Effect of pad codewords modification on JAKIM halal logo size
Published 2014“…As the QR code version increased, the pad codewords count will be increased and consequently the overlapped image size can be increased without decoding error. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Hand Gesture Recognition Using Artificial Neural Networks
Published 2007“…A new feature extraction technique has been developed, based on horizontal and vertical states transition count, and the ratio of hand area with respect to the whole area of image. …”
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Thesis -
Screening of Alpha-Thalassaemia 1 in Beta-Thalassaemia Carriers
Published 2005“…These include full blood counts/red cell indices followed by Hb analysis to quantify Hb subtypes by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). …”
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Thesis -
Utilization of the ethyl acetate fraction of Zanthoxylum rhetsa bark extract as an active ingredient in natural sunscreen formulations
Published 2017“…Moreover, the physicochemical and microbial count of the formulated creams was also assessed based on various parameters such as colour, pH, centrifugation, viscosity and microbial load over a storage period of 28 days. …”
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Discourse strategies and linguistic features of life insurance sales meetings
Published 2017“…The linguistic features, on the other hand, were mostly insurance related words and were quantitatively analysed based on the frequency counts of the lexical features. Lastly, implications for the study indicate that the actual meeting may be conducted differently to suit a particular prospect and context.…”
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Thesis -
Integrative taxonomy and molecular phylogenetic analysis of bent-winged fireflies (coleoptera: lampyridae: pteroptyx) in Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak
Published 2015“…However, inclusion of females and larvae in DNA barcoding analysis increased the species count to 14 species. Using combined molecular datasets of three genes (mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome oxidase I (COI), mtDNA fragment containing the 3’ end of COI gene, the adjacent complete of tRNAleu gene and the 5’ end of the COII gene (COI-COII) and nuclear protein coding gene CAD)), the Bayesian analysis revealed that Pteroptyx was a monophyletic clade but it was clustered into two groups: A. …”
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Thesis -
Comparative genre analysis of move patterns and metadiscorsal features of management forwards in corporate annual reports from Kuwait and Malaysia
Published 2015“…It consisted of six moves and was used for a comparative investigation between the genre structure of 31 samples from Kuwait and 33 samples from Malaysia. The frequency counts were done through corpus analysis software. …”
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Thesis -
Improved security of Rijndael key expansion function
Published 2017“…To evaluate the resistance of the proposed approach to the related-key differential attack and the related-key boomerang attacks, the MILP-based approach is developed. This method counts the minimum number of active S-boxes (finds the related-key differential characteristic) in a given number of rounds for byte-oriented block cipher in the related-key model. …”
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Thesis -
Pathogenicity of Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae serovar Lai strain Langkawi in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus)
Published 2019“…Blood profile showed high neutrophil, lymphocyte, PCV, RBC, haemoglobin, leukocyte and thrombocyte counts. Besides that, enhancement of electrolytes such as sodium (Na), chloride (Cl), and potassium (K) was also noted. …”
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Species Diversity and Feeding Guilds of Birds in Paya Indah Wetland Reserve, Peninsular Malaysia
Published 2009“…Distance sampling-point count method was used to survey the bird species. …”
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Edge effects on foraging guilds of upperstory birds in an isolated tropical rainforest of Malaysia
Published 2018“…This study was conducted in an isolated tropical rainforest from March 2010 to June 2011 using a distance sampling point count technique to examine edge effects on the foraging guilds of upperstory bird species. …”
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Article -
Edge effects on foraging guilds of upperstory birds in an isolated tropical rainforest of Malaysia
Published 2018“…This study was conducted in an isolated tropical rainforest from March 2010 to June 2011 using a distance sampling point count technique to examine edge effects on the foraging guilds of upperstory bird species. …”
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Article -
Prevalence and classification of high antimicrobial resistant Staphylococcus aureus in wastewater eluted from poultry slaughterhouse
Published 2018“…Most probable number (MPN)-plating method was employed to enumerate the S. aureus count in the wastewater. The results indicated that S. aureus was highly present whereby all samples (100%) were positive and the concentration ranged between 11 – 2.1 x 104 MPN/ml. …”
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Inoculation of oil palm seedlings in Malaysia with white-rot hymenomycetes: assessment of pathogenicity and vegetative growth
Published 2018“…The seedlings inoculated with each of the seven hymenomycetes showed a similar growth pattern in terms of frond count, plant girth, plant height and frond length, at nine months. …”
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In vitro and in vivo studies on anti-withdrawal properties of Erythroxylum cuneatum (Miq.) Kurz leaf alkaloid extract
Published 2015“…Withdrawal signs exhibited by the morphine-dependent rats were measured by 9 counts and checking of parametric signs. The rats were then treated with two different interventions which are Methadone (5 mg/kg), and crude alkaloid extract of EC (5, 25 and 50 mg/kg) respectively and the withdrawal signs were re-evaluated again. …”
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Thesis -
An approach: reducing annealing time of optical stimulated luminescence dosimeter (OSLD) for medical application purpose
Published 2018“…The reader stability evaluated from the dark current (DRK), CAL and LED counts were found to be 6.0 ± 0.9, 1677 ± 31, and 4657 ± 563, respectively, which were rightly below the control limits of 30 (DRK), and ±10% of the mean (CAL and LED). …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Evaluating a rapid method to quantify multiple gene expression in acute myeloid leukaemia
Published 2013“…Prognostic markers are needed to predict patient’s response to therapy and reduce under- or over-treatment. Age, white blood counts and cytogenetics are currently routine prognostic markers but are limited by the test and the number of patients who can benefit from it. …”
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Thesis -
Characterisation of bacteria isolated from stingless bee, Heterotrigona itama, honey, bee bread and propolis
Published 2019“…Honey, bee bread and propolis were collected aseptically from four geographical localities of Malaysia. Total plate count (TPC), bacterial identification, phenotypic profile and enzymatic and antibacterial activities were studied. …”
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Article -
Food variety of lesser whistling duck in Malaysian lakes
Published 2020“…A scan method was employed from strategic places or blinds using a spotting scope and binocular to determine the food selection and density by Distance sampling point count method. Food items were categorised into the aquatic plants (AP), aquatic invertebrates (AIV), aquatic vertebrates (AV), terrestrial plants (TP), terrestrial vertebrates (TV) and terrestrial invertebrates (TIV). …”
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Mid-term impact of home-based follow-up care on health-related quality of life of hypertensive patients at a teaching hospital in Ilorin, Nigeria
Published 2019“…The intervention group also had statistically significant improvement in blood pressure control, medication adherence, and symptom counts (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The HBFC intervention for hypertensive patients impacted positively on physical component of HRQoL after controlling for baseline HRQoL and age of the patients at 6 months post-intervention.…”
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