Study on Acoustic Emission Characteristics and Damage Evolution Law of Shale under Uniaxial Compression
Published 2024“…The damage factor D is proportional to the cumulative AE counts N in the stage before rock failure.…”
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Article -
Protecting elections by recounting ballots
Published 2021“…First, a malicious party (an attacker) attempts to manipulate the election outcome in favor of a preferred candidate by changing the vote counts in some of the voting districts. Afterwards, another party (a defender), which cares about the voters' wishes, demands a recount in a subset of the manipulated districts, restoring their vote counts to their original values. …”
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Journal Article -
Published 2014“…Conclusion: maternal CD4 cell count and breastfeeding in infant is the dominant risk factor, and time of maternal HIV diagnosis after delivery, mode of delivery, number of maternal HIV Viralload, maternal CD4 cell count, time of initial antiretroviral therapy in mothers, provision ARV prophilactic in infant, associated with the incidence of HIV in children aged 2-5 years of mother with HIV positif in Yogyakarta. …”
Thesis -
Pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan tentang menopause terhadap perubahan kualitas hidup perempuan klimakterik
Published 2014“…The Results of paired t-test showed that there was significantly difference in quality of life scores before and after the health education in intervention group with p 0.000 <0.05 and t count (14,436)>t table (2,021). But not in the control group p 0.0295> 0.05 and t count (1,059)<t table (2,021). …”
Thesis -
Development and characterization of readout electronics for neutron scattering instrumentation
Published 2012“…Fast peaking time around 300 ns and short pulse width around 1.2 - 1.6 us, shows that it can be used for fast detector with count rate capability below 50 kHz at 10% dead time.…”
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Thesis -
Baseline adherence, socio-demographic, clinical, immunological, virological and anthropometric characteristics of 242 HIV positive patients on ART in Malaysia
Published 2015“…Overall mean baseline CD4 count of patients was 222.97 ± 143.7 cells/mm³ while overall mean viral load was 255237.85 ± 470618.9. …”
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Article -
Development of microweir structure by lithographic fabrication process for malaria cell separation
Published 2016“…Later the simulation bead count and velocity is compared with experimental result by running T-test on SPSS statistical software. …”
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Thesis -
Comparison of resident bird communities in mangrove forest and oil palm plantations in Selangor, Malaysia
Published 2018“…However, if researcher has to choose one method to assess birds in oil palm plantation, point counts should be an option, while either point counts or acoustic sampling are appropriate for bird sampling in mangroves habitat. …”
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Thesis -
Effects of combined aerobic dance exercise and honey supplementation on bone metabolism, muscular strength and immune functions in women
Published 2011“…Additionally, the percentage increase in lymphocyte counts, T helper (CD4), T cytotoxic (CD8) and total B cells (CD19) counts after 8 weeks were the highest in HEx group compared to the other three experimental groups. …”
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Thesis -
The effect of antiretroviral on AIDS progression among HIV-infected people in Pahang from 2011 to 2020
Published 2021“…Using cox proportional hazard, 2 final model were produced; model without CD4 count and model with CD4 count. In both models, ARV was a statistically significant factor. …”
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Thesis -
Microbiological quality and the impact of hygienic practices on the raw milk obtained from the small-scale dairy farmers in Sabah, Malaysia
Published 2012“…The results revealed that the bacteriology quality of raw milk was poor as the total plate count was more than 107 CFU/ml. Both the coliform (2.96 – 4.03 log CFU/ml) and Staphylococcus counts (2.73 – 3.55 log CFU/ml) were high in all tested samples. …”
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Article -
Effect of feeding larvae meal in the diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and meat quality in broiler chicken
Published 2018“…Control group had the highest Enterobacteriaceae count compared to the other treatments. Larvae meal supplementation improved the growth performance, nutrient digestibility and meat quality of broiler chicken and decreased excreta Enterobacteriaceae counts.…”
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Article -
Acoustic emission analysis for bearing condition monitoring
Published 2013“…In addition to validating already established AE techniques, this investigation focuses on establishing an appropriate threshold level for AE counts.…”
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Undergraduates Project Papers -
Narcissism, extraversion and adolescents' self-presentation on Facebook.
Published 2010“…This study examined the relationship of narcissism and extraversion on adolescents’ self-presentation in four Facebook profile features (profile picture, status updates, social network size, photo count), as reported by 360 adolescents with a mean age of 14.14 (SD = 1.00). …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Implementing a robust and accurate pedometer on mobile phone
Published 2017“…Based on initial data analysis and research, it is shown that most of the time, steps are miscalculated either via false positive or missing step count. It is important to develop an accurate and robust pedometer that will be able to record all step count accurately as well as decreasing the amount of false positive. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Microbiological quality of sushi sampled from selected food outlets in Kota Bharu, Kelantan
Published 2015“…A total of 9 (30%) samples exceeded the proposed guidelines for total plate count and 8 (23.33%) samples for total coliforms count. …”
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Monograph -
Implementation Analysis of Cuckoo Search for The Benchmark Rosenbrock and Levy Test Functions
Published 2018“…In terms of the iteration count, it was discovered that the Cuckoo Search could obtain satisfactory results in as little as 100 iterations. …”
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Article -
Nutrtional Quality of Fermented Spray Dried Medida Formulated From Malted Brown Rice with Bifidobacterium Longum BB 536
Published 2004“…During fermentation of medida the highest count of 9.82 ± 0.18 log CFU B. longum BB 536/ ml was obtained with 10 % of added skim milk. …”
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Thesis -
Isolation of Serratia Marcescens (Isolate 30) and Partial Purification of Its Acrylamide-Degrading Amidase
Published 2005“…The isolates were subjected to secondary screening using MTT assay, Direct Plate Count and High Perfomance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). …”
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Thesis -
Implementation analysis of cuckoo search for the benchmark rosenbrock and levy test functions
Published 2018“…In terms of the iteration count, it was discovered that the Cuckoo Search could obtain satisfactory results in as little as 100 iterations. …”
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