Student- and school-level factors associated with mental health and well-being in early adolescence
Published 2023“…Students’ mental health (risk for depression [Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale], social-emotional-behavioral difficulties [Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire]) and well-being (Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale) and relationships with student- and school-level characteristics were explored using multilevel regression models.…”
Journal article -
Hedging against antiviral resistance during the next influenza pandemic using small stockpiles of an alternative chemotherapy
Published 2009“…In essence, through the existence of many wild-type epidemics, the interconnectedness of the global network dampened the international spread of resistant strains.Our results indicate that the augmentation of existing stockpiles of a single anti-influenza drug with smaller stockpiles of a second drug could be an effective and inexpensive epidemiological hedge against antiviral resistance if either SMC or ECC were used. …”
Journal article -
Dissecting mechanisms involved in the aetiological overlap between Type 2 diabetes and cancer
Published 2013“…This previously unsuspected link between genes known for being dysregulated in cancer and T2D pathogenesis is supported by epidemiological evidence linking T2D and cancer. The aims of this thesis were to gain insight into T2D pathogenesis by studying specific examples involved in the complex interplay between T2D and cancer.…”
Thesis -
Health outcomes of children born after IVF/ICSI: A review of current expert opinion and literature
Published 2014“…Large-scale, multicentre, prospective epidemiological studies are needed to investigate this further and to confirm long-term health consequences in assisted-conception children. …”
Journal article -
A comparison of two molecular methods for diagnosing leptospirosis from three different sample types in patients presenting with fever in Laos
Published 2017“…Quantitative PCR on admission is a reliable rapid diagnostic tool, performing better than MAT or culture, with significant implications for clinical and epidemiological investigations of this global neglected disease.…”
Journal article -
Relationship between 8-year weight change, body size, and health in a large cohort of adults in Thailand
Published 2017Journal article -
Dietary flavonoid, lignan and antioxidant capacity and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition study
Published 2013“…Limited epidemiological evidence suggests a protective role for plant foods rich in flavonoids and antioxidants in hepatocellular cancer (HCC) etiology. …”
Journal article -
Human translational studies investigating the neurocognitive effects of 5-HT4 receptor agonism
Published 2022“…Although there was no evidence of an antidepressant-like effect in experimental medicine studies, a pharmaco-epidemiological study suggested that one year of standard dose prucalopride for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders was associated with reduced risk of depression.…”
Thesis -
The impact of explanations on layperson trust in artificial intelligence-driven symptom checker apps: Experimental study
Published 2021“…The participants were shown a video of a chatbot simulation that resulted in the diagnosis of either a migraine or temporal arteritis, chosen for their differing levels of epidemiological prevalence. These diagnoses were accompanied by one of four types of explanations. …”
Journal article -
Common genetic determinants of vitamin D insufficiency: a genome-wide association study.
Published 2010“…METHODS: We undertook a genome-wide association study of 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in 33 996 individuals of European descent from 15 cohorts. Five epidemiological cohorts were designated as discovery cohorts (n=16 125), five as in-silico replication cohorts (n=9367), and five as de-novo replication cohorts (n=8504). 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations were measured by radioimmunoassay, chemiluminescent assay, ELISA, or mass spectrometry. …”
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Survival, causes of death, and risk factors associated with mortality in Barcelona HIV new diagnoses. 2001-2013
Published 2014“…Association with mortality of socio-demographic, clinical and epidemiological variables were studied using Cox regression [hazard ratio (HR); 95%CI]. …”
Conference item -
Hedging against antiviral resistance during the next influenza pandemic using small stockpiles of an alternative chemotherapy.
Published 2009“…CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that the augmentation of existing stockpiles of a single anti-influenza drug with smaller stockpiles of a second drug could be an effective and inexpensive epidemiological hedge against antiviral resistance if either SMC or ECC were used. …”
Journal article -
Prevalence of hepatitis D virus infection in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Published 2017“…</p> <h4>Interpretation</h4> <p>Findings suggest localised clusters of hepatitis D virus endemicity across sub-Saharan Africa. Epidemiological data are needed from southern and east Africa, and from patients with established liver disease. …”
Journal article -
Submicroscopic Plasmodium prevalence in relation to malaria incidence in 20 villages in western Cambodia.
Published 2017“…<br/><br/> Methods<br/> During March to May 2015 cross-sectional surveys were conducted in 20 villages in Battambang, western Cambodia. Demographic and epidemiological data and venous blood samples were collected from 50 randomly selected adult volunteers in each village. …”
Journal article -
Glycemic index, glycemic load, and risk of coronary heart disease: a pan-European cohort study
Published 2020“…<p><strong>Background</strong></p> <p>High carbohydrate intake raises blood triglycerides, glucose, and insulin; reduces HDLs; and may increase risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Epidemiological studies indicate that high dietary glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) are associated with increased CHD risk.…”
Journal article -
Holistic approach in cholera outbreak: the Petaling experience
Published 2002“…An investigation was conducted to understand the epidemiological characteristic, identify the source of the outbreak and effective control measures. …”
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Article -
Assessment of seasonal flu immunization status among adult patients visiting al-Sharaee Primary Health Care Center in Makkah al-Mokarramah
Published 2015“…Background: On the basis of epidemiologic data and worldwide experiences on influenza vaccination, both seasonal and H1N1 vaccinations are recommended for anyone 6 months of age or older who is at risk of becoming ill or of transmitting the viruses to others. …”
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Molecular evidence of Burkholderia pseudomallei genotypes based on geographical distribution
Published 2016“…Overall, PFGE showed higher discriminative power in clustering the nine Malaysian B. pseudomallei isolates and indicated its suitability for localized epidemiological study. Compared to MLST, CIM genes showed higher resolution in distinguishing those non-related strains and better clustering of strains from different geographical regions. …”
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Long-term exposure to insulin and volumetric mammographic density: observational and genetic associations in the Karma study
Published 2018“…Background: Long-term insulin exposure has been implicated in breast cancer etiology, but epidemiological evidence remains inconclusive. The aims of this study were to investigate the association of insulin therapy with mammographic density (MD) as an intermediate phenotype for breast cancer and to assess associations with long-term elevated circulating insulin levels using a genetic score comprising 18 insulin-associated variants. …”
Article -
Development of electronic medical records for clinical and research purposes: the breast cancer module using an implementation framework in a middle income country- Malaysia
Published 2019“…We believe that integration of multiple clinical visit data sources provides a more comprehensive, accurate and real-time update of clinical data to be used for epidemiological studies and audits. © 2018 The Author(s).…”