Distribusi Sel Mastosit pada Radang Perikoronal Penelitian Histokimia
Published 2004“…Tissue made by histologis with paraffin method and painting with toluidin. Cell of mastosit counted and healthy tissue, tissue with chronic and acute lesion. …”
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Severe cytopenias associated with the sequential use of busulphan and interferon-alpha in chronic myeloid leukaemia.
Published 1994“…Care should be taken to ensure that counts are stable after the use of busulphan before starting alpha-interferon as maintenance therapy.…”
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Neutron texture analysis on GEM at ISIS
Published 2006“…A 'single-shot', rapid texture measurement on a high-count-rate instrument can be of considerable benefit for studying materials at non-ambient conditions or for bulky samples that cannot be mounted on a goniometer. …”
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Ethics without reasons?
Published 2007“…Four problems with Dancy's arguments for strong holism are identified. (1) A plausible particularism based on it will be close to generalism. (2) Dancy rests his case on common-sense morality, without justifying it. (3) His examples are of non-ultimate reasons. (4) There are certain universal principles it is hard not to see as invariant, such as that the fact that some action causes of suffering to a non-rational being always counts against it. The main difficuly with weak holism is that justification can be seen as analogous to explanation, which will give us an atomistic and generalist conception of a normative reason.…”
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Recognizing Desirability: Is Goal Comparison Necessary?
Published 2010“…Even if both these processes count as emotion-relevant appraisal, none of the evidence rules out appraisal-independent emotion under other, unsampled, circumstances, including those where emotions develop as cumulative responses to unfolding and responsive environments rather than as momentary reactions to briefly-presented simple stimuli. …”
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Correlation of arithmetic functions over 𝔽𝑞[𝑇]
Published 2019“…In the large-q limit, we obtain a lower-order term for this count if we consider non-monic polynomials, which depends on 𝛥 in a manner which is consistent with the Hardy–Littlewood Conjecture. …”
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Sonoluminescence from microbubbles at 1 MHz
Published 2019“…This data can be loaded onto MATLAB for analysis of sonoluminescence event counts and frequency analysis of the cavitation data. …”
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Leukocyte adhesion deficiency II syndrome, a generalized defect in fucose metabolism.
Published 1999“…The elevation of peripheral neutrophil counts occurred within several days after birth. A severe hypofucosylation of glycoconjugates bearing fucose in different glycosidic links was present in all cell types investigated, demonstrating that leukocyte adhesion deficiency II is not only a disorder of leukocytes but a generalized inherited metabolic disease affecting the metabolism of fucose.…”
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Recognizing desirability: is goal comparison necessary?
Published 2010“…Even if both these processes count as emotion-relevant appraisal, none of the evidence rules out appraisal-independent emotion under other, unsampled, circumstances, including those where emotions develop as cumulative responses to unfolding and responsive environments rather than as momentary reactions to briefly-presented simple stimuli. …”
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Survival of Burkholderia pseudomallei in distilled water for 16 years.
Published 2011“…The estimated number of live and dead B. pseudomallei was 3.8×10(7) cells/ml and 1.4×10(5) cells/ml, respectively. A colony count on agar of 1.0×10(6) cfu/ml suggested that a proportion of cells were in a viable but non-culturable state. …”
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Combining data from consumers and traditional medicine practitioners to provide a more complete picture of Chinese bear bile
Published 2021“…List: Statistical Methods for the Item Count Technique and List Experiment; Aronow, Coppock, Crawford, and Green (2015): Combining List Experiment and Direct Question Estimates of Sensitive Behavior Prevalence) …”
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Dynamics of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte exhaustion.
Published 1998“…In addition, a high initial virus load and a low CD4+ cell count promote the occurrence of CTL exhaustion. These conclusions are discussed with reference to empirical data on lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus and on human immunodeficiency virus.…”
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Religiosity and religious attendance as factors in wellbeing and social engagement
Published 2020“…I suggest that regular attendees may feel they can count on the emotional support of congregation members more readily than they can conventional friends and family because they interact with them more often.…”
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The incidence and cause of coagulopathies in an intensive care population.
Published 1996“…Laboratory evidence of coagulopathy was more common: a prothrombin time (PT) ratio > or = 1.5 was found in 66% of patients and a platelet count <100 x 10(9)/l in 38% of patients. Both factors were predictive of excessive bleeding and poor outcome. …”
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Development of scalable electronics for the TORCH time-of-flight detector
Published 2015“…Existing electronics has already demonstrated a 26 ps intrinsic time resolution; however the channel count and density need improvements for future micro-channel plate devices. …”
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Thrombocytopenia in falciparum malaria is associated with high concentrations of IL-10.
Published 2006“…We studied the relationship between thrombocytopenia and cytokines in Kenyan children with severe malaria and showed that thrombocytopenia (platelet count < 150 x 10(9)/L) strongly correlates with high levels of interleukin (IL)-10. …”
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Repeated therapy with monoclonal antibody to tumour necrosis factor alpha (cA2) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Published 1994“…We report the results of repeated treatment with a chimeric monoclonal antibody to TNF alpha (cA2) in patients having disease flares. 7 patients originally enrolled in an open-label trial completed two to four cycles, each of which was followed by a good clinical response, with median improvements in the swollen-joint count and C-reactive protein exceeding 80%. cA2 may be useful therapy in the control of acute disease flares in rheumatoid arthritis and treatment programmes including cA2 may be effective in the long-term management of this disease.…”
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The Role of Instructional Engineering in Reducing the Uncertainties of Ambitious Teaching
Published 2014“…To illustrate the framework, we consider how instructional engineering helped reduce the uncertainties in enacting ambitious teaching to advance university and secondary students’ understanding of what counts as “proof” in mathematics.…”
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On learning polynomial recursive programs
Published 2024“…P-finite automata can also be viewed as simple tail-recursive programs in which the arguments of recursive calls can non-linearly refer to a variable that counts the number of recursive calls. The nomenclature is motivated by the fact that over a unary alphabet P-finite automata compute so-called P-finite sequences, that is, sequences that satisfy a linear recurrence with polynomial coefficients. …”
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Permutation groups, simple groups, and Sieve methods
Published 2005“…This might be regarded as a noncommutative analogue of the Prime Number Theorem (which counts indices n ≤ x of subgroups of abelian simple groups). …”
Journal article