Zonal mean atmospheric distribution of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)
Published 2006“…By comparing solstice and equinox months from 2002 through to 2004, we observe differences which shift with seasonal changes in atmospheric circulation. …”
Journal article -
Peramalan jumlah kandungan elektron menggunakan kaedah suapan ke hadapan rangkaian neural di Semenanjung Malaysia
Published 2018“…The maximum value in the seasonal variation was observed in June solstices with 88% and the minimum in the September equinox, 83%. Results showed that the NN model can predict the TEC with a maximum accuracy of 86% compared with the IRI-2012 model by 58% during equinoxes and solstices periods. …”
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Thesis -
Uranus's northern polar cap in 2014
Published 2018“…The feature, first detected in August 2014 from Keck telescope images, has a morphology very similar to the southern polar cap that was seen to fade before the 2007 equinox. At strong methane-absorbing wavelengths (for which only the high troposphere or stratosphere is sampled) the feature is not visible, indicating that it is not a stratospheric phenomenon. …”
Journal article -
Millstone Hill Thomson Scatter Results for 1965
Published 2015“…The transition between these two types occurs rapidly around equinox, without any corresponding seasonal change in the F-region thermal structure. …”
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Technical Report -
John Holbroke, the Tables of Cambridge, and the “true length of the year”: A forgotten episode in fifteenth-century astronomy
Published 2018“…Implicit in this year length was a 33-year cycle of repeating solar longitudes and equinox times, which has left traces in other astronomical tables from fifteenth-century England. …”
Journal article -
'He who saw the Deep': History as ritual in the material world of Mesopotamia
Published 2019Book section -
Islam as a challenge to the ideology of religious studies: Failures of religious studies in the Middle East
Published 2020Journal article -
HCN ice in Titan's high-altitude southern polar cloud.
Published 2014“…These results show that post-equinox cooling at the winter pole of Titan is much more efficient than previously thought.…”
Journal article -
Ancient biographies: trace element analysis to investigate provenance and transportation mechanism of Late Bronze Age glass
Published 2019Journal article -
Henry Bate’s 'Tabule Machlinenses': The earliest astronomical tables by a Latin author
Published 2018“…Such analysis reveals that Bate employed an unusual value for the length of the tropical year (c.365 1/4 − 1/112 days), which was probably derived by comparing ancient and contemporary observations of the vernal equinox. In addition, there are clear signs that Bate kept revising his parameters for the mean motions of Venus and the three superior planets, none of which can be traced back to earlier sources. …”
Journal article -
Resist or perish! Understanding the mode of resistance among young DIY Indonesian musicians
Published 2020“…Our research offers a real-world example of theories around popular music and youth studies based on the experiences of young Indonesian musicians. © Equinox Publishing Ltd 2021.…”
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Article -
Constraints on Titan's middle atmosphere ammonia abundance from Herschel/SPIRE sub-millimetre spectra
Published 2013“…Observations were taken during 2010 and 2011, just after Titan's northern spring equinox, which occurred in mid-2009. In our analysis we used high spectral resolution data (0.074 cm-1 apodised) from the SPIRE shortwave spectrometer array (SSW), which provided the best possible signal-to-noise ratio for detecting any NH3 emission features. …”
Journal article -
Abundances of Jupiter's trace hydrocarbons from Voyager and Cassini
Published 2010“…Whilst the 2-D cross-section of C2H6 abundance is slightly increased and more symmetric in 2000 (northern summer solstice) compared to 1979 (northern fall equinox), the major trend of equator to pole increase remains. …”
Journal article -