How can we avoid a stroke crisis?
Published 2011“…The group comprises eminent cardiologists, neurologists, a health economists, hospital pharmacists, a haematologist and representatives from patient organisations. …”
Journal article -
Sustainable and unchallenged algorithmic tacit collusion
Published 2020“…The risks posed by such undetected collusion have been debated within antitrust circles in Europe, the US, and beyond. Some economists, however, downplay algorithmic tacit collusion as unlikely, if not impossible. …”
Journal article -
An econometric appraisal of monetary indicators on Malaysian sectors.
Published 2009“…On how the variables affect the economy has long been debated by economists. This study seeks to investigate the role of the money, interest rate, bank credit and exchange rate in Malaysian economic activity, namely agriculture, construction, manufacturing and services. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The determinants of FDI inflow in manufacturing sector of Malaysia
Published 2011“…Therefore, policy makers and economists seek to identify the factors that affect FDI in different sectors. …”
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Article -
Impact of health capital on total factor productivity in Singapore
Published 2019“…In subsequent era, economists likewise acknowledged that individual and population health could be one of the important determinant of productivity and economic growth. …”
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Article -
Political conflict, prevention and management: A Nigerian experience
Published 2014“…The early economists and political punter foresaw a more promising future for Nigeria as an emerging black power but the country has now experienced its ownparcel of political upheavals due to largely lack of tolerance, compromise, good judgment and willingness to stand by the rule of law and fair play in governance, leading to political instability engulfing the nation since independence to present contemporary day.Political conflict currently radiates in almost every part of the country.This article delineates the elements that contributed to the political disputes in Nigeria and the methods use in the management and prevention of conflicts.The study conducted through established documents in current Studies that have dominated discussions on Nigerian politics and challenging crisis now experienced within the country.The paper concludes with some recommendation that proffer solutions to these problems.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Post Keynesian theory and evidence of money supply endogeneity: a review essay
Published 2015“…The central issue in managing the economy is to understand how money supply is determined.The history of modern monetary economics actually has witnessed the emergence of two opposing views pertaining to the role of central bank in controlling the supply of money in an economy.A group of economists, known as monetarists, under the influence of Milton Friedman, contended that money supply in an economy is exogenously determined. …”
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Article -
Foreign exchange prediction and trading using random forests
Published 2019“…Developing high-precision techniques for predicting financial time series is critical for economists, researchers, and analysts. Complex machine learning techniques, such as artificial neural networks, support vector machines (SVMs) and random forests, provide sufficient learning capabilities and are more likely to capture complex nonlinear models that dominate the financial market. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
How Would You Like Your 'Sustainability,' Sir? Weak or Strong? A Reply to My Critics.
Published 1995“…Daly and Jacobs agreed with my criticisms of 'weak' sustainability, but defended 'strong' sustainability on the grounds that natural and manmade capital were 'complements' in the productive process and that economists are wrong, therefore, in assuming that they are infinitely substitutable. …”
Journal article -
Behavioural economics, hyperbolic discounting and environmental policy
Published 2010Journal article -
Pluralist economics in an era of polycrisis
Published 2024“…This special issue (SI) explores how young economists, educated in this era, study economic phenomena through pluralist lenses. …”
Journal article -
In defence of FTAs : from purity to pragmatism in East Asia
Published 2022“…It is argued that such FTAs are a second-best option compared to WTO agreements. However, while economists may seek the ideal solution, governments will focus on the politically attainable, especially as new multilateral agreements require lengthy negotiations beyond the life span of governments. …”
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Journal Article -
A study on the vegetable trade in Pasir Panjang wholesale centre.
Published 2010“…Social networks also exist in markets despite claims by classical economists that they do not. These relationships sustain and facilitate the economic functioning of PPWC. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Illegal music downloading in Singapore from a behavioural economics perspective.
Published 2010“…As suggested by behavioural economists such as Dan Ariely, people’s decision to cheat by ‘a bit’ is determined by the internal and external rewards mechanism and they can increase the internal rewards by framing their actions in a more favourable manner. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The role of monetary and fiscal policies in handling the global financial crisis : effects and defects.
Published 2010“…The boom of the world economy during 1990-2007 made economists envisage that recessions are a phenomenon of the past, and through careful study and understanding of world economies, setbacks in the business cycle can be combated (Krugman, P., 2009). …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Forecasting foreign exchange and trading using random forest
Published 2019“…Due to the crucial role foreign exchange rate plays nowadays, constructing a prediction method with high accuracy can be a significant problem for the economists, analysts and speculators to understand the foreign exchange market better and avoid financial instability. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The curse of oil: oil resources turned out to be an international security issue / Siti Nurulshakila Ruslan
Published 2010“…As this issue spread to all over the world and it get worse, it had turn to be an international security issue. In fact the economists often talk of the curse of oil pointing out that countries with resources such as oil often grow more slowly, more corruptly, less equitably, more violently and with more authoritarian governments than others do. …”
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Student Project -
Remedial measures for financial crisis in the light of prophetic teachings / Irfan Shahid.
Published 2015“…In the beginning of the financial crisis many suggestions were propounded by economists, policy makers and bankers to reduce its impact. …”
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Article -
All things to all people: changing perceptions of 'skill' among Britain's policy makers since the 1950s and their implications
Published 1999“…The paper concludes by arguing that if Britain is to break out of a 'low skill equilibrium' (Finegold and Soskice 1988) and create a vibrant participatory democracy, it must shift education and training policy out of a narrow economistic focus and obsession with skills supply, and ensure universal access to a broad and integrated general and vocational education for all.…”
Working paper -
Posterior average effects
Published 2021“…Economists are often interested in estimating averages with respect to distributions of unobservables, such as moments of individual fixed-effects, or average partial effects in discrete choice models. …”
Journal article