Factors affecting Singapore investors when making investment decisions in China.
Published 2009“…According to the Economie Development Board, Singapore firms' investment in the region exceeds S$11b.1 China, predicted by some economists to have the potential to become the most powerful economie nation in the world, is a popular investment destination for Singapore's investors. …”
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Thesis -
Introducing Exchange-Rate Equations into a World Econometric Model.
Published 1987“…The model is based on the World Economic Prospects (WEP) model which has been operated and developed by economists in HM Treasury for more than a decade. However, exchange rates in WEP are exogenous, and this article discusses the estimation of an exchange-rate system for the model and its implications in terms of overall model properties.…”
Journal article -
The Biggest Auction Ever: The Sale of the British 3G Telecom Licenses.
Published 2002“…This paper reviews the part played by economists in organising the British third-generation mobile-phone licence auction that concluded on 27 April 2000. …”
Journal article -
Exiting the crisis.
Published 2010“…While the resolute action taken by the leaders of the affected countries has prevented the patient from dying, a number of chronic ailments still need to be addressed, posing new challenges for economists and policymakers. This is no time for complacency.…”
Book -
Deregulation and the future of commercial television
Published 1989“…Four papers illustrate how a radical change in the market structure of British television calls for modes of economic analysis which, while familiar to economists in the United States are relatively unfamiliar to their British counterparts. …”
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Gender and Economics
Published 1995“…This collection surveys the contribution which economists have made to our understanding of gender. …”
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Innovation systems and policy in a global economy.
Published 1999“…New technologies are a fundamental part of modern economic life. Economists and engineers, no less than politicians and public opinion, are devoting increasing attention to understanding why, how and where technological innovations are generated. …”
Book section -
Economics as a moral science
Published 2009“…Economists frequently make judgments about economic welfare, but there is today little discussion of the foundations of welfare economics. …”
Journal article -
How do creditor rights matter for debt finance? A review of empirical evidence
Published 2015“…Since the 1990s, economists have begun to pay close attention to the role of law and legal institutions in facilitating economic growth. …”
Book section -
To what extent can flipped learning strategies enhance the success of SRL in A Level Economics
Published 2020“…<p>This research looks to support the deeper learning of A-level economists through assessing the merits of flipped learning to improve the use, and success, of self-regulated learning (SRL). …”
Thesis -
14.30 Introduction to Statistical Method in Economics, Fall 2004
Published 2004“…It also provides a solid foundation in probability and statistics for economists and other social scientists. We will emphasize topics needed in the further study of econometrics and provide basic preparation for 14.32. …”
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Learning Object -
Complexity, concentration and contagion: A comment
Published 2015“…Although the precise origins of the term “complex adaptive system” are unclear, nevertheless, the hackneyed phrase is now firmly ensconced in the lexicon of biologists, physicists, mathematicians, and, most recently, economists. However, as with many important ideas that become cliches, the original meaning is often obscured and diluted by popular usage. …”
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Article -
The real estate market in China.
Published 2009“…In many ways, this depends on media's coverage of the market. But still, economists and others assume that the China real property market, like many market, is near perfect and therefore lend themselves to some scientific analysis.…”
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Thesis -
Modern research method: Opportunity knock / Imran Alvi
Published 2017“…As economists are working in an increasing complex environment, it is natural that they take advantage of a wider and more advanced set of tools and skills to deliver meaningful solutions. …”
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Article -
Multi-dimensional screening: A user's guide
Published 1999“…Multi-dimensional screening models have many potential applications but economists have so far been hindered by the considerable technical difficulties involved in their resolution. …”
Journal article -
The geometry of the distance coefficient in gravity equations in international trade
Published 2016“…A remarkable numeric similarity of estimated coeffcients over time, space and for different types of goods has puzzled economists for some time. In this paper I provide a geometric argument why a large class of data generating processes lead to the observation of the coefficients typically found, and thus provide a natural and simple explanation for the numeric similarity of estimates provided in this literature. …”
Journal article -
The value of intellectual property rights to firms
Published 2007“…Economists view intellectual property rights (IPRs) as policy tools for encouraging innovation. …”
Working paper -
The Value of Intellectual Property Rights to Firms.
Published 2007“…Economists view intellectual property rights (IPRs) as policy tools for encouraging innovation. …”
Working paper -
Changing roles of agricultural economics
Published 1994“…They were seen by right wing governments as engines of economic growth, by left wing governments as engine of social equality, and by citizens in general as avenues of social mobility. Economists such as Lionel Robbins had argued that universities have discovered the secret of growth; the more a society invested in higher education, the faster the economy grew, the faster its economy grew, the more it could invest in higher education.…”
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Inaugural Lecture -