Online Support Groups for Family Caregivers: Scoping Review
Published 2023-12-01“…For the second research question, the most common communication medium found was text-based communication, with the use of emojis, photos, and GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) files as part of these exchanges. …”
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Emotions and Topics Expressed on Twitter During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom: Comparative Geolocation and Text Mining Analysis
Published 2022-10-01“…Overall, the proportion and expressions of emojis, sentiments, emotions, and topics varied geographically and temporally. …”
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Exploring Counselor Practices and Risk Assessment in a Proactive Digital Intervention Through Instagram in Young People: Qualitative Study
Published 2023-12-01“…In particular, in the digital context, counselors would use the young person’s post and emojis to further conversations and build rapport. …”
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The Use of Artificial Intelligence–Based Conversational Agents (Chatbots) for Weight Loss: Scoping Review and Practical Recommendations
Published 2022-04-01“…Other techniques used in text-based chatbots included personally and culturally appropriate colloquial tones and content; emojis that emulate human emotional expressions; positively framed words; citations of credible information sources; personification; validation; and the provision of real-time, fast, and reliable recommendations. …”
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Análisis de las publicaciones de la cuenta de Instagram del ministerio de asuntos exteriores y cooperación, desde una perspectiva de género
Published 2021-03-01“…Discusión y resultados: en torno a cuatro ejes (interacción y engagement, las temáticas, la representación de la mujer en la cuenta de instagram @exteriores.maec y contenido audiovisual, hashtags y emojis). El nivel de interacción que tiene la cuenta de Instagram del MAEC es bajo (0,33%). …”
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A Mixed Malay–English Language COVID-19 Twitter Dataset: A Sentiment Analysis
Published 2023-03-01“…Tweets in Malaysia are often a combination of Malay, English, and Chinese with plenty of short forms, symbols, emojis, and emoticons within the maximum length of a tweet. …”
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Assessing Mood With the Identifying Depression Early in Adolescence Chatbot (IDEABot): Development and Implementation Study
Published 2023-08-01“…The development explored WhatsApp’s default features, such as emojis and recorded audio messages, and focused on scripting relevant and acceptable conversations. …”
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Published 2022-10-01“…Portanto, a relevância desses usos e apropriações nas práticas comunicativas realizadas foram fomentos que ocorreram para com a edificação dos processos sociocomunicacionais, a partir das relações dialógicas estabelecidas nos comentários imagéticos (uso especifico dos emojis), indicando apropriações em diferentes níveis do conhecimento. …”
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Published 2023-12-01“…The carried out analysis allows summarising the markers of a politician’s charisma portrayed on social media as follows: the number of comments and likes for their posts; informality while addressing the Prime Minister by his first name “Boris” and presence of a “popular name” “BoJo”; high degree of the followers’ messages expressiveness actualised through verbal means (significant amount of exclamatory sentences, interjections, evaluative epithets and idiomatic expressions), as well as graphical-visual means, in particular through the usage of graphic emoticons (emojis), serving to intensify the overall expressiveness of a message. …”
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Uso de gamificação como estratégia para modificar a saúde de gestantes e lactentes numa comunidade carente de Curitiba
Published 2023-12-01“…Tais mensagens fizeram parte de um processo de gamificação — emprego de técnicas comuns aos jogos em situações de não jogo —, com recompensas por meio de pontuação virtual (emojis) de acordo com metas cumpridas. Resultados: O aplicativo ficou ativo por nove meses, sendo acompanhadas 28 gestantes e mães de lactentes. …”
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Evaluation of the Current State of Chatbots for Digital Health: Scoping Review
Published 2023-12-01“…Chatbots use text, animations, speech, images, and emojis for communication. The findings highlight variations in conversational capabilities, including empathy, humor, and personalization. …”
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Development of a mobile health application for those who have experienced pregnancy loss
Published 2015-10-01“…Once the user submits a diary entry or photo the overall sentiment, negative or positive, is calculated against a word list with related scores. Emojis included in diary entries can also be calculated in the sentiment rating so that the informal way in which app users communicate with mobile devices can be properly assessed. …”
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Digital Citizenship Perceptions and Practices among Iranian EFL Learners: A Netnographic Inquiry
Published 2020-11-01“…Since data collection procedure led to obtaining a huge body of data, for manageability reasons, only textual data were used for analysis, and other types of data such as images, videos and emojis were excluded from our analysis. Relying on grounded theory and adopting qualitative content analysis, the obtained data were probed through the initial, axial and focused coding procedures, and emerging patterns were classified into various themes and subthemes. …”
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Published 2016-12-01“…Josiane da Cruz Lima Ribeiro, Ricardo José Rocha Amorim e Rodrigo dos Reis Nunes discutem, em Selfies, emojis, likes: representações voláteis e leituras líquidas na era digital, as funções que códigos de hipermídia têm desempenhado como representações e leituras de si e do outro na era digital, e como a escola tem se portado diante desse novo panorama de tratar a informação e a comunicação voláteis. …”
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