Índice de Desenvolvimento Como Liberdade. Uma Proposta Teórico-Metodológica de Análise
Published 2016-01-01“…The theoretical references of this study were structured considering the theoretical approaches to the development, from the perspective of classical liberal school, and specifically in utilitarian thought. …”
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Published 2021-01-01“…Contributions: The work provides a philosophical research on the theoretical foundations of social rights in relation to the classical liberal rights of the first generation acquires a special relevance within the project. …”
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Elizabeth van Dorp and the Women’s Question at the Intersection of Bourgeois Ideals and Liberal Economics
Published 2022-09-01“…During the first decade of her professional career, she campaigned for the right to vote for women and published on the right of (married) women to work. Van Dorp was a classical liberal, in line with the then dominant Austrian approach to economics, but despite these convictions she opposed the right for married women to work. …”
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Kant’s political enlightenment: Free public use of reason as self-discipline
Published 2023-01-01“…Second, contrasting Kant’s notion of the public use of reason with the classical liberal conception of free speech, I argue that the distinctive character of Kant’s notion of the public use of reason consists in adding to the liberal demand for freedom from state censorship the requirement of the self-discipline of the participants in the public use of reason. …”
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Rentier Pseudo-capitalist State; the Result of the Paradoxes of the Organic, Instrumental and Rentier State in the Islamic Republic of Iran
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„Ahol a közgazdaságtan félresiklott”
Published 2021-01-01“…Marianne Johnson’s review essay aims to challenge the theoretic consistence in David Co-lander and Craig Freedman’s recent book Where Economics Went Wrong: Chicago’s Aban-donment of Classical Liberalism (2019). The authors make a short but arguable claim in the provocative title: economics went wrong when economists started to neglect the classical liberal methodology of economic policy making. …”
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When climate justice goes wrong: Maladaptation and deep co-production in transformative environmental science and policy
Published 2022“…Debates about transformative climate justice therefore need to understand how their critiques of classical liberal justice generate exclusions of their own, and to engage vulnerable people in reframing, rather than just receiving, circumstances of justice. …”
Journal article -
Mediating Contestations of Private, Public and Property Rights in Corporate Capitalism
Published 2013-10-01“…These techniques and the lawyers who deploy them have also been central both to the construction of the classical liberal system of interdependent states, and during the current period of its gradual fragmentation and the transition to networked regulation and global governance.…”
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Freedom of Religion and the Accommodation of Religious Diversity: Multiculturalising Secularism
Published 2021-10-01“…The classical liberal concern for freedom of religion today intersects with concerns of equality and respect for minorities, of what might be loosely termed ‘multiculturalism’. …”
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Conceitos oitocentistas de cidadania: liberalismo e igualdade Nineteenth century concepts of citizenship: liberalism and equality
Published 2009-09-01“…Este artigo pretende mostrar como a ideia de progresso, ao permitir antever um sociedade igualitária, ajudou a resolver as tensões geradas pelo binómio igualdade/desigualdade, e analisa a forma como essa promessa de inclusão futura se reflectiu na invenção de categorias jurídicas relacionadas com o estatuto civil e político das pessoas "em transição" para a plena cidadania.<br>In classical liberal thought, equalizing principles meant more than just "equality before the law"; they also included the idea of a socio-economic, educational, and even "civilizational" equalization. …”
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Literatūrinio modernizmo preliudai XIX–XX amžių sandūros Vilniuje. Interjero kultūra ir privačiojo estetizmo tekstai | Preludes of Literary Modernism in Fin-de-siècle Vilnius: Inte...
Published 2006-01-01“…The first publicist texts of the independent Russian media (in 1898 the daily Северо-Западное Слово started circulating), and the architectural discourse of the city (the stylistics of Vilnius Land Bank colonies) witness the classical liberal ideology of modernisation according to which the rational progress of civilisation harmoniously coincides with the individualistic values. …”
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Rhetoric and style in Old Norse-Icelandic religious narrative prose
Published 2023“…At the crux of this intellectual history is the Christian reception of the Classical Liberal Arts tradition, especially its first three components: grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric, collectively called the Trivium. …”
Thesis -
From Old to New Materialism: Rethinking Freedom after Neoliberalism
Published 2018-10-01“…While critiques of neoliberalism have acknowledged its departure from classical liberalism in terms of economic policy, they have failed to recognize its distinctive form of humanism, especially as enacted through the concept of freedom. …”
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Globalization and Knowledge – A Subjective Argument for Freedom
Published 2011-10-01“…This study intends that identifying some of the main aspects that sustained the relations between the contemporary globalization and the classical liberalism features to underscore that the knowledge decentralization is fundamental for the understanding of contemporary transformations. …”
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La idea de ciudadanía en lasconstituciones antioqueñas de 1812 y 1815
Published 2013-01-01“…In Antioquia¿s constitutions of 1812 and 1815 is possible to identify evolutions and involutions re- garding the idea of citizenship, since a combination of elements of classical liberalism and Spanish corporatism is observed.…”
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Published 2019-10-01“…And on the other hand, conservatives and classical liberals came together in a kind of “legal engineering,” marrying the classic liberal discourse with conservative rights-based policies and conceptions, updating in a rather retrograde way the civil rights meanings.…”
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Latvia's Liberal Party (LLP) in post-Soviet Latvia
Published 2001-07-01“… The aim of this article is to look at one of the two parties in Latvia, whose ideology is classical liberalism. In the situation of the transition from totalitarianism to democracy the liberal ideas appeared to be unpopular to the majority of the population of Latvia, due to different difficulties linked to transition, both economical and psychological. …”
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¿Por qué "El milagro del interés compuesto" lleva a las crisis financieras?
Published 2009-01-01“…Understanding these financial dynamics is essential to explain why all nations are not operating up to the technological potential toward which classical liberalism aimed, and why the world economy is polarizing, as are domestic economies even in the most advanced industrial nations.…”
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Memories of the Future: Traditional Russian Economic Practices in New Foreign Policy Conditions. Article one. Industrial Policy
Published 2022-06-01“…Industrial policy and import substitution are a set of measures that have already been repeatedly applied in Russian and Soviet history. The classic liberal model of the modern Russian economy provides for the limited use of such tools. …”
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Mill and conservatism
Published 2004-01-01“…Author shows that Mill's classical liberalism is a synthesis of earlier, one-sided liberalism and conservatism, of which he borrowed ideas of evolution, history, order, stability and nationality. …”
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