Bevacizumab promotes T-cell–mediated collagen deposition in the mouse model of conjunctival scarring
Published 2019“…Conjunctival CD4+ or CD8a+ T cells were counted by flow cytometry. Mouse splenic T cells were cultured with bevacizumab/IgG and their numbers, cell cycle, and collagen production were measured using a cell counter, flow cytometry, and sircol soluble collagen assay, respectively. …”
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Journal Article -
A review of 0.18-µm full adder performances for tree structured arithmetic circuits
Published 2009“…The increase in the transistor count of its complementary CMOS output stage is compensated by its area efficient layout. …”
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Journal Article -
Evaluation of Coffee Pulp Waste from Coffee Cultivation Areas in Indonesia as Iron Booster
Published 2022“…Variables observed were iron contents which is determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer, vitamin C contents as enhancers by Iodimetric titration, total phenol contents as inhibitors by Folin-Ciocalteu method, tannin contents by spectrophotometry method, lignin contents by Van Soest method, total plant count by ISO 4833-1, and antioxidant capacity by IC 50 in the DPPH scavenging assay. …”
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First-Principles Study on Structural and Electronic Properties of Cubic (Pm3m) And Tetragonal (P4mm) ATiO₃ (A=Pb, Sn) / Nurakma Natasya Md Jahangir Alam …[et al.]
Published 2020“…This work focuses on exploring lead-free ferroelectric materials that have a comparable unique ns2 solitary pair electrons with Pb (II), for example, Sn (II) using the first-principles study. All counts were performed dependent on ultrasoft pseudopotential of Density Functional Theory (DFT) that has been executed in the Cambridge Serial Total Energy Package (CASTEP). …”
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Preliminary result of population structure of reef fishes in coral reef restoration sites in Tun Sakaran Marine Park, Semporna, Sabah
Published 2022“…The preliminary findings reveal a low abundance and diversity counts of indicator reef fish (Serranidae, Labridae, Scaridae and Lutjanidae) at the coral restoration sites within TSMP. …”
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Prevalence of coral diseases in the coastal waters of Kota Kinabalu: The potential of microbial and environmental agents
Published 2023“…Methodology and results: We conducted coral surveys using the Coral Video Transect (CVT) method and measured the prevalence using Coral Point Count with Excel Extension (CPCe) software. Our findings indicated that the majority of reefs appeared healthy (82.9% ± 1.8), while a smaller percentage displayed signs of disease (5.0% ± 0.6) or compromised health (12.1% ± 1.5). …”
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Comparative analysis of the nutritional, biochemical and hematological parameters of pregnant women attending the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital, Nigeria
Published 2022“…Hemoglobin and hematocrit measurements were used to determine anemia incidence, while plasma protein, zinc levels and body mass index (BMI) were used to determine energy index status. Complete blood counts were analyzed using 5 parts-automatic hemo-analyzer, while plasma protein and zinc were analyzed using calorimetric method. …”
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Co-composting of empty fruit bunches and partially treated palm oil mill effluents in pilot scale
Published 2009“…Parameters such as C, N, pH, nutrients, heavy metals and total bacteria count were also determined. The temperature was increased up to 58.5°C at day three of treatment, after that fluctuated between 50 to 62°C and then decreased in the latter stage of the process. …”
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Evaluation of soil biological properties of 9- and 15-year-old stands in the oil palm plantation in Perak, Malaysia
Published 2013“…The microbial population count was estimated using a spread-plate technique, and the Fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolysis assay was used to measure microbial enzymatic activity. …”
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Biochemical and hematological alterations in mice inoculated with outer membrane protein, lipopolysaccharides and whole cells of Pasteurella multocida type B: 2
Published 2013“…In conclusion, all the immunogen group of mice showed changes in complete blood count and biochemistry profiles with some differences between the groups.…”
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Growth performance, intestinal microbial populations, and serum cholesterol of broilers fed diets containing Lactobacillus cultures
Published 1998“…The results showed that body weights and feed to gain ratios were improved significantly (P < 0.05) when compared to control broilers for broilers fed diets containing 0.05 or 0.10% LC, but not 0.15% LC, at 21 and 42 DOA. Coliform counts in the cecum of birds receiving 0.05% LC at 10, 20, and 30 DOA, and 0.10% at 10 and 20 DOA were significantly lower (P < 0.05) than those of the control birds. …”
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Comparative evaluation of cytotoxic effects of milk from various species on leukemia cell lines
Published 2006“…One-way ANOYA at p<O.05 , Duncan's Multiple Range test and Independent T-test were carried out to determine the mean count differences of cell viability between and within cow's milk, goat's milk, mare's milk and human milk. …”
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Changes in haematological parameters and oxidative stress response of goats subjected to road transport stress in a hot humid tropical environment
Published 2016“…The differential leukocyte counts of group A were altered following transportation as neutrophils, monocytes and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratios increased significantly (P < 0.01) during transport compared to group B. …”
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Clinical management of foot rot in goats: a case report of lameness
Published 2017“…Blood sample was collected for complete blood count and serum biochemistry from case 1 only. The hoof was thoroughly washed and disinfected. …”
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Evaluation of Enterobacter sp. strain G87 as potential probiont against Vibrio harveyi infection in Artemia nauplii and Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) larvae
Published 2019“…G87 was also able to reduce Vibrio counts both in Artemia and seabass larvae culture. …”
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Feeding of different levels of metabolite combinations produced by Lactobacillus plantarum on growth performance, fecal microflora, volatile fatty acids and villi height in broiler...
Published 2010“…Supplementation of Com3456 with different dosages improved growth performance, reduced Enterobacteriaceae and increased lactic acid bacteria count, and increased villi height of small intestine and fecal volatile fatty acid concentration. …”
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Temporal Variations in Reproduction, Growth, Condition Index and Some Population Parameters Ofperna Viridis (Linnaeus 1758)
Published 2007“…Maximum settlement densities were counted during the month of April, while the minimum settlement densities were counted during the month of August. …”
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Thesis -
Assessment of Putative Bacteria as Probiotics in Juvenile Freshwater Prawn, Macrobrachium Rosenbergii (De Man)
Published 2006“…Total viable cell counts were 96k2.6x104 CFUIml for culture water, 31 00kl69.0xl O4 CFUIml for culture tank sediment, 21 OO+143.0x104 CFUIml for prawn body surface, 14000k4.6x10~C FUIg for prawn digestive tracts and 5.6+2.8x104 CFUIg for prawn abdominal muscle. …”
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Thesis -
Preliminary assessment of antifungal activity of lactic acid bacteria from selected malaysian traditional fermented food
Published 2022“…During fermentation, bacterial cells were counted at intervals. Growth trends for pickled garlic and pickled chilies presented an exponential phase between days 0 – 4, followed by stationary and death phases between days 8 – 14. …”
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Battery electric vehicle charging load forecasting using LSTM on STL trend, seasonality, and residual decomposition
Published 2024“…The start-stop electricity charging data from the My Electric Avenue project underwent transformation into a count of concurrent active charging events at 1-min intervals. …”
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