Terminologie plurilingue des Sciences Humaines et Sociales : approche pragmatique et conceptuelle
Published 2012-11-01“…Dans une approche pragmatique et conceptuelle, la mise en relief de certaines particularités pragmatiques saillantes de la terminologie de ces disciplines (l’importance de l’auteur ou l’exégète, l’appartenance à une théorie ou école, la date d’emploi…) conduit à défendre que les nombreux cas constatés de synonymie, polysémie, notions réélaborées au long de l’histoire, exigent un traitement du terme qui pourrait relever à certains moments plutôt de la lexicographie, où l’on tient compte de plusieurs acceptions du "mot".…”
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Published 2008-12-01“…To avoid the semantical equivocals, there is viewed, in the exegete speech, the parallel explanations of identity and alteration, showing the accuracy of the intercourses built in the binome`s inner, as well as the extension of alteration (the interior and exterior projection), that should be seen as a space, for the multiple meanings and values, but not contradictions. …”
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Published 2015-09-01“…With this interpretation, according to Hanafi, an exegete who want to find the meaning of al-Qur’an do not only deduce the meaning of the text, but on the contrary, can induce the real meaning into the text. …”
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ritical Study of the Interpretative Method of "Abdul Qader MuUa
Published 2008-12-01“…Abdul Gader Mulla Huwaysh al-Gazi,a contemporary <br /> exegete interprets Quran following a rational approach according to a variety <br /> of sources with regard to the order of the verses and requirements of <br /> revelations. …”
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Obraz duszpasterza w komentarzach św. Augustyna do J 10, 1-17 i 21, 15-17
Published 2013-12-01“…Augustine as a sophisticated exegete, but above all as a zealous priest of the lay faithful and a formation advisor. …”
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Tafs┘ r al-Qur’┐ n bi-’└ y┐ t al-Furq┐ n By Maul┐ na Chakrralw┘ : A Study
Published 2014-06-01“…This article attempts to study the tafs┘ r authored by Maul┐ na Chakrralw┘ , Tafs┘ r al-Qur’┐ n bi-’└ y┐ t al-Furq┐ n wihin the principles laid by its exegete. It presents briefly the ways and methods which the mufassir has adopted in his exegesis. …”
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Hamka, Social Criticism and The Practices of Polygamy in Minangkabau
Published 2020-06-01“…This work attempts to describe social criticism and the interpretation of Hamka—the eminent Indonesian exegete—in the Al-Azhar (a fairly recent encyclopedic Quran commentary) of the verses which are legitimized as the verses of polygamy. …”
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PENERAPAN TAFSIR AL-QUR`AN BI AL-QUR`AN (Studi Atas Kitab Tafsir al-Mizan Fi Tafsir al-Qur`an Karya Muhammad Husain al-Thabathaba’i)
Published 2016-12-01“…The Book of Tafsir al-Mizan fi Tafsir al-Qur`an was a greatest work of Muhammad Husain al-Thabathaba’i, an exegete of the Shiite Muslims. Some interesting things can be found in this book for the discussion in the commentaries which spread not only among Shiite Muslims, but also Sunni Muslims. …”
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Gerhard Lohfink’s Interpretative Key to the Sermon on the Mount
Published 2021-12-01“…The purpose of this article is to elicit and analyze the main interpretative key used by the German exegete Gerhard Lohfink in his reading of the Sermon on the Mount. …”
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Indeperdent Decision in Qumis traditional exegesis
Published 2007-04-01“…This research shows that in all commentaries, even those known as traditional, we can notice the exegetes independent decision making.…”
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Josef Pieper on Medieval Truth and Martin Heidegger’s Wahrheitsbegriff
Published 2022-06-01“…This paper attempts to mend this gap in the literature by first presenting Heidegger’s “Vom Wesen der Wahrheit,” the essay in which Heidegger explicates his concept of truth. Second, I exegete the critique of Josef Pieper found in his “Heideggers Wahrheitsbegriff.” …”
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Homoseksualiteit en tydgerigtheid: ’n etiek van Bybellees?
Published 2006-07-01“…The article deals with the discourse on homosexuality within the Reformed Churches in South Africa. At stake is the exegete’s subjectivity, or presupposed arbitrariness in the hermeneutical process. …”
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Slavery, the Hebrew Bible and the Development of Racial Theories in the Nineteenth Century
Published 2021-09-01“…That the racial ethos of the period dictated both the questions exegetes posed and the conclusions they derived from the text demonstrates that biblical interpretation within this climate was never an innocuous pursuit, but rather reflected the values and beliefs current in the social context of the exegete.…”
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Chrystologiczne aspekty w teologii św. Hieronima ze Strydonu
Published 2020-01-01“…Jerome from Stridon, considered as a great exegete, translator and expert on the Holy Scriptures, has left his very clear mark also in dogmatic theology. …”
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What Cinema Is! Bazin’s Quest and its Charge, by Dudley Andrew
Published 2012-02-01“…Guiding readers through the dynamic developments of post-war French film culture, Andrew provides a fresh and elucidating account of the period’s greatest exegete, André Bazin. In so doing, Andrew effectively continues Bazin’s legacy, firstly, by reiterating the medium’s exemplary configuration and, secondly, by forcefully defending its continued social, aesthetic, and scholarly merit. …”
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Persio e il suicidio di Catone. Sulle tracce di un esercizio scolastico antico (Pers. III 44-47)
Published 2013-08-01“…Although the overall significance of the episode is clear, two important textual problems (dicere : discere; morituri Catonis : morituro Catoni) make it difficult to understand the exact nature of the school exercise to which Persius refers. The anonymous exegete of the Commentum Cornuti, on the basis of an exemplar of Persius’ Satires with the reading dicere (or discere) Catonis, proposes to interpret the exercise as a suasoria or a speech-in-character. …”
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Hamka’s Review of Economic Verses in Tafsir Al-Azhar Using the Ijtima‘i Methodological Approach
Published 2022-07-01“…Tafsir al-Azhar is a well-known work of Indonesian exegete, Hamka. This study examines one of Hamka’s magnum opus exegetical works. …”
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„Et ait: «Faciamus hominem ad imaginem et similitudinem nostram»” (Rdz 1, 26). Próba egzegezy bizantyńskiej na przykładzie Komentarza do Księgi Rodzaju Anastazego z Synaju...
Published 2018-12-01“…The main goal of my analysis was to answer the question whether Anastasius – the Byzantine exegete – in her exegesis of the Holy Scriptures, using the earlier considerations of the Fathers of the Church, is at least to a small extent original or uncritical rewrites the previous interpretations, not including any of these interpretations? …”
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Published 2013-10-01“…In the Qur'an there are some verses of earth, moon and sun, among others: Surat Yūnus: 5, al-Naml: 88, Yāsīn: 38, dan 40, al-Anbiyā’: 33, Āli ‘Imrān: 190. According to the exegete such Aḥmad Musṭafā al-Marāghī in his book Tafsir al-Marāghī, that the Heliocentric theory was the one that inline with the Qur'an, and that the Heliocentric theory is a part of the miracle of the Qur'an.…”
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Wee over Moab… Een exegese van Jeremia 48:1-10
Published 2019-01-01“…In vlammende taal wordt Moab hier het oordeel aangezegd, als uitvloeisel van het werk van YHWH zelf, die de hybris van dit volk afstraft. For the exegete, the oracle against Moab in Jeremiah 48 still contains many unanswered questions. …”
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