Parenting experiences of Chinese mothers living with a mental illness
Published 2021-11-01“…Unlike mothers based in Western countries, the mothers interviewed in this study highlighted complicated co-caring relationships with parents-in-law and did not raise child custody concerns. Conclusions Mental health professionals need to have the skills to identify and recognize the mothering role of their clients. …”
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Identifying Faked Responses in Questionnaires with Self-Attention-Based Autoencoders
Published 2022-03-01“…We collect data relative to a popular personality test (the 10-item Big Five test) in three different use cases, i.e., to obtain: (i) child custody in court, (ii) a position as a salesperson, and (iii) a role in a humanitarian organization. …”
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Need for women-centered treatment for substance use disorders: results from focus group discussions
Published 2018-08-01“…Agencies charged with child protection were a barrier to treatment because women feared disclosing substance use would result in loss of child custody. In contrast, when agencies stipulated that women must attend treatment to retain custody, they facilitated treatment engagement. …”
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Assessing the Effects of Antipsychotics on Parenting
Published 2018-01-01“…In humans, drug effects such as sedation, dizziness, indicated thinking, tardive dyskinesia, increased appetite, and sleepwalking, as well as client beliefs about and attitudes toward their drugs, can affect their problem solving, decision-making, and behavior and, thus, play a critical role in child custody determinations. Behavior induced by drugs includes issues of tolerance, withdrawal, and sensitization. …”
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Published 2013“…Other constraints were : no system and institutional administration separation for child court, the absence of the special child custody , no childâ��s prison, no separation between the civilian child and chald that accused/convicted/proven for the criminal law, the weakness for handling practices in legal adviser accompanied for the child without in the police station, rare discretion for children cases, the prosecutorâ��s weaknesses in the judiciary and courts, practicesâ�� weakness in Panitentiary Institutions, the weakness of Bappas officer positions in the childâ��s court…”
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Hvordan påvirker barns deltakelse foreldremekling? Barns deltakelse som mål og middel
Published 2019-05-01“…English abstract How does children’s participation affect child custody mediation? Children’s participation as goals and means In Norway, family mediation is mandatory for all separating parents with children under the age of 16. …”
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A 17 year experience of attrition from care among HIV infected children in Nnewi South-East Nigeria
Published 2021-05-01“…Among those contacted, common reasons for being lost to follow-up were financial constraints, caregiver loss, claim to divine healing, family disharmony/child custody issues and relocation of family/child. …”
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Concerted Practice-Based Actions in Intimate Partner and Family Violence: When the Children’s Well-Being Is the Central Concern
Published 2014-09-01“…Intimate partner violence raises important issues with regard to child custody and to the exercising of parental roles. …”
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ANALISIS YURIDIS TERHADAP PUTUSAN HAKIM KARENA ISTERI BERPINDAH AGAMA (Studi Kasus Putusan Perkara Nomor 514/ Pdt.G/2007/PA.Smn, Perkara Nomor 18/Pdt.G/2008/PTA Yk, dan Putusan Nom...
Published 2012“…The purpose of this study was to determine the legal reasoning applied to the judge in deciding a divorce because his wife converted, to find out the reasons why the wife convert, to determine the legal consequences of marriage breakup for his wife converted to joint property and child custody. This study is an normative research that is focused on the library research. …”
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Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS). Psychological and legal implications
Published 2023-03-01“… Introduction The first definition of PAS, enunciated by Richard Gardner in 1985, refers to a disorder originating in the context of legal conflicts related to child custody. Its main characteristic would be a smear campaign by the child towards a parent, in the absence of plausible arguments. …”
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“And you feel like you’re suffocating … how the fuck am I going to get out of all this?” Drivers and experiences of suicidal ideation in the Australian construction industry...
Published 2023-05-01“…Interviews were audio-recorded with consent and analyzed using descriptive thematic analysis.ResultsEight themes relating to what may drive the presence of suicidal ideation and distress were identified; 1) challenges of working within the ACI, 2) relationship and family issues, 3) social disconnection, 4) personal financial hardship, 5) perceived lack of support, 6) alcohol and drug use, 7) child custody/access and legal issues, and 8) experience of mental health challenges, trauma, or a significant adverse life event. …”
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Psychopathology and Quality of Life in Traumatized or Victimized Underage Individuals as Factors for Forensic Multilevel Assessment—A Pilot Investigation
Published 2019-09-01“…They are in many countries not sufficiently considered in court cases as an important circumstance that could be used to assess the severity of the crime, also guiding redress, compensation, and rehabilitation of the victim, and—in children—child custody considerations. So far, the focus of forensic assessment has often been limited to diagnostic categories, especially “posttraumatic stress disorder” (PTSD), a diagnosis that presently is subjected to rapidly changing definitions both in and between diagnostic systems. …”
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Published 2016-02-01“…Economy needs sometimes cause the actors ignoring the negative impacts as a result of siri marriage, such as domestic violence, child custody, inheritance, etc. If there is a divorce, it is only delivered by brokers or short messages through mobile phone. …”
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Psychotic denial of pregnancy: case report and narrative literature review.
Published 2023-03-01“…They usually present previous or anticipated child custody loss, which hampers the process of developing antenatal attachment behaviours. …”
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Factors that influence enrollment in syringe services programs in rural areas: a qualitative study among program clients in Appalachian Kentucky
Published 2021-06-01“…Individual characteristics, including child custody, employment or high social status, made certain PWID more susceptible to drug-related stigma and hence more likely to delay SSP enrollment. …”
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Published 2015-01-01“…The judge's decision allowing child custody falls to the mother apostate is contrary to jurisprudence. …”
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Drug policies’ sensitivity towards women, pregnancy, and motherhood: a content analysis of national policy and programs from nine countries and their adherence to international gui...
Published 2023-09-01“…For pregnant women/pregnancy, prevention, treatment, and child custody were the highest occurring themes. According to ratings of the countries’ policies, there is limited adherence to international guidelines which ensure activities are in sync with the specific needs of women, pregnant women and their children. …”
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The Modern Family Fiasco
Published 2014-06-01“…This would eliminate many of the ambiguities infiltrating the tangled web of assisted reproductive medicine and would prevent the hundreds of cases that have already surfaced in courts across the country due to disagreements over child custody. As the modern world reveals, people create their families in different ways. …”
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The clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and acceptability of community-based interventions aimed at improving or maintaining quality of life...
Published 2014-02-01“…Incomplete evidence highlighted potential barriers from child custody losses and conflicting life circumstances. …”
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13th National Congress of the South African Society of Psychiatrists, 20-23 September 2004
Published 2004-10-01“…Sen Z Kaliski 37. The child custody circus Sean Z. Kaliski 38. The appropriatenes of certification of patients to psychiatric hospitals V. …”
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