More-than-rational modelling: the pragmatics and politics of social simulation in fisheries management
Publicado 2018“...<p>Social simulation methods such as agent-based modelling are making inroads into the tool sets of economists and environmental scientists. Responding to critiques of mainstream economic models, agent-based modellers promise increased behavioural realism by modelling the more-than-rational aspects of economic action in socio-ecological systems. ...”
Thesis -
Preferred reporting items for studies maping onto preference-based outcome measures: the MAPS statement
Publicado 2015“...The MAPS (MApping onto Preference-based measures reporting Standards) statement is a new checklist, which aims to promote complete and transparent reporting of mapping studies.In the absence of previously published reporting checklists or reporting guidance documents, a de novo list of reporting items was created by a working group comprising six health economists and one Delphi methodologist. A two-round, modified Delphi survey, with representatives from academia, consultancy, health technology assessment agencies and the biomedical journal editorial community, was used to identify a list of essential reporting items from this larger list.From the initial de novo list of 29 candidate items, a set of 23 essential reporting items was developed. ...”
Journal article -
Preferred reporting items for studies mapping onto preference-based outcome measures: the MAPS statement
Publicado 2015“...The MAPS (MApping onto Preference-based measures reporting Standards) statement is a new checklist, which aims to promote complete and transparent reporting of mapping studies.In the absence of previously published reporting checklists or reporting guidance documents, a de novo list of reporting items was created by a working group comprised of six health economists and one Delphi methodologist. A two-round, modified Delphi survey with representatives from academia, consultancy, health technology assessment agencies, and the biomedical journal editorial community was used to identify a list of essential reporting items from this larger list.From the initial de novo list of twenty-nine candidate items, a set of twenty-three essential reporting items was developed. ...”
Journal article -
Parametric frailty model with time-dependent covariates
Publicado 2020“...In real-life environment, the application of frailty models have been widely used by biostatistician, economists and epidemiologist to donate proneness to disease, accidents and other events because there are persistent differences in susceptibility among individuals. ...”
Artigo -
The small and medium enterprises Act as catalyst for economic growth and development in Pakistan: Economic growth and development perspective
Publicado 2007“...As a result, many experienced business people, political leaders, economists, and educators believe that fostering a robust small and medium business culture will maximize individual and collective economic and social success on a local, national, and global scale. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Conference or Workshop Item -
Evaluating forecasting method using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) approach for shariah compliant oil and gas sector in Malaysia
Publicado 2018“...Furthermore, the findings from this study will help economists to evaluate the current economic condition of oil and gas in Malaysia. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Artigo -
Social capital and educational attainment among rural community in Malaysia
Publicado 2012“...The determinants of educational attainment among children have become one of the main research agenda among scholars, educationists and economists alike.In most studies, the focus is on the relationship between educational attainment and factors such as the quality of teachers, schools, educational technologies, curriculum design, the financial and human capital aspect of the families and the ability of children themselves. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Artigo -
Quality of Life and Recycling Behaviour in High-Rise Buildings: A Case in Hong Kong
Publicado 2016“...Many researchers, environmentalists and economists have made tremendous efforts to enable polices and measures for waste recycling, to improve the quality of the public living environment and to achieve a better quality of everyday life. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Artigo -
The Assumption of Unlimited Human Wants (AUHW) in Islamic Economics
Publicado 2020“...The assumpion of unlimited human wants (AUHW) was taken by Islamic economists and therefore altered and assimilated with Islamic elements so that it can be known as the assumption of Islamic economics. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Ligazón do recurso
Artigo -
Bentham et la France
Publicado 2017“...Utilitarisme, socialisme et libéralisme: Bentham en France au XIXe siècle <br/> Marie-Laure Leroy, Constant lecteur de Bentham: égoïsme, droit, utilité <br/> Joël-Thomas Ravix et Marc Deschamps, La liberté contre le bonheur: Morellet et Constant face à Bentham <br/> Michel Bellet, Saint-simonisme et utilitarisme: Saint-Simon lecteur de Bentham <br/> François Vatin, Les économistes libéraux français entre kantisme et benthamisme: Pellegrino Rossi et Jules Dupuit <br/> Nathalie Sigot, Des dangers de l’utilitarisme benthamien: les économistes libéraux français du XIXe siècle face à Bentham <br/> IV. ...”
Libro -
Rebuilding the Edge: The Case of the Sulmona–Carpinone Railway and the Town of Pettorano sul Gizio
Publicado 2022“...Rebuilding the Edge investigates how architecture can make a contribution to issues usually tackled by politicians, policymakers, economists and engineers. This project applies GIS mapping and photogrammetric tools to register the rural realities along an abandoned rail line in Central Italy. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Thesis -
The role of think-tanks in East Asia
Publicado 2022“...Drawn from academia and think tanks from across Asia and the Pacific, the political and security specialists, sociologists, historians, and economists exchanged ideas and charted new intellectual terrain on the theme: ""Asia in the New Millennium: Development, Democracy, and Security."" ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Conference Paper -
Sparse machine learning methods for financial signal processing
Publicado 2017“...Ever since stock trading came into force, financial economists are keen on identifying optimal methods that track stock movements and make a prediction on future prices with a high degree of accuracy. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Thesis -
Decision making tools for resource allocation based on Maqid Al- Sharah
Publicado 2011“...Recently, the application of Al-Maqid in various disciplines including economics and finance has been gaining prominence. Among the leading economists who have written on the subject, to mention a few are Chapra (1985; 2004), Siddiqi (2000), Ahmad (2000), Atya (2003), Hasan (2004) and Al-Najjar (2008). ...”
Ligazón do recurso