Rodzaje poetyckich komunikatów wobec izolacji króla Stanisława Augusta w sielance Smutek nad Dafnisem pól północnych pasterzem chorującym Antoniego Korwina Kossakowskiego (artykuł...
Published 2021-12-01“…The work is composed of the following rhetorical statements: comforting, expressing sadness, accusation, turning to the deity, or expressing joy. What is more, the forced isolation of the king is shown by the lyrical subject as a suspension of communication, full of anticipation of the king’s return. …”
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Published 2015-12-01“…The Roman emperors loved to represent themselves as God’s on earth, according to the Eastern view of the sacred right of those who are called to govern invoking their deity, however, they didn’t recognize the many tensions that arose due to many emperors being involved in the investiture. …”
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The Dardenne Brothers and the Invisible Ethical Drama: Faith without Faith
Published 2016-04-01“…The work of the Dardenne brothers can be understood as an attempt to express what I describe as a “faith without faith”—a recognition of the absolute centrality of belief for the development of a responsible subject but in the absence of a traditional faith in a personal deity.…”
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New altar to Ataecina in Oña (Burgos)
Published 2016-12-01“…The object, located actually in Oña (Burgos), it was probably moved from the West part of Lusitania where most of the dedications to this deity have been found. The name of the goddess, in this case, is followed by the epithets Turebriga Proserpina as well as the name of the devotee and possibly the votive formula. …”
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Two Galatian Cults in Dacia
Published 2017-05-01“…An unpublished inscription from Ancyra or its territory contains a dedication to Zeus Erusenos. This deity is also attested on two Latin inscriptions found in Roman Dacia (Roumania), and the cult, like several other local cults from Galatia or eastern Bithynia, was exported from Asia Minor to the new province of Dacia after it was conquered and annexed by the emperor Trajan. …”
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Paradise Lost Dressed in the Costume of History: John Martin’s Rendition of Paradise Lost
Published 2011-01-01“…Only angels such as Raphael are the representations of deity and are as powerless and tiny as Adam and Eve. …”
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Once Again on ʾbk wdm in Ethiopian Sabaic
Published 2023-03-01“…In contrast, it is proposed here that ʾbk wdm continues the previous list of deity names, as already suggested in 1976 by Roger Schneider. …”
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Enthronement of the invisible. Understanding the origin and evolution of the iconography of empty thrones and hetoimasia in the late antique period
Published 2021-01-01“…The motif of hetoimasia is one of the most widespread and most complex in medieval iconography, and it has its roots in the Graeco-Roman and Jewish empty thrones of an invisible or absent deity. It gradually developed during the Late Antique period, and experienced its full flourishing in the Middle Ages. …”
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Vedic Predecessors of One Type of Tantric Ritual
Published 2014-12-01“…This is a very simple example of one type of tantric ritual where a limited number of mantras of a certain deity are used in different ways to accomplish a variety of efficacy by changing ritual elements of them. …”
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Searching for the Location of Lord Lao: The Evolution of Daoist Cosmic Concept between the Han and Tang Dynasties
Published 2023-10-01“…During that time, Daoist believers needed to place important deities properly in the newly created heavenly realm. …”
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Božična jama pri Novi Štifti (Gornji Grad) – primer antičnega jamskega svetišča
Published 2020-09-01“…The archaeological finds indicate the symbolism of the Sun, phallus and solar deity which are usually connected with fertility. …”
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Published 2009-05-01“…Author also reviews Frank’s phenomenological approach to exposing the Absolute as a special kind of that, which is given in the inner experience, and some related problems of the Philosophy of Religion: the credibility of the Deity, Its conceivable relation to the mankind and world, the problem of evil. …”
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Könyvtári, kolostori és múzeumi kutatómunka Mongóliában
Published 2018-03-01“…As Vajrabhairava is one of the major tutelary deities of Gelug monasteries, his texts are read at every ceremony related to the wrathful protectors as well, and being an extremely powerful tutelary deity, helps meditating monks and other practitioners to enter the path leading to enlightenment. …”
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Tantric Ritual and Conflict in Tibetan Buddhist Society. The Cult of Yamāntaka
Published 2022-12-01“…In particular, the analysis focuses on the cult of the tantric Buddhist deity Yamāntaka, who is often invoked in tantric ritual to resolve communal crisis or defend society against the enemies of Buddhism. …”
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Antichi riti purificatori dell’Italia preromana: il caso del santuario di Mefitis nella valle d’Ansanto
Published 2017-12-01“…This was the location of the sanctuary of Mephitis, the peaceful italic deity protector of herds and trade. Founded by the Hirpini on the cattle drovers’ route from the higher mountain pastures to the lower pastures, it was an important centre of worship for wayfarers from the 6th century BC to the 4rd century AD. …”
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Applying Durkheim to Elvis
Published 2013-05-01“…In this article I argue that although Elvis fans are not substituting him for a deity, we can use one mechanism from Emile Durkheim’s theory of totemic religion to understand the human chemistry of his phenomenon. …”
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Joel 2:17 and the Calamities of Joel 1:2-2:11
Published 2024-01-01“…The possibilities of agricultural restoration and foreign domination become literary goads; the addressees are spurred to act in their own self-interest, which is entangled with the deity’s. …”
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La dimensión mítica de la peregrinación tarasca
Published 2010-06-01“…In the foundation myth described in the Relación de Michoacán, the alliance and confrontation between male solar hunters and female aquatic-telluric, fisher-farmers represent the union of opposites but complementary principles, analogous to those participating in the set up of the human being. Considering that the deity and the people are mutually represented, the displacement of the Chichimecs in the north-south sense is comparable to the apparent seasonally movement of the sun – their god – in the horizon, and symbolizes at the same time the origins of the real Tarascan and a change in the economic strategies during the annual cycle. …”
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Callimachus, Hymn 2 and the Genre of Paean
Published 2018-07-01“…This can be seen in the concern with the identities of deity (Carneian Apollo), worshippers (a group of young men on the verge of maturity), and community (the historical foundation of Cyrene). …”
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La ofrenda sagrada del vaso en la cultura ibérica
Published 2009-12-01“…</p><p>ABSTRACT: We present in this work a reflection about the known gesture of offering the vase to the deity in the Iberian culture, in the context of the Ancient Mediterranean. …”
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