Prilog proučavanju društva na području srednjeg Podrinja u rimsko doba
Published 2022-12-01“…That led to the creation of different social strata. By analyzing the epigraphic and archaeological material, we try to answer the following questions: how did the Roman society look like and what was the social status of some social categories; in what position was the indigenous population compared to immigrants; what marks were left behind by the merchants, craftsmen,miners, and slaves?…”
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«Besonders an der Verknappung und Entschlackung stossen sich die Germanisten». Nicolas Mahlers Kunstbetriebs-Comics als kleine Formen inter- und transmedialen Erzählens<br><i>[“Ger...
Published 2019-04-01“…In Mahler’s so-called ‘graphic anecdotes’, inter- and transmediality become evident in a variety of ways: in the form and organization of anthology, the construction of pseudo-epigraphs, and the accentuation of ‘transition’ and ‘in-between’. …”
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Stendhal et les dispositifs en marge
Published 2017-11-01“…Colesanti analyse et illustre quelques-uns des procédés mis en œuvre par Stendhal lors de l’édition de ses œuvres : organisation typographique de la page imprimée, tables, titres courants, épigraphes, notes en bas de page, astérisques... Ces procédés, parfois ambigus et cryptiques, constituent un subtil réseau de dispositifs qui interpellent et stimulent le lecteur.…”
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Pečetní otisk jako artefakt a jako pramen. Trendy studia staroegyptských pečetních otisků z doby Staré říše
Published 2020-06-01“…The author shows the development achieved in recent decades in the study of clay sealings as they are studied not only as a vehicle of epigraphical evidence, but as an artefact involved in specific practices and capable of providing details on the ancient economy and administration. …”
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The Thracian hero on the Danube new interpretation of an inscription from Diana
Published 2013-01-01“…The paper looks at some aspects of the Thracian Hero cult on the Danube frontier of Upper Moesia inspired by a reinterpretation of a Latin votive inscription from Diana, which, as the paper proposes, was dedicated to Deo Totovitioni. Based on epigraphic analogies, the paper puts forth the view that it was a dedication to the Thracian Hero, since it is in the context of this particular cult that the epithet Totovitio has been attested in various variants (Toto-viti- / Toto-bisi- / Toto-ithi-).…”
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The God Pakeidas in Jerash – His Worship through Archaeological and Epgraphical Sources
Published 2022-10-01“…They also reexamine in the light of epigraphic sources in comparison to the Aramaic material from the Near East the function of <em>archibomistai</em>, cultic agents who served to this local god.…”
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The Modelling of Historical Fact in A. Hudyma’s Novels in Verse
Published 2015-12-01“…The author refers to the works of real evidence, chronicles, artifacts, works of folklore, he models this material in the story by citing, giving the titles and epigraphs. For example, “Mazepa’s Confessions” consists of six chapters, to each of them, along with the artwork from the album “The Ukrainian antiquity”, there is an epigraph quoting the historical sources. …”
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Published 2022-11-01“…The current paper addresses the <em>Kallatianoi </em>and <em>Odessitai</em> who are epigraphically attested in other cities of the ancient world than the ones from which they originate. …”
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On Jupiter's cult from the south of the Roman province of Dalmatia: A few examples from east Herzegovina
Published 2019-01-01“…Therefore, a smaller number of epigraph statues was preserved to testify today about their former existence. …”
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«Arte románico y epigrafía romance. Las primeras imágenes de la lengua vulgar en Italia, Francia y España»
Published 2013-11-01“…These are a small corpus of thirteen inscriptions or epigraphic units from the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries, of which eleven were designed and carried out in close connection with iconographic programs or motifs. …”
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Of women and goddesses in Phoenician and Punic religiosities
Published 2012-12-01“…The approach of a new view on the controversial practice of sacred prostitution associated with these goddesses to explore a new area of interesting study in an effort to challenge old assertions that have not found support epigraphic and archaeological evident.…”
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Les couleurs de la vue. Les propriétés thérapeutiques des couleurs dans l’ophtalmologie gréco-romaine
Published 2021-12-01“…Indeed, these names are generally neologisms known to us through a single handwritten or epigraphic occurrence. However, there is no doubt that several of these names have been chosen for their for their commercial value, as “ambrosial”, “inimitable” or “invincible”. …”
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Les cultes isiaques et les Italiens entre Délos, Thessalonique et l’Eubée
Published 2010-12-01“…The examination of the epigraphic, archeological and literary data shows similarities as regards Isiac cults between Delos, Euboea and Thessalonica, in the ritual and social profile of the votaries. …”
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Un’analisi del riutilizzo delle epigrafi urartee in epoca medievale nell’Altopiano Armeno
Published 2023-08-01“… This contribution examines the phenomenon of reuse of the epigraphic material carved on stone, produced by the civilization of Urartu. …”
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Flocks and herds between thermalisme and prophecy
Published 2013-12-01“…Such hypothesis is based both on archaeological and epigraphic data, and on post-ancient historical evidences, as well as on legends and pseudoetymology, and on elements pertaining to transhumance. …”
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Notes on byzantine Panagiaria
Published 2011-01-01“…Proposing that the use of panagiaria as personal devotional instruments was fairly common in Byzantium, the article explores the interplay between the design, materiality, epigraphic enhancement, and ritual and devotional use of these objects.…”
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Argead Women and Religion
Published 2022-12-01“…This article demonstrates the importance of public religion and patronage for those women through archaeological, epigraphical, and textual evidence. The corpus shows that religious affairs in Macedonia were necessarily entangled with political and cultural aspects, hindering straightforward conclusions about the range and evolution of the royal women in the public religion of Argead Macedonia. …”
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Panegyriarchy in Civic Careers
Published 2023-06-01“…On the basis of a systematic survey of the epigraphic documentation, this paper aims at defining the profile of the individuals attested as panegyriarchs. …”
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Di Apollo e di alcune fondazioni seleucidi
Published 2022-12-01“…Special attention is paid to the epigraphic and numismatic evidence coming from the poleis of Apameia in Syria and Hierapolis of Phrygia, where Apollo was honoured as divine ἀρχηγέτης in imperial times. …”
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Timbriada and its Territory
Published 2018-11-01“…For the extension of the territory of the city, it is highlighted by recent epigraphic and archaeological discoveries.…”
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