Kluyveromyces marxianus from fermented rice and Iranian wine as microbial feed additive for ruminants
Published 2013“…Ruminal ammonia nitrogen and total protozoa count were reduced significantly (P<0.05) when experimental diet was supplemented by K. marxianus WJ1. …”
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Modelling mode and parking choice behaviour under cordon pricing policy in mashhad central business district, Iran
Published 2012“…To determine the traffic impacts, the survey was performed before and after implementation of cordon charges in 2010. Traffic counts were done in the entrance section of the restricted zone in four major roads connected to the CBD. …”
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A corpus-based study of Malaysia ESL students' use of discourse connectors in upper and post-secondry argumentative writing
Published 2014“…Oxford Wordsmith Tools (5) was employed to extract data from corpus for analysis, by using frequency count and concordance functions. Aiming to identify what type of DCs is used by Malaysian ESL students, Discourse Connector List developed by Rezvani Kalajahi and Neufeld (2014) was used. …”
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3, 19-diacetyl-14-deoxy-11,12-didehydroandrographolide (srs27) antagonises inflammatory response and oxidative stress in in vitro and in vivo asthma models
Published 2014“…Notably, this inhibition was not a result of cell toxicity as peripheral blood count in normal BALB/C mice treated with 3 mg/kg of SRS27 was not affected. …”
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Morphological and Genetic Identification, and Population Structure of Kelah (Tor Tambroides)
Published 2006“…The four meristic characters summarized by the canonical discriminant function analysis plots together with both the hierarchical clustering analyses based on five conventional morphometric and four meristic characters, respectively showed similarities in shape, fin or scale counts of kelah from the three populations. For Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers, a total of 20 short arbitrary primers were screened but only twelve primers were used. …”
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Biocontrol Dynamicsttrichogramma SPP Associated With Helicoverpa Armigera (Hubner) In Ethiopian Mixed Vegetation Ecosystems
Published 2005“…At lower altitudes, the highest count of parasitized eggs was from pigeon peas where the parasitoid Telenomus sp. …”
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Toxicity and Immunosuppressive Effects of Diazinon in Grass Carp, Ctenopharyngodon Idella (Cuvier and Valenciennes)
Published 2005“…There were also significant and insignificant changes in some blood parameters such as monocytes and myelocytes counts, MCH, MCHC, AST, ALP, ALT and LDH values at different days of post exposure of diazinon. …”
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Molecular Characteristics and Pathogemcity Of The Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Isolated In Malaysia
Published 2006“…However, the total lymphocyte count was decreased at 1 day to 14 pi. Overall leukocyte was increased at 6 to 12 hours and decreased at 3 to 14 days pi. …”
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Biological attribute and disease resistance of catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) supplemented with different rations of spirulina Arthrospira platensis
Published 2017“…The percentage of catfish survive following A. hydrophila infection were significantly low (p<0.05) in control with 36.67% but not with other treatment groups range from 70.00% to 73.33%. The white blood cell count value was significantly higher (p<0.05) in group supplemented with 7% spirulina whereas the red blood cell, hemoglobin, packed cell volume, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration value showed no significant different between the treatment groups. …”
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Development of rice starch-fish gelatin edible films
Published 2015“…As water activity decreased significantly (p<0.05), the total count decreased during storage (from 4.82 to 4.15 CFU/g in sample). …”
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Epidemiology of Trypanosoma evansi infection in horses in Peninsular Malaysia and the variant surface glycoprotein of the isolates
Published 2011“…Haematological changes in the infected group showed a significant decline in the mean total erythrocyte counts, PCV, haemoglobin, thrombocytes and neutrophils, whereas there was an increase in monocytes (p < 0.05). …”
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Biochemical and molecular characterisation of selected microorganisms isolated from beef, chicken, mutton and pork meat products
Published 2017“…The similarities level of E. coli, Lactobacillus, and Pseudomonas isolates from different sources were expressed as a dendrogram. Bacteria colony counts (ranging from 2.2 to 6.5-log CFU/mL) showed a significant difference among the meat types (p ≤ 0.05). …”
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Efficacy of Trichoderma spp. consortium as potential biocontrol agents of Ganoderma disease of oil palm, and involvement of antioxidant enzymes and total phenolic content
Published 2017“…Besides that, the consortium application of Trichoderma spp. exhibited tremendous enhancement in the oil palm seedling vegetative growth parameters such as plant height, stem girth, leaf area, frond count, shoot and root (fresh and dried weight) with significant difference at P<0.05 compared to all other treatments designed. …”
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Downlink radio resource management to enhance QoS of multimedia services in lte networks
Published 2018“…From another aspect, recent QoS profiles count for energy-efficient transmissions as a core dimension. …”
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Ecology and Temporal Changes in Algal Composition and Spatial Distribution of Periphyton Community of a Drowned Tropical Forest Reservoir in Malaysia
Published 1997“…Moreover, the periphytic floral monthly mean species number and cell counts (standing crop) data demonstrated significant temporal differences between the months at p<O.05 in oneway ANOV A. …”
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Identification, characterization and assessment of bacillus amyloliquefaciens as putative probiont for juveniles blue swimming crab [Portunus pelagicus, (Linnaeus 1758)] to control...
Published 2018“…The results of vibrios count showed that both of probionts were able to reduce the numbers of Vibrio in Artemia at the end of the challenge assay. …”
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Evaluation of growth performance of juvenile African catfish [Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)] fed with striped catfish [Pangasius hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1878)] viscera and pu...
Published 2018“…Further haematological assessment carried out proven that T3 shows better performance (P<0.05) in term of haemoglobin concentration, mean corpuscular volume and white blood cell count in compare with other treatment. Histological assessment made on intestinal epithelium height of villi between four treatments also proven that T3 shows significantly longer length (P<0.05) of villi in compare to T1, T2 and T4. …”
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Totally opportunistic routing algorithm for underwater wireless sensor network
Published 2019“…Whereas in NA-TORA, Expected Transmission Count (ETX) and residual energy of a node are considered for data transmission to ensure packet delivery. …”
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Expression of selected pathogenesis-related proteins at early stage of Ganoderma boninense infection in Elaeis guineensis jacq. seedlings
Published 2019“…These genes were searched for primary structural homology via BLAST, based on size and exon count. Homology searches for selected PR genes with their respected PR groups generated. …”
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Effectiveness of enhanced recovery after surgery with whey protein - infused carbohydrate loading on postoperative outcomes among gynaecologic cancer patients
Published 2020“…Body composition involved in this study were muscle mass, fat percentage, fat-free mass and fat mass, while biochemical profile assessed were full blood count, albumin and C-reactive protein. Body composition was measured via TANITA body composition analyser, nutritional status via PG-SGA, dietary intake via 24- hour diet recall, handgrip strength via Jammar Dynamometer. …”
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