The pragma-dialectician’s dilemma: Reply to Garssen and van Laar
Published 2010-12-01Get full text
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<title language="eng">Poet, Historian, Dialectician: Studies in Biblical Literature
Published 2009-12-01Get full text
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The Dokounta of the Platonic Dialectician. On Plato’s distinction between the insufficient "present discussion" and a satisfactory future one
Published 2015-02-01“…It is a recurring pattern in Plato´s dialogues that the dialectician leads the discussion to a certain point where he identifies further, more fundamental problems, on which he claims to have his own view (to emoi dokoun, vel sim.), which he does not communicate. …”
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Published 1985-12-01“…“As a master dialectician he insisted on proofs (barnhin), whether arrived at on the basis of the holy texts (nusus), or through logical demonstration, or both.” …”
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Linguistic (and Ontological?) encounters between Plato and Karl Popper
Published 2023-10-01“…In the four subchapters of my study, I basically investigate the relationship between the thinking subject and the noumenon as well as the role of the coiner of names and the dialectician with respect to the scientific foundation of the names. …”
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The Charachter of Lieutenant Ogarkov: Confusion or Fault (the Lesson-research of E. Kazakevich's Story "Two in steppe")
Published 2010-04-01“…Authors offer problem questions and tasks for the group and face-to-face work, focusing on the text analysis («the dialectician of soul» the protagonist, system of characters, etc.) and discussion of debatable questions.…”
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Philosophus e philosophia in Pier Damiani: una nuova prospettiva per un antico problema
Published 2021-12-01“…Contradicting the standard image of Peter Damian as ‘anti-dialectician’, Eleuchadius’ case shows how the cardinal-bishop of Ostia could accept the idea of a Christian philosopher, following the Augustinian interpretation of the biblical “Gold of the Egyptians” (Ex 12).…”
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Of Philosophers, Crowns, and Boundary Stones: Revisiting Cipus in Metamorphoses 15
Published 2023-12-01“…This paper argues that Ovid was familiar with the philosophy of the Hellenistic dialectician Diodorus Cronus, in particular, his views on fate, which he probably knew from Cicero’s De Fato, and the so-called “horned” and “veiled” arguments associated with him. …”
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Seeing Double
Published 2021-10-01“…In fact, correctly performed divisions help the dialectician to bring into focus a subject matter under consideration in a kind of double-vision that reveals that matter as a concrete phenomenon that exhibits participation in different eidê when it is considered from different points of view.…”
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Essere madre tra bambole e rete: il caso delle Winx
Published 2011-06-01“…Through this complex analysis the author could find three dominant directions: the “apocalyctics”, who consider Winx phenomenon toxic and poisonous, something their children should be defended from in order to avoid educational and sociocultural corruption; the “conformers”, who consider the phenomenon just one of the many recreational and mediatic products without any dangerousness; the “dialectician” who see the phenomenon as something real and present in children daily universe and who think that a “critical balance” is the best way solve the problem. …”
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Convergencias y divergencias dialécticas en la Antigüedad griega: Platón y Aristóteles frente a los estoicos
Published 2018-06-01“…For the Stoics, dialectic will be a virtue itself and one cannot become a wise man if one is not a dialectician. Even more: dialectic will play a pivotal and agglutinative role in the Stoic system as a whole. …”
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Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus: a centenary disease
Published 2022-12-01“…However, the value of this perspective is lost when the book is treated as the work of a postmodern nihilist, an antimetaphysical dialectician . The same can be said of the interpretation of Raymond Bradley, whose praiseworthy efforts to highlight the Tractarian modal element have resulted in an inadequate Leibnizian framing in his work The Nature of All Being (Bradley, 1992). …”
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Reflejo del discurso vivo. ¿Qué es y qué pretende un diálogo platónico?
Published 2009-03-01“…Phaedrus, 276a8-9) has to be referred to his own dialogues: the “man who knows” is the dialectician, who “knows the truth” (cf. ibid., 278c4-5) thanks to the insights he has gained by way of his use of the Theory of Ideas. …”
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Argumentation Theory and Argumentative Practices: A Vital but Complex Relationship
Published 2017-12-01“…It describes how, having contextualized, empiricalized and formalized their approach, pragma-dialecticians are now putting the theory’s analytical instruments to good use in identifying prototypical argumentative patterns in specific communicative activity types in the various communicative domains. …”
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On the Dichotomy of Qualitative and Quantitative Researches in Contemporary Scientific Methodology
Published 2011-12-01“…Proceeding from the view of materialistic dialecticians that every scientific research must deal with a subject, the author assumes that it is impossible to conduct a quantitative research without first establishing the quality to be studied. …”
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The Byzantine Culture Model of the 12th Century in Hugo Etherianus’ view
Published 2014-01-01“…Hugo was the best Latin expert on Hellenic and Byzantine philosophy and theology in the 12th century, particularly associated with the new dialecticians. His writings and letters as well as his debates with various Byzantine philosophers and theologians are an important testimony on the parting of the Byzantine and the Latin intellectual traditions during the last quarter of the 12th century.…”
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Dialektik als Logik des Scheins. Zu Kants Lektüre von Michael Piccarts Isagoge
Published 2022-09-01“…Instead, Piccart refers to a passage of Aristotle’s Metaphysics, which suggests the very distinction between an analytic philosopher who searches for scientific truth and dialecticians and sophists. For different reasons, they do not claim any scientific seriousness. …”
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Hegel in the Mirrors of Soviet Philosophy
Published 2023-12-01“…The party leader of the “Dialecticians”, Abram Deborin, initiated the publication of Hegel’s Collected Works, which was published with a number of large and small interruptions over the course of 30 years (and the last, 15th volume never saw the light of day). …”
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Seeing Is Believing: on the Visibility of Late Capitalism
Published 2015-12-01“…In actualizing Marx’s dialectics, Jameson is not returning to the mystic source itself as much as reading Marx via and alongside the likes of Althusser or Deleuze and other “unwilling” dialecticians he recruits along the way. At the same time, once more taking a jab at structuralist theory – claiming, for example, that one can mistake the structuralist notion of the synchronic for ‘conceptual ideology’ relating to the eternal present of capitalist accumulation – for Jame…”
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