catechism served to teach religious knowledge unambiguously, new Enlightened ideals of learning emphasised the value of curiosity and an active, searching learning style. …”
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Met fictieve peers op zoek naar de waarheid. Fictie als didactisch instrument in Verlicht-religieuze catechismussen van Samuel van Emdre (1781-1798)
Published 2016-09-01“…As a late eighteenth century catechist Van Emdre faced an intriguing didactic paradox: while the genre of the catechism served to teach religious knowledge unambiguously, new Enlightened ideals of learning emphasised the value of curiosity and an active, searching learning style. …”
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Die ganzheitliche Evangelisierungsmethode der katholischen Mission und ihr Beitrag zur Landesentwicklung in Papua Neuguinea
Published 2012-01-01“…The two Marist pioneers, Fathers Eugen Englert and Karl Flaus, German citizens, had mission experience from Fiji and brought a Samoan catechist along with whom they founded their headquarters at Poporang in the Shortland Islands. …”
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Problematyka wiary w refleksji współczesnych katechetyków polskich
Published 2014-01-01“…The aim of this article is to review the reflections of contemporary Polish catechists concerning faith. Since the issue of faith is important and always up-to-date it often appears in many publications. …”
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Utdanning av lærere for det nordlige Norge: De tidlige institusjoner i Trondheim 1717–1732
Published 2013-08-01“…Whilst the prior qualified for positions as missionaries, catechists and teachers, von Westen’s seminary qualified for post as assistants for catechists and teachers.…”
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Published 1998-01-01“…Catechistic writings are mostly written and studied within a sphere of specific interest and are only rarely linked with literature proper. …”
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Konstytutywne elementy wstępnej katechezy według "De catechizadis rudibus" św. Augustyna
Published 2012-06-01“…Augustine’s De catechizandis rudibus form the beginning of fifth century has still relevant guidelines for catechists. In a special way it relates to the content and methods geared towards people who are at the beginning of the Christian initiation. …”
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Ekologia w programach nauczania religii dla I klasy gimnazjum
Published 2007-12-01“…The article includes characteritc of additional materials for catechists and teachers, especially ecological examination of conscience and analysis of the following issues: revealed law and natural law, ecological balance, rule of general destiny of goods, celebration in connection with ecology, ecological intuitions in saints’ opinions and attitiudes, histories of Christian ecological intuitions.…”
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Acteurs locaux de l’implantation du catholicisme dans le pays Bamiléké au Cameroun
Published 2006-12-01“…They are assisted by indigenous catechists, often founders of new parishes. The biography of several of them allow to appreciate their role.…”
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Faces da fronteira: a atuação indígena na criação de missões no vale do rio Oiapoque (1729-1765)
Published 2021-08-01“…We infer that the Native Americans participated in the definition of the places where the missions were installed and chose the people to be gathered there. As catechists, they also became important agents of christianization.…”
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Testimony to the catechumens of faith in the Church (on the example of early Christian sources from the 2nd to the 5th centuries)
Published 2020-06-01“…On the example of early Christian sources from the 2nd to the 5th centuries, a comparison is made of the usage of three definitions in catechistic and non-catechistic texts: “Church is the body of Christ”, “Church is the assembly of believers” and “Church is the people gathered around the bishop”. …”
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Discovering the Child? Individualization Processes of Catholic Religious Education in the Horizon of Secularization since 1900
Published 2024-03-01“…What role was played by the new openness of catechists and theologians for education science and the (religious) pluralization of society? …”
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Undervisningsarbeidarar og dåpsopplæring i Den norske kyrkja
Published 2020-01-01“…The theoretical perspectives are taken from the national terms of employment for catechists and the national plan for Christian education, different concepts for knowledge and learning, and how educational workers in the Church of Norway construct identity in relation to church education. …”
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Aspects of Meaning in Apotaxis and Syntaxis
Published 2014-11-01“…The three pivotal aspects of meaning in apotaxis and syntaxis, as based on the analysis of works by ancient catechists, Teachers of the Church and XIX–XX century researchers, are: 1) confirmation of the catechumen’s repentance and life transformation, both of which are prerequisite to baptism; 2) the last exorcism, which is carried out by the catechumen; 3) taking vows of loyalty to God, the breaking of which annuls the baptism.…”
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Memórias das Irmãs Catequistas acerca de suas práticas docentes (Santa Catarina, Brasil, 1930-1960)
Published 2017-05-01“…Palavras-chave: Memórias; Irmãs Catequistas Franciscanas; Cultura escolar; Identidade Memories of the Sisters Catechists about their teaching practices (Santa Catarina, Brazil, 1930 -1960) Abstract This article presents research results on the teaching action of religious of the current Congregation of Sisters Catechists Franciscans (CICAF), at primary schools of Santa Catarina, in the period between 1930 and 1960. …”
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