Malaysia’s Counter-Terrorism Policy: Shifting from The Executive-Based to The Criminal Justice Approach?
Published 2022“…This concern is connected with the nature and limits of the criminal law and justice system, along with other challenges derived from the existing structure, culture, and practices within the country. …”
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Article -
Published 2011“…The purpose of this study was to determine the underlying factors, information and knowledge of the operand modus that is done, and the implementation of the settlement process in the juvenile criminal law enforcement of criminal homicide committed by children under that age. …”
Thesis -
Analisis Tindak Kejahatan: Bukti Empiris dari IFLS 2007
Published 2012“…Preventing efforts against crime is part of the criminal policy of using the criminal law. Controlling crimes can be done by paying attention on crime report in each area. …”
Thesis -
Penerapan Konsep Restorative Justice Dalam Perkara Pidana Anak Di Wilayah Hukum Pengadilan Negeri Purwokerto
Published 2012“…At the district court, application of the concept of restorative justice to restore the balance of the criminal law has been applied to goals is to drop the action, but for serious crimes that are still subject to criminal sanctions, but did not rule out the possibility of restorative justice considered as ultimum remidium. …”
Thesis -
The legal comparison between the existing laws of provocation in Malaysia and the battered woman syndrome / Rul Iman Nur Rahidzab, Jasmine Ho Abdullah and Jainah Jaafar Sidek
Published 2014“…It has not been recognised in Malaysia, where courts adopt the law of provocation. In Malaysia's criminal law, provocation is a defence alleging a sudden or temporary loss of control (a permanent loss of control is in the realm of insanity) as a response to another's provocative conduct sufficient to justify an acquittal, or a mitigated sentence. …”
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Student Project -
Forensic Evidence as A Mean of Proof in Developing Prima Facie Case in Takhbib Criminal Offence
Published 2022“…Within the scope of Malaysian Syariah criminal law, tahkbib is regarded as a criminal offence. …”
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Article -
TINJAUAN YURIDIS TERHADAP PERKEMBANGAN OBJEK PERJANJIAN (Study atas Respon Hukum terhadap Kontrak Innominaat melalui Asas Kebebasan Berkontrak dan Asas Iktikad Baik dalam Penentuan...
Published 2013“…The principle endorses the need for a synergy between civil law and the others such as agrarian law as well as criminal law. With the principle of good faith at the pra-contract strage, in term of subjective, all parties are reciprocally endorsed to provide information and to discern the material of the object of the agreement. …”
Thesis -
Towards better governance on biosafety and biosecurity: China’s advances and perspectives in medical biotechnology legislation
Published 2022“…Instead of relying on a patchwork of existing regulations and measures relating to the emerging field of medical biotechnology, China is attempting to integrate a patchwork of existing regulations and measures into a comprehensive legal framework, such as the constitution, National Security Law, Biosecurity Law, administrative regulations, departmental and local rules, and has begun to use the Civil Code and Criminal Law to explicitly identify actions relating to medical biotechnology. …”
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Article -
The Spanish Enlightenment revisited
Published 2017“…Examination of major constitutional and social initiatives, such as the development of new scientific projects and economic societies, the reform of criminal law, and a re-evaluation of the country’s colonial policies, reveals how ideas, principles and practices from the wider European Enlightenment are adapted for the country’s specific context. …”
Book -
EU migration and asylum law: a labour law perspective
Published 2016“…Current responses focus unhelpfully on trafficking, or on forced labour, and look in particular to criminal law for solutions. This chapter recalls some responses from within labour law. …”
Book section -
Legal protection of air pollution in Iraq
Published 2016“…The estimated leak from the shipping stations and sinking ships was about 8.4 million barrels.It is worth noting that the environment was not just affected by one kind of pollutant, but also involved radio logical, chemical and other electromagnetic pollutants.This accident negatively affected the lives of people, especially those residing in the affected area.Furthermore, the United States' occupation to Iraq in 2003 had a crucial role in increasing the problem of environmental air pollution; they used internationally prohibited weapons, e.g., radioactive uranium and chemical weapons.The use of such weapons led to fatal health problems for the Iraqi people, evidenced mainly by the occurrence of cancerous diseases, distorted new born babies and infertility.Hence, this paper proposes the adoption of the Iraqi criminal law represented by the Iraqi Punishments Law No. 111 of 1969, is a law governing all crimes without exception, whether they are environmental or ordinary crimes. …”
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Article -
Published 2014“…There are still gaps in perception between medical community and law enforcer regarding enforcement process of criminal law for medical practice. Multiple regression showed that doctorâ��s response to LMP missions is associated with doctorâ��s compliance to LMP (p<0.05, adj R-square=0.5173). …”
Thesis -
Published 2011“…In the law, two courtsystemsare mandatedin a certaincustomarycommunity,i.e. a j1dicialpowerand a customary court.The cilstomarylaw in ToIiJr.araRegencyis consideredas beneficialfor the victim or.the plaintiffthan criminal or civii laws. 3)"Therole of legal apparatuses in the implementation of homicidal criminal law in TolikaraRegeny in synchronizingthe positive and customarylaws prevailingin localcommunitiespursuingtheir ance~tors'faiths and cultures. …”
Thesis -
Criminal liability of legal entities for polluting the environment: Shariah and law perspectives
Published 2015“…Additionally, up to this present day there is no comprehensive legislation that provides the general rules on how to solve the legal problems for the protection of the environment (AL-Lahlou, 2002).This research will review the environmental protection from the Islamic Sharia and legal point of view on crimes committed by legal entities which is defined by jurisprudence and the judiciary as ―a person or group of persons or organizations formed from funds collected from the sale of shares in the organization to form a body that has a separate identity as that of the founder members or shareholders and such bodies may own factories or are companies that provide public services to the people‖ (Maqubl, 1994) .The issue at hand here is criminal aspect of causing damage to the environment as criminal law is one of the means used by national and international communities in their fight against the damage to the environment through pollution and other destructive acts.Hence, The exacerbation of the environment was due to pollution caused by industrial progress and various other related activities. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Claiming equality: The African Union's contestation of the anti-impunity norm
Published 2020“…It presents a novel conceptualization of the norm, showing how it is comprised of three principles of equality: individual legal equality under international criminal law; sovereign state equality under international law; and equality of accountability in international criminal justice. …”
Journal article -
Wakaf in Malaysia: It legal history
Published 2003“…Since the 13th century, it is believed that Islamic laws had already played a comprehensive part in the administration of the local communities' criminal justice system such as in family law, criminal law, and land law, and included as well the procedural laws and the law of evidence.This can be further be proven and buttressed by the laws that were adopted and practiced in the several states that comprised Malaya such as Melaka, Pahang, Kedah, Johore and Perak in the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th centuries before the colonialist's master in the late 18" century and onwards began to meddle with the local laws.The British gradually introduced her English laws and equity, first through the charter of justices in Penang, Melaka and Singapore, and later through the enactment of civil law ordinances in the Malay states, in Sabah and Sarawak, as well in the early 191h century.The onslaught of English laws and equity by the colonial master had the effect of marginalising Islamic laws, and hitherto, through the passage 01 time, Islamic laws then became the secondary laws in the Malaya. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Criminals and the law in the reign of Richard II
Published 1976“…Chapter V attempts a defence of the medieval criminal law, on grounds of its flexibility and practicability in what was normally a limited range of contingencies, and shows, in a review of the law on particular offences, the degree to which practical considerations could be and were accommodated. …”
Thesis -
Laws that are made to be broken
Published 2017“…The second end is to be furthered only if, regrettably, some fail to comply. These criminal laws are made to be followed. Other criminal laws are not created with compliance in mind. …”
Journal article -
With freedom comes great responsibility
Published 2012“…LAWS that govern real life or offline also extends to cyberspace, be it civil or criminal laws.…”
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Newspaper -
Contested childhoods: law and social deviance in wartime China, 1937-1945
Published 2011“…“Contested Childhoods” links together three major areas of historical inquiry: war and criminality, law and social change, and the law as it relates to children, in the first half of twentieth-century China. …”