La eficacia de la prueba y el principio de economía procesal en materia civil
Published 2023-01-01“…This inductive research, with a qualitative approach, has as a general objective: to critically analyze how impertinence, impropriety or illegality in obtaining and/or producing evidence violates the principle of procedural economy and with it, due process. In addition, exegetical methods and bibliographic review have been applied, which have allowed us to conclude that there is no respect for due process in terms of the evidentiary activity of numerous non-criminal cases, which has a decisive influence on the delay and delay in the administration of justice in Ecuador, despite the constitutional and legal precepts in this regard. …”
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La grammatica araba: scienza sacra e chiave per l’esegesi coranica
Published 2022-05-01“…Although there is no evidence of a clear interest for grammar by Qur’ān exegetes, they necessarily used it to explain the meanings of the sacred text. …”
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El principio de objetividad fiscal en la etapa pre-procesal
Published 2022-11-01“…Methods of the Social Sciences are used, such as the historical-logical, the analysis-synthesis, or particularly legal, such as the exegetical; in terms of techniques, documentary review. …”
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Las acciones afirmativas y criterios sobre su aplicación en Latinoamérica
Published 2023-09-01“…To achieve the results, a legal research methodology was used, focused on theoretical methods, such as exegetical, and doctrinal legal linked to analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction. …”
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Jewish hermeneutics of divine testing with special reference to the epistle of James
Published 2013“…</p> <p>In conclusion, by closely examining the broader exegetical discourses of ancient Judaism, this project sheds new light on how the Epistle of James responds to theological tensions within its religious community through a hermeneutical application of the dominant biblical narratives of Job’s cosmic framework and Abraham’s human perfection.…”
Thesis -
Les Jugements de la critique sur la 'folie' de J.-J. Rousseau
Published 2017“…Ce livre propose de retracer le voyage auquel s’est livré la critique dans ce domaine, prenant appui sur diverses sources et différents matériaux, depuis les témoignages des contemporains de Rousseau, jusqu’aux exégètes de son seul texte dans une optique psychanalitique, en passant par les tenants d’une explication physiologique de la maladie ou les détracteurs adeptes de la folie pure. …”
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Violencia contra las mujeres. Su análisis desde documentos legales en el Ecuador
Published 2022-11-01“…This article seeks to analyze violence against women from legal documents; its obstacles, challenges and how it represents a great advance in terms of gender; for which a qualitative study with historical and cultural sensitivity was developed, the method of hermeneutics was applied for the interpretation of bibliographic texts and for the interpretation of regulations the legal exegetical method and comparative law were used. Keywords: Violence against women, human rights, gender studies.…”
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Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus: a centenary disease
Published 2022-12-01“…To the point that one can expect every now and then, exegetical revolutions. Like the political ones, they usually burry the past in its way. …”
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La reparación integral en el caso de delitos sexuales
Published 2023-08-01“…The present investigation analyzes the figure of integral reparation within the crimes against sexual integrity in Ecuador, for which, it uses a qualitative methodology, with a bibliographic-documentary modality, that is, it is based on secondary sources of investigation. Through the exegetical method, a study of the legal norms in force in Ecuadorian legislation is carried out. …”
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Tafsir Al-Qur’an Berkemajuan: Exploring Methodological Contestation and Contextualization of Tafsir At-Tanwir by Tim Majelis Tarjih dan Tajdid PP Muhammadiyah
Published 2018-10-01“…It will also observe the extent to which the exegetical materials of this work respond to the current issues. …”
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Erradicación de la violencia de género a través de la intervención comunitaria en Ecuador
Published 2023-05-01“…To achieve the proposed objectives, theoretical methods were used, focused on the exegetical, historical, doctrinal study, and documentary techniques by virtue of which magazines, books, reports, plans and programs were consulted. …”
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A Vueltas con la redacción del Pentateuco y el escrito deuteronomístico
Published 2019-01-01“…This paper try to give a historical investigation on this question, at the same time to sketch out the current tendencies crowding around the exegetic discussion. Inside this effort the present paper pay attention more carefully to deuteronomistic literary source. …”
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Qawaid Tafsir dan Ushul Tafsir Siti Aisyah dalam Kitab Sahih Muslim
Published 2021-11-01“…The rules needed by the exegetes in understanding the Qur'an include appreciation of its uslubs, understanding of its origins, mastery of its secrets and linguistic rules. …”
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Proving Peaceful Islam through the Application of Al-'Illat Wa Al-Ma'lûl Approach in Reading Qur’anic Verses of War (Interpretation of Q.2: 190-194 and Q.9: 5-15)
Published 2019-09-01“…Radical understanding of Qur’anic texts is partly caused by the approach that exegetes use. Apart from the approach is the use of literal translation and atomistic approach. …”
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Origen y significado de Armagedón
Published 2017-07-01“…The interpretation connecting Armageddon with Mount Carmel seems more accurate from a linguistic and exegetic standpoint. Thus, Armageddon should be seen as a spiritual conflict, the last battle between good and evil where the main clashing characters are Christ and Satan. …”
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El sistema judicial como garante de los derechos de la comunidad LGBTIQ+
Published 2023-03-01“…The current article seeks to gather information in an analytical way about the violence suffered by LGBTIQ+ people, and in accordance with these existing acts of violence, the judicial system has made this problem invisible, for which within this thesis, a qualitative study has been developed, with historical and cultural sensitivity, applying methodology with the name "Snowball" with respect that we are dealing with a hidden population, respectively their exact number is unknown, finally for the correct and due interpretation regarding the norm was used the legal exegetical method as well as comparative law. Keywords: Discrimination, Violence, Human Rights Violations, LGBTIQ+ Community.…”
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الفكر التاريخي في ضوء التفسير القومي للتاريخ البرامكة ونكبتهم انموذجاً Historical thoughts in the light of a national interpretation of Baramkeh history and its plight as a model...
Published 2020-10-01“…The national factor is one of the factors affecting the emergence of the historical event, and therefore the exegetical schools concerned with the historical event shed light on its importance and worked to explain it in detail. …”
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Les avantages de la méconnaissance de la francophonie: le cas de la Suède
Published 2011-09-01“…En d´autres termes, l´auteur insiste sur la nécessité de sortir d´une époque des exégètes de la philologie pour envisager un profil francophone centré sur des matières à fort contenu culturel (littérature, civilisation…). …”
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Las aulas (de traducción) y las letras / Literary translation matters
Published 2012-03-01“…</span> <span class="hps">On the one</span> <span class="hps">hand,</span> they contribute to<span class="hps">intensify</span> t<span class="hps">he</span> <span class="hps">reading</span> <span class="hps">skills</span> and to sharpen the <span class="hps">exegetical abilities of the students</span>. On the other, to the <span class="hps">extent</span> that these texts make it necessary t<span class="hps">o analyze</span> <span class="hps">how</span> <span class="hps">they are constructed</span> <span class="hps">and</span> which <span class="hps">formal resources</span> are used in them<span class="hps">,</span> they are a useful tool for perfecting expressive skills. …”
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