Showing 21 - 40 results of 47 for search '"eIDAS"', query time: 0.88s Refine Results
  1. 21

    Privacy-Preserving Solution for European Union Digital Vaccine Certificates by Petr Dzurenda, Sara Ricci, Petr Ilgner, Lukas Malina, Carles Anglès-Tafalla

    Published 2023-10-01
    “…Our solution solves the aforementioned privacy and security shortcomings and is in line with current EU legislation, i.e., the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the upcoming revision of the electronic IDentification, Authentication, and trust Services (eIDAS), called regulation eIDAS 2.0, and the new tools that it envisages to be led by European digital identity. …”
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    Reflexions sobre el projecte d’identitat digital europea a la llum del certificat COVID digital i el moviment sobre la self-sovereign identity (CA-EN) by Raül Ramos Fernández

    Published 2022-12-01
    “…Aquesta visió, fortament marcada pel moviment sobre la self-sovereign identity, –junt amb la creació de la Infraestructura Europea de Serveis de Cadena de Blocs (European Blockchain Services Infrastructure, EBSI), de la qual depèn el Marc Europeu d’Identitat Sobirana (European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework, ESSIF)– es veu reflectida en la modificació del Reglament eIDAS, i, de retruc, en el certificat COVID digital de la UE. …”
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    Analyzing the Threats to Blockchain-Based Self-Sovereign Identities by Conducting a Literature Survey by Daniela Pöhn, Michael Grabatin, Wolfgang Hommel

    Published 2023-12-01
    “…This approach tries to enhance the security and privacy of digital identities and, thereby, their owners. With the new eIDAS regulation, elements of SSI, such as the wallet, are being pushed onto the market. …”
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    Beyond Bitcoin: Understanding Legal Boundaries of Blockchain Technology by Alessio Di Amato, Vincenzo Orsini

    Published 2022-01-01
    “…Secondly, it investigates the evidential value of distributed ledgers, assesses how they could be exploited in private law matters, and examines the recent proposal of amendment to the eIDAS Regulation. Lastly, it clarifies under which conditions a smart contract can be legally binding and the practical consequences.…”
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    Transparencia, ciberseguridad e identidad digital en el entorno 5G by Clara Rodríguez Ilarraz, Ricardo Javier Palomo Zurdo

    Published 2023-12-01
    “…En este sentido, el sector de los prestadores de servicios de confianza, cuya normativa está siendo actualmente objeto de debate (denominada eIDAS 2), es el mejor ejemplo del uso de la estandarización en la que podría llamarse sociedad digital. …”
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    The Digitalisation of European Union Procedures: A New Impetus Following a Time of Prolonged Crisis by Elena Alina Onţanu

    Published 2023-05-01
    “…The aim is for identification and certifications of e-signatures and e-identities in this digital environment to be based on the eIDAS Regulation. While all these are welcome developments for facilitating and speeding up access to justice, this paper points out that the process still requires some years for its full implementation and may be exposed to various risks, complexities and challenges. …”
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    Published 2019-12-01
    “…The most effective ways of realization of the e-governance, according to the author, which are used in the member states of the European Union, include: сross-border digital public services, of electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS services); Open Data Portal; shared Cloud Infrastructure; system of the e-democracy and e-participation measures; mutual public service centers; removation of the existing digital barriers; artificial intelligence technologies; using real-time data. …”
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    A Self-Sovereign Identity Based on Zero-Knowledge Proof and Blockchain by Mohameden Dieye, Pierre Valiorgue, Jean-Patrick Gelas, El-Hacen Diallo, Parisa Ghodous, Frederique Biennier, Eric Peyrol

    Published 2023-01-01
    “…Such a SSI protocol is compliant with Electronic IDentification And Trust Services (eIDAS) as well as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulations.…”
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    SAÚDE DO IDOSO: by Amanda Cristine Ferreira dos Santos, Lília Maria Monteiro de Oliveira e Silva, Rita de Cássia Spíndola Melo Magalhães, Rosângela Lopes Viana

    Published 2014-11-01
    “…Para o idoso, a assistência não humanizada resulta em comorbidades, normalmente crônicas, despesas e idas frequentes aos serviços de saúde. Embora existam impedimentos, com a assistência humanizada os idosos podem aumentar as chances de ter uma vida normal. …”
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    E-signature and e-services in Albania by Vilma TOMÇO, Edlira GJOLLESHI, Klorenta PASHAJ

    Published 2019-06-01
    “…Prior work In June 2014, was approved the new European Regulation known as e-IDAS. Since Albania is non-EU member state aspirant to be member of EU, there is a need to have a mechanisms for building paperless procedures in different sectors. …”
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    Prevalência de diabetes mellitus e suas complicações e caracterização das lacunas na atenção à saúde a partir da triangulação de pesquisas by Jéssica Muzy, Mônica Rodrigues Campos, Isabel Emmerick, Raulino Sabino da Silva, Joyce Mendes de Andrade Schramm

    Published 2021-05-01
    “…Deficiências na atenção à saúde do diabético levam a maior morbidade, internações (15%) e idas a emergências (27% - PMAQ). O cenário apresentado em 2012, apesar de não ser ideal, deu-se num contexto de fortalecimento do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). …”
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    E-administracja, czyli cyfryzacja usług publicznych w Europie i w Polsce – nowa rola operatorów pocztowych? by Anna Romejko-Borkowska

    Published 2018-01-01
    “…Wejście w życie z początkiem 2016 roku rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) nr 910/2014 w sprawie identyfikacji elektronicznej i usług zaufania publicznego w odniesieniu do transakcji elektronicznych na rynku wewnętrznym (tzw. rozporządzenie eIDAS) usprawnia sposób uwierzytelniania oraz podpisywania dokumentów elektronicznych, a tym samym otwiera drogę do stworzenia w Polsce sprawnego cyfrowego obiegu korespondencji urzędowej. …”
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    Published 2023-10-01
    “…O paciente apresentava episódios hemorrágicos recorrentes e idas frequentes ao pronto-socorro desde o primeiro mês de vida. …”
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    “Viagem ao mundo das sílabas”: Intervenção na consciência fonológica by Sónia Costa, Susana Gomes, Cátia Sacadura, Cidália Araújo, Ricardo Cardoso, Anabela Cruz-Santos, Maria João Gomes

    Published 2017-12-01
    “…Jogo interativo “Viagem ao mundo das sílabas”, composto por duas atividades: “Visita aos animais” e “Ida ao supermercado”, cujo objetivo consiste na promoção da aquisição das competências fonológicas e no aumento da qualidade e quantidade de vocabulário. …”
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    Assessing possible energy potential in a food and beverage industry: Application of IDA-ANN-DEA approach by Oludolapo A, Olanrewaju, Josiah L. Munda, Adisa A. Jimoh

    Published 2017-04-01
    “…The purpose of this study is to combine the strengths of these models, i.e., IDA, ANN and DEA, to allow biases in one model to offset biases in the other, so as to examine the effectiveness of energy management policies in a particular food and beverage industry. …”
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    Voice to the Silence. Materiality and Immateriality of the Female World and Childhood from the Coroplastic Perspective. International Webinar – Heritage Science on Air. Istituto di... by Marianna Castiglione, Ida Oggiano

    Published 2023-07-01
    “…Materiality and Immateriality of the Female World and Childhood from the Coroplastic Perspective, organizzato da Marianna Castiglione e Ida Oggiano, dell’Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale (ISPC) del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, nell’ambito del Progetto di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN 2017) “People of the Middle Sea. …”
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    El rol, la praxis y las redes de las traductoras en la recepción de la obra de Simone de Beauvoir al Sur de América entre los años 1940 y 1980 by Mariana Smaldone

    Published 2020-08-01
    “…Notablemente, varias de las traductoras son escritoras de renombre, como María Rosa Oliver, Silvina Bullrich e Ida Vitale. De allí que no sólo me interesa visibilizar a estas traductoras, sino reflexionar acerca del sentido de sus resignificaciones, también sus diferencias, y respecto de las constelaciones y redes intelectual-afectivo-políticas que ellas integran. …”
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    Vivências de pessoas LGBT em situação de rua e as relações com a atenção e o cuidado em saúde em Florianópolis, SC by Dalvan Antonio de Campos, Heitor Mondardo Cardoso, Rodrigo Otávio Moretti-Pires

    Published 2020-08-01
    “…RESUMO As identidades de gênero e as orientações sexuais têm impacto sobre as vivências das pessoas em situação de rua, sendo importante motivo na quebra de vínculo familiar e ida para a rua, no caso, Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais (LGBT). …”
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    Vidas do sul: Identidade, Direito e Resistência na América Latina by Anayara Fantinel Pedroso, Antonio José Guimarães Brito

    Published 2016-12-01
    “…Examina-se questões como a Identidade, Direito e Resistência dos Charruas na América Latina através de pesquisas bibliográficas, documentais e ida a campo na aldeia Polidoro, localizada em Porto Alegre e Tacuarembó-UY.…”
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