Due <em>quæstiones</em> vitruviane riconosciute: la base attica e il capitello composito nel terzo libro del <em>De prospectiva pingendi</em> di Piero della Francesca e un plagio c...
Published 2019-12-01“…Abstract The essay takes into consideration two problems related to Vitruvius and Piero della Francesca that have remained unexplained up to now and are not even recognized as such by the modern exegetes of De prospectiva pingendi: the length of the plinth of the Attic base (Book III, propositio sexta) and the size of the concavity of the abacus of the composite capital (Book III, propositio septima). …”
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Apologetic treatises by Ibr?h?m al-‘Ayyah and the samaritan theology of the 18th century
Published 2021-12-01“…This infl uence led to the emergence of the “Arab Targum” of the Samaritan Pentateuch and the Samaritan exegetical and philosophical-religious tradition. From the perspective of treatise text analysis, the author reconstructs biography of ad-Danf? …”
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Experimental research of thermoacoustic engines with two-phase working body
Published 2022-08-01“…On ships that are equipped with dual-fuel medium and low-speed engines, the thermal emissions of the cooling systems have a temperature of 355…365 K. Given the small exegetical potential, the use of such low-temperature waste energy sources by any heat engines is a difficult problem. …”
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Egzegeza patrystyczna w katechezach o psalmach Jana Pawła II i Benedykta XVI
Published 2007-06-01“…Le pape Jean Paul II evoquait surtout la methode de typologie christologique tres repandue aux premiers siecles du christianisme, elargie par l’exegese spirituelle dans le milieu alexandrin, qui formait une source d’inspiration pour tous les plus grands exegetes patristiques en Orient et en Occident. En meme temps le pape montrait l’actualite de cette exegese pour notre epoque d’aujourd’hui et son utilite pour la vie morale et spirituelle des chretiens, beaucoup plus grande que celle de l’exegese litterale et historique, representee dans l’antichite chretienne par le milieu antiochien. …”
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‘Crying’ and ‘Children’ in Translations of the one Fragment of the Book of Proverbs: Possible Interpretation or the Digression from the Original?
Published 2022-07-01“…The article uses the method of comparative study of various translations of this fragment, identifying its interpretations contained in them and correlating them with the exegetics available in the Jewish tradition. General results: 1) The coincidence of rendering this fragment with that which we find in the King James Bible, while being different from its representation in a number of translations into other languages, allows us to put forward a hypothesis about its possible influence on the Russian text. 2) The availability of such interpretation among some interpreters, both ancient and modern, indicates in this case the absence of any deliberate distortion of the original in the Synodal translation. 3) The use of inclusive and gender-neutral forms for male people in relation to this fragment instead of those presented in the original should be qualified as a deviation from the original, since according to the norms of Biblical Hebrew, such use is permissible only when the word “ son ” is used in the plural form ( bānîm ), while in the singular it is not used in a similar sense.…”
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Practice and Understanding in Modern Chinese Pure Land Buddhism
Published 2023-09-01“…Whereas Tang’s arguments for this case refer to the increasingly globalised and Westernised intellectual scene of Republican China, his reformist postulates mainly target the aforementioned exegetical and doctrinal assumptions that were shared by Yinguang and other Pure Land preachers. …”
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By Scripture and plain reason: A historical retrieval of the relationship between theology and philosophy to better engage with present-day secularism
Published 2023-02-01“…Perhaps based on a misunderstanding of Paul’s warning to beware of philosophy (Col 2:8), many have supposed that the local Reformed church’s struggle with secularism and its progressive ideas could be resolved on purely exegetical grounds. This misconstrued understanding of sola Scriptura led to a low regard for reason and philosophy in matters of theology which also paved the way for fideism and anti-intellectualism in local Reformed churches. …”
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Le recours à la stratégie d’interlocution comme prétexte à la subversion du romanesque traditionnel dans Jacques le Fataliste et son maître : Approche narratologique
Published 2012-12-01“… The strategy of interlocution as a pretext for the subversion of traditional romance in Jacques le Fataliste et son maître: Narratological approach Jacques le Fataliste et son maître, a modern novel intended for posthumous publication (1797) continues to attract exegetes because it fascinates with the labyrinthine design of its structure and the audacity of the themes evoked therein, in particular that of the novel conceived in a substantially meta-romantic subversive perspective: exhibition of the arbitrariness of the narrative, primacy given to the latter to the detriment of the story, amalgamation of temporal levels, integration of reception in creation, interferences between reality and fiction... …”
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<i>Tattva, vrata, caryā</i>: On the Relationship of View and Practice in the First Chapter of Padmavajra’s <i>Guhyasiddhi</i>
Published 2024-02-01“…The tantric path-model of Padmavajra’s <i>Guhyasiddhi</i>, an exegetical text in the Guhyasamāja tradition, supposedly enables individuals to rapidly realize reality, a state also referred to as <i>mahāmudrā</i> or other, within a single lifetime. …”
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Il sistema penale through the looking glass / Le système pénal de l'autre côté du miroir / Criminal system through the looking glass
Published 2013-03-01“…The accusatorial system, in fact, could be interpreted through alternative analysis to usual exegetical methods (i.e. case law and legal doctrine). …”
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Simbología de las perlas del Santo Cáliz de Valencia según el Apocalipsis / Symbolism of the pearls of the Holy Chalice of Valencia according to the Apocalypse
Published 2020-03-01“…In the description of the new Jerusalem it is mentioned that “the twelve gates were twelve pearls” (Rev 21:21), which have been interpreted by classical exegetes as the apostles. On the other hand, Rev 2:17 mentions “a white pebble” that could refer to a pearl according to Primasius (6th c.). …”
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Triune Elohim
Published 2012“…</p><p>Yet Zanchi’s confidence that trinitarian theology was contained within the Hebrew of the Old Testament was not shared by many of his own Reformed colleagues. John Calvin’s exegetical works had explicitly rejected this argument; and theologians like David Pareus (Zanchi’s younger colleague in Heidelberg) and the Dutch Hebraist Johannes Drusius preferred a more historical-grammatical reading of the Old Testament and dismissed Zanchi’s reading of the name <em>Elohim</em> despite the danger that this might sacrifice a valuable defence against antitrinitarianism. …”
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1 Peter and Christ’s descent to the dead in its early Christian reception
Published 2023“…Chapter 4 discusses Clement’s and Origen’s receptions of 1 Peter 3:19 in relation to the <em>descensus</em>, arguing that both writers stretch 1 Peter 3:19 to the limit of its exegetical boundary. Chapter 5 explores the possible genesis of Clement’s and Origen’s interpretations of 1 Peter 3:19 in relation to the <em>descensus</em>. …”
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An Analytical Review of the Ideas of Sunni and Shi’ite Qur’anic Researchers on the Implications of the 219th Verse of Surah ash-Sho’arā’ about the Monotheism of the Prophet’s Ances...
Published 2021-06-01“…Biannual Journal of Comparative Exegetical Researches, 7 (13) 59-81. Doi: 10.22091/PTT.2020.4669.1608…”
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Análisis del Ius Variandi en Ecuador: los retos del Código del Trabajo
Published 2023-05-01“…During the research, categorized as descriptive, and conducted with a qualitative approach, through the use of analytical-synthetic, comparative and exegetical methods, it has been possible the analysis of the normative, doctrinal and jurisprudential content, about the ius variandi, produced in the context of the countries studied. …”
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Protección de los servicios ambientales de los bosques. Mirada desde el derecho penal ambiental
Published 2022-08-01“…As fundamental methods, the exegetical-analytical method is used to determine the meaning and scope of the current regulations on the matter, in conjunction with the legal institutions related to the subject, for which the validity and effectiveness of the current regulations on the subject will be evaluated. matter; the doctrinal in correlation with the analysis of current legislation, to verify the need for its improvement; the historical, to abound in the antecedents, the context and formation of the normative and philosophical doctrines that serve as its foundation; and finally that of Comparative Law, which allowed knowing the legal treatment that other systems of Law give to a similar reality and critically assessing whether it merits a reference for the purposes of this investigation. …”
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Un recorrido histórico y cultural por el relato de “El traje nuevo del emperador”. Análisis y posibilidades didácticas en las aulas de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
Published 2014-11-01“…Finally, a teaching practice to use the different exegetical approaches above mentioned is proposed. The aim of this proposal is to promote literary education and to transmit intercultural values in Compulsory Secondary Education.…”
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Arka Noego obrazem Kościoła w "Enarrationes in psalmos" św. Augustyna
Published 2016-07-01“…Using such kind of interpretation, he tried in one of his greatest exegetical works – Enarrationes in Psalmos, to explain for his faithful the mystery of the Church by means of a number of motives from the parables, biblical topographic and cosmic subjects, as well as from many biblical events and personages, interpreted in an allegorical spirit. …”
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Published 2012-01-01“…ABSTRACT: Propose Jz 1, 4b-7 as a jebusite document preserved in the archives of Israeli Jerusalem and eventually included in the history of the conquest of Judah, in Judges 1. Exegetical essay. According to the history recorded in the jebusite document, Adoni Bezeq, “Lord of Bezeq” is a pre-Israelite king that has kept under his power and oppression a large number of cities. …”
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A Study of the Proximiting Approach of al-Tibyān and Majmaʿ al-Bayān in Quoting the Narrations of Prophetic Household (PBUT)
Published 2022-03-01“…Biannual Journal of Comparative Exegetical Researches, 8 (15) 336-366. Doi: 10.22091/PTT.2021.4615.1598.…”
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