First report of Pentastomida in Asian water monitor lizard (Varanus salvator) in Bulung Hamlet, Jekulo District, Kudus Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Published 2023“…The number of Pentastomides found in the Asian water monitor lizard cannot always indicate the actual degree of infection if only the adult and larval phase parasites are counted in the lungs of the Asian water monitor lizard, so it is also necessary to calculate the number of worm eggs per gram of feces as well as examination of other tissues because Pentastomides can migrate to the lungs of the Asian water monitor lizard through various body tissues.…”
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Sourdough powder: physicochemical, microbiological properties and shelf-life stability in different package type
Published 2024“…The viability of both lactic acid bacteria and yeast count in sourdough powder when packed in vacuumed aluminum foil laminated pouch showed higher stability for 90 days (6.18 log CFU/g and 6.82 log CFU/g) but reduced to below detection limit after 120 days (5.54 and 5.94 log CFU/g). …”
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Aspects Of Taxonomy And Population Parameters Of Holothuroid (Aspidochirotida: Holothuroidea) In Pulau Kapas, Terengganu, Malaysia
Published 1995“…Other holothurians were less than 3% of the total holothurians counted in the study areas. The mean density at the five stations showed variation. …”
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Thesis -
Individual species crown mapping in Taman Rimba Ilmu, University Malaya using airborne hyperspectral imaging
Published 2010“…Conclusion/Recommendations: It was found out that individual tree crowns in University Malaya can be detected and counted with reasonable field measured to image derived mapping accuracy of 98.65%. …”
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Effect of Epiphytic Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Guinea Grass on Nutritional Value of the Silages
Published 2010“…The effects of epiphytic lactic acid bacteria on the nutritional value and aerobic quality of the silages were also studied. The standard plate counts of naturally occurring bacteria in guinea grass were estimated to 2.65 × 105 CFU/g in fresh grass while the amount for epiphytic lactic acid bacteria were only 8.3 × 103 CFU/g. …”
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Bird species abundance and their correlationship with microclimate and habitat variables at natural wetland reserve, Peninsular Malaysia.
Published 2011“…Distance sampling point count method was applied for determining species abundance and multiple regressions was used for finding relationship between bird species abundance, microclimate and habitat variables. …”
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Effect of enrichment on stress level of laboratory rats
Published 2012“…Blood samplings were done on days 0, 14 and 26 for complete blood and differential counts. Feed intake and weight gain were recorded every 4 days and on days 0, 14 and 26. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Common species of Cyclorraphan Diptera in a Red Junglefowl Farm, Selangor, Malaysia
Published 2012“…The mean temperature and relative humidity during the period of sample collection were recorded. The flies were counted and the identification of species was based on standard taxonomic keys. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Detection of the Japanese encephalitis virus in wild boars and comparison of blood profiles between wild boars and domestic pigs in Selangor, Malaysia
Published 2012“…The leucocyte, segmented neutrophil counts and serum globulin concentration of the wild boars were significantly (p<0.05) lower than in domestic pigs and the existing reference data. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Number and distribution of Gastrin cells in response to different diets in the pylorus of goats.
Published 2011“…The numbers and distribution of the gastrin cells were counted and compared between control goats and two treatment goats. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Acoustic Emission Evaluation of Fatigue Life Prediction for a Carbon Steel Specimen using a Statistical-Based Approach.
Published 2013“…For data collection, AE parameters, i. e., count rate, hits, and duration, were extracted from specific software and were then correlated to fatigue lives calculated using the strain data. …”
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Evaluation of natural resources for conservation and recreation opportunities in greenway development of Setiu Wetland, Malaysia
Published 2012“…Evaluations were made on 12 potential sites in Setiu Wetland consisting Avicennia-ceriops, beach forest/ Casuarina, coconut, mixed-mangrove and peat swamp habitats. Point-count methods, Sherman traps, casual observations and RRI were conducted on the sites. …”
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Thesis -
Succession patterns of fungi associated to wound-induced agarwood in wild Aquilaria malaccensis revealed from quantitative PCR assay
Published 2014“…The fungi were detected in high numbers during the first few hours and days after wounding (40- to 25,000-fold higher levels compared with initial counts) and in low numbers (<1- to 3,200-fold higher than initially) many months later. …”
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Differential diurnal population density ratios of wet rice arthropods in Malaysia
Published 1997“…Using one hill as the sampling unit, 22 categories of arthropods were visually counted every 3 h. In each of two separate studies, at each combination of arthropod category, date and time of sampling, the mean density at each sampling time was calculated and divided by the mean density for that day, to obtain the ratio of population density. …”
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Statistical modelling of the effects of weather factors on malaria occurrence in Abuja, Nigeria
Published 2020“…Methodology/Principal Findings: monthly data on malaria incidence and weather variables were collected in Abuja from the year 2000 to 2013. The analysis of count outcomes was based on generalized linear models, while Pearson correlation analysis was undertaken at the bivariate level. …”
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Using CBAM to evaluate teachers' concerns in science literacy for human capital development at the preschool
Published 2011“…Descriptive statistics namely, frequency count and mean and standard deviation were used to analyze quantitative data. …”
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Seed borne fungi of Brassica chinensis L. and Brassica rapa L. and their pathogenic importance
Published 1981“…Both Malt extract agar and Potato Dextrose agar gave more infection counts of seeds than filter paper. Surface disinfection with mercuric chloride eliminated contaminants like Aspergillus spp., Penicillium sp., and some mucuraceous fungi, but did not affect germination. …”
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Variations in rainwater quality from roof catchments
Published 1989“…Faecal coliform and total coliform counts ranged from 8–13 (tile roof) and 4–8 (iron roof) to 41–75 (tile roof) and 25–63 (iron roof) colonies per 100 ml, respectively. …”
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Attitude towards the elderly among healthcare related students in Malaysia
Published 2015“…Data generated were subjected to statistics of frequency count, percentage and chi-square. The results showed that the mean attitude score was 37.82± 5.641 with overall attitude being negative (52.0%). …”
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Statistical Approach for Image Retrieval
Published 2007“…From these grouped pixels, they are sorted in descending order of pixel count, which intuitively identifies dominant colours within an image. …”
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