Showing 281 - 297 results of 297 for search '"cultural pluralism"', query time: 0.72s Refine Results
  1. 281

    Political sociology of unity and division by Sumino, T

    Published 2017
    “…Taken together, the findings of this study underscore the importance of social cleavages, identity, and institutional structures in explaining why and under what conditions people are more likely to sacrifice part of their private interest or particularistic identity for the common good or the general welfare of all individuals in a community, in a situation of growing economic inequality and increased cultural plurality.</p>…”
  2. 282


    Published 2001-12-01
    “…Based on the literature in the area and on an ethnographical case study carried out in a public primary school, the present research aims to: discuss different approaches for teacher education in a multicultural society; identify the cultural backgrounds of the pupils who go to school, according to teacher's perceptions in everyday schooling; pinpoint pedagogical practices which foster the expression of cultural diversity; and incorporate such reflections in proposals and suggestions for teacher's education aimed at the celebration of cultural plurality and at a project of changing school failure.…”
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  3. 283

    Konstruksi Pengetahuan Multikultural dalam Buku Tematik Terpadu untuk SD/MI Kelas IV by Sumirah Butet, Djoko Saryono, Taufik Dermawan

    Published 2018-03-01
    “…The outlines of indicators of multiculturalism outline consist of (1) an appreciation of the reality of cultural plurality in society, (2) recognition of human dignity and human rights, (3) development of world community responsibility, and (4) development of human responsibility towards Earth. …”
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  4. 284

    Democracia Cultural, Estado e políticas públicas culturais: Uma reflexão a partir da Democracia Radical e Plural by Marcelo de Souza Marques

    Published 2019-04-01
    “…The context of the considerations that I will present based on Lopes’ assertion involve sensitivity to a i) contemporary democratic environment of cultural plurality, and ii) a political project of the radicalization of democratic plurality. …”
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  5. 285

    Metrópole e cultura: o novo modernismo paulista em meados do século Metropolis and culture: new São Paulo modernism in the middle of the century by Maria Arminda do Nascimento Arruda

    Published 1997-10-01
    “…A particularidade resulta da presença de um tecido cultural plural, no qual os próprios intelectuais e artistas viam-se como introdutores de profundas rupturas em relação ao legado do modernismo do anos 20. …”
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  6. 286

    Desafios à Educação Intercultural no Brasil by Reinaldo Mathias Fleuri

    Published 2007-03-01
    “…Key Words: Cross-cultural education. cultural plurality. identity epistemology. complexity. …”
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  7. 287

    Loin du monde, l’île est le monde : Les écotones insulaires de l’océan Indien entre créolisation et frontières liquides by Markus Arnold

    Published 2022-10-01
    “…Island-as-utopia, island-as-prison, island-as-refuge, island-as-stopover, island-as-relation, island-as-world … there is no shortage of notions to imagine and describe these heterogeneous places where the realities, potentialities, and limits of (post)colonial cultural plurality are negotiated. For behind the tropical dreams and the exaltations of harmonious cohabitation (vivre-ensemble) appear the precariousness of the island condition, the ambiguity of identity, and the difficulty of anchoring oneself in and expressing oneself from a place which continues to be significantly shaped by its relations with the outside (the old and new ‘metropolises’ and places of reference, other islands). …”
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  8. 288

    Fenomenología del multiculturalismo y pluralismo intercultural Phenomenology of multiculturalism and intercultural pluralism by Guillermo Hoyos

    Published 2012-12-01
    “…<br>Multiculturalism is defined as the combination, within a given territory, of a social unit and a cultural plurality by way of exchanges and communications among actors who use different categories of expression, analysis and interpretation. …”
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  9. 289

    Desafios à Educação Intercultural no Brasil by Reinaldo Mathias Fleuri

    Published 2007-03-01
    “…Key Words: Cross-cultural education. cultural plurality. identity epistemology. complexity. …”
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  10. 290

    The specific plurality of Assia Djebar by Hiddleston, J

    Published 2004
    “…Thinkers differ in their understanding of the importance of identity, at times advocating that the affirmation of a particular subject position is the only means of resisting (neo)colonial domination, and at others asserting that a celebration of relationality and cultural plurality can serve to critique entrenched power relations. …”
    Journal article
  11. 291

    Dos meandros às serras: o habitat sertanejo na conformação imagética da paisagem mogiana by Jéssica de Almeida Polito, Jane Victal

    Published 2019-03-01
    “…Entre vales, campos e serras, na região de fronteira entre os territórios administrativos de São Paulo e Minas Gerais, configurou-se uma paisagem cultural plural, multifacetada e profundamente relacionada com as possibilidades da terra. …”
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  12. 292

    Sexual behaviors and Practices among university students Prácticas y comportamientos sexuales en estudiantes universitarios by MANRIQUE ABRIL FRED GUSTAVO, OSPINA DÍAZ JUAN MANUEL

    Published 2007-12-01
    “…Introduction: Since 1995 we validated descriptive studies, as a need to research prior educational interventions, given the cultural plurality that disqualifies the application of universal models in as far as sexual education. …”
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  13. 293

    Prácticas y comportamientos sexuales en estudiantes universitarios Sexual behaviors and Practices among university students by JUAN MANUEL OSPINA DÍAZ, FRED GUSTAVO MANRIQUE ABRIL

    Published 2007-12-01
    “…<br>Introduction: Since 1995 we validated descriptive studies, as a need to research prior educational interventions, given the cultural plurality that disqualifies the application of universal models in as far as sexual education. …”
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  14. 294

    RESISTENSI ORANG RIMBA (Studi Tentang Perlawanan Orang Rimba Menghadapi Kebijakan Rencanan Pengelolaan Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas Propinsi Jambi) by , BURLIAN SENJAYA SH.I, , Drs. Haryanto, MA.

    Published 2011
    “…The findings of this study confirm what is presented by Gurr that people can make resistance when he felt something stolen or respect for his way of life threatened by new developments, besides that, Scott also explains the existence of 'state simplification' where countries trend to legalize and regulate public policy that is too strict and uniform for its own sake, in the middle of groups of different people because of their cultural plurality. So, nothing wrong according to Scott on the already marginalized communities such as this is, they will take the fight either overtly or with the concept of everyday resistance which tends more closed (every day forms of Resistance).…”
  15. 295

    Olhares sobre a linguagem em redes sociais e suas interfaces com a educação crítica e pluralista / Overlooking language in social networwoks and its connections with a plural and c... by Eliane Fernandes Azzari, Rosineide de Melo

    Published 2016-12-01
    “…In order to establish connections, social media participants resort to multimodality and multissemiosis as they construct, “like” and share texts/utterances that are permeated by cultural plurality, both refracting and reflecting it. Thus, contemporary literacies are constituted by as well as they constitute (themselves) those practices, within multiple and diverse literacies which are interconnected by hypertextual interactions, generating a new ethos. …”
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  16. 296

    Feminismos latinoamericanos: una mirada panorámica by María Luisa Femenías

    Published 2016-03-01
    “…In this sense Latin American feminist thought is original, for it obeys our own characteristics, such as our ethnic and cultural plurality, which makes it imperative to take into account the intersections among gender, class and ethnicity. …”
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  17. 297

    Il nuovo animismo by Emanuele Coccia

    Published 2021-05-01
    “…In the West, “nature” would be unified and defined by its very absence of soul or spirit, whereas other cultures recognize a form of subjectivity in everything that lives and for this very reason are forced to think in “nature” a “cultural” plurality that the West does not perceive. The problematic aspect of this thesis is the idea that animism, the attitude that recognizes the existence of a mind or self-consciousness even outside of humanity or a small number of animals, would be impossible or a minority in Western cultures. …”
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