Access structures of elliptic secret sharing schemes
Published 2013“…In this correspondence, we give the access structures explicitly for the elliptic secret sharing schemes from algebraic-geometric (AG) codes associated with elliptic curves. Based on higher degree rational points on elliptic curves, we also construct some nonideal secret sharing schemes with weighted threshold structures.…”
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Journal Article -
Published 2014“…We prove a special point result for products of elliptic modular surfaces, elliptic curves, multiplicative groups and complex lines, and deduce a result about vanishing linear combinations of singular moduli and roots of unity. © University College London.…”
Journal article -
Modular Calabi-Yau threefolds in string compactifications
Published 2020“…<p>All elliptic curves defined over Q are modular. This is the statement of the modularity theorem that relates arithmetic properties of an elliptic curve to a modular form for a subgroup of SL(2,Z). …”
Thesis -
Symmetric power functoriality for holomorphic modular forms
Published 2021“…We establish the same result for a more general class of cuspidal Hecke eigenforms, including all those associated to semistable elliptic curves over 𝐐.…”
Journal article -
On class groups of imaginary quadratic fields
Published 2015“…Such existence theorems are useful in the arithmetic of elliptic curves and, potentially, also in certain lifting problems for reducible two‐dimensional Galois representations. …”
Journal article -
Explicit Coleman integration for hyperelliptic curves
Published 2010“…Coleman's theory of p-adic integration figures prominently in several number-theoretic applications, such as finding torsion and rational points on curves, and computing p-adic regulators in K-theory (including p-adic heights on elliptic curves). We describe an algorithm for computing Coleman integrals on hyperelliptic curves, and its implementation in Sage.…”
Journal article -
Adjoint Selmer groups of automorphic Galois representations of unitary type
Published 2022“…We obtain definitive results for the adjoint Selmer groups associated to non-CM Hilbert modular forms and elliptic curves over totally real fields.…”
Journal article -
A generalized successive resultant algorithm
Published 2017“…In this paper, we abstract the core SRA algorithm to arbitrary finite fields and present three instantiations of our general algorithm, one of which is novel and makes use of a series of isogenies derived from elliptic curves with sufficiently smooth order.…”
Conference item -
On a canonical class of Green currents for the unit sections of abelian schemes
Published 2015“…This current generalizes the Siegel functions defined on elliptic curves. We prove generalizations of classical properties of Siegel functions, like distribution relations, limit formulae and reciprocity laws.…”
Journal article -
Centres of skewfields and completely faithful Iwasawa modules
Published 2007“…This has an application to the study of Selmer groups of elliptic curves.…”
Journal article -
A non-abelian conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer type for hyperbolic curves
Published 2014“…For $\P^1\setminus \{0,1,\infty\}$ and the complement of the origin in semi-stable elliptic curves of rank 0, we compute the local image of global Selmer schemes, which then allows us to numerically confirm our conjecture in a wide range of cases.…”
Journal article -
Diffeomorphisms and families of Fourier-Mukai transforms in mirror symmetry
Published 2001“…The conjecture generalizes a proposal of Kontsevich relating monodromy transformations and self-equivalences, Supporting evidence is given in the case of elliptic curves, lattice-polarized K3 surfaces and Calabi-Yau threefolds. …”
Book section -
Potential automorphy over CM fields
Published 2023“…We deduce that all elliptic curves E over F are potentially modular, and furthermore satisfy the Sato–Tate conjecture. …”
Journal article -
An analog of the Edwards model for Jacobians of genus 2 curves
Published 2024“…We give the explicit equations for a <strong>P</strong><sup>3</sup> x <strong>P</strong><sup>3</sup> embedding of the Jacobian of a curve of genus 2, which gives a natural analog for abelian surfaces of the Edwards curve model of elliptic curves. This gives a much more succinct description of the Jacobian variety than the standard version in <strong>P</strong><sup>15</sup>. …”
Journal article -
A fixed point formula of Lefschetz type in Arakelov geometry IV: The modular height of C.M. abelian varieties
Published 2003“…This theorem gives a formula for the Faltings height of abelian varieties with complex multiplication by a C.M. field whose Galois group over $\bf Q$ is abelian; it reduces to the formula of Chowla and Selberg in the case of elliptic curves. We show that the formula can be deduced from the arithmetic fixed point formula proved in the first paper of the series. …”
Journal article -
Remark on fundamental groups and effective Diophantine methods for hyperbolic curves
Published 2011“…In this paper, we point out instead the analogy between the section conjecture and the finiteness conjecture for the Tate-Shafarevich group of elliptic curves. That is, the section conjecture should provide a terminating algorithm for finding all rational points on a hyperbolic curve equipped with a rational point.…”
Journal article -
The Atkin operator on spaces of overconvergent modular forms and arithmetic applications
Published 2015“…As an application, we explicitly construct Heegner-type points on elliptic curves. We then make a geometric study of the Atkin operator, and prove a potential semi-stability theorem for correspondences. …”
Thesis -
Variance of arithmetic sums and L-functions in Fq[t]
Published 2019“…Our calculations apply, for example, to elliptic curves defined over F q [t].…”
Journal article -
Explicit Chaubauty–Kim for the split Cartan modular curve of level 13
Published 2019“…This is then applied to determine the rational points of the modular curve Xs (13), completing the classification of non-CM elliptic curves over Q with split Cartan level structure due to Bilu–Parent and Bilu–Parent–Rebolledo.…”
Journal article -
Covering collections and a challenge problem of Serre
Published 2001“…This is the only value of c$\le$81 for which the Fermat quartic X$^4$ + Y$^4$ = c Z$^4$ cannot be solved trivially, either by local considerations or maps to elliptic curves of rank 0, and it seems likely that our approach should give a method of attack for other nontrivial values of c.…”
Journal article