Biomassa microbiana e matéria orgânica leve em solos sob sistemas agrícolas orgânico e convencional na Chapada da Ibiapaba - CE Microbial biomass and light organic matter in soils...
Published 2006-04-01“…These areas belong to the Farm Amway Nutrilite do Brasil and Central Pivot Farmers Association, respectively, both in the Chapada da Ibiapaba, Ceará State, Brazil. …”
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Tissue Structure and Full-Length Transcriptome Analysis of the Scaly Sublayer of Cyprinus carpio var. Quanzhounensis
Published 2024-02-01“…Quanzhounensis, native to Quanzhou County, Guilin City, Guangxi, has a dark brown body color, translucent gill cover, and abdominal skin, and is an important farmed species in the local integrated rice-fishery industry. …”
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Effect of palm leaf and lemon peel biochar on some physical and mechanical properties of a sandy loam soil
Published 2023-03-01“…Biologically, especially at the farm scale, to obtain soil amendment.…”
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The face of female myths in written folk tales in Bakhtiari culture
Published 2021-08-01“…In the story of "King Jamshid", when the father goes to the farm to harvest the crop, he encounters a snake that does not allow him to harvest the crop. …”
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Alelos del gen BoLA DRB3.2 están asociados con mastitis en vacas lecheras Alelos BOLA DRB3.2 estão associados à mastite em vacas leiteiras Alleles of the BoLA DRB3.2 gene are assoc...
Published 2011-06-01“…This study evaluated exon-2 polymorphisms of BoLA DRB3 gene in 91 cows of a dairy farm. A total of 66 Holstein and 25 cross breed BON x Holstein (BxH) cows were evaluated. …”
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Potential Erosion Assessment of Dastkan Region Using SLEMSA Model
Published 2013-01-01“…. & Stocking, M.A. (1984) Estimating soil life-span.Trop. Agric. (in press).Farm Management Handbook (1982) Department of Agricultural, Technical and Extension Services, Harare, Zimbabwe.Elwell, H.A., and Stocking, M.A., (1982): Developing a simple yet practical method of soil-loss estimation.Tropical Agriculture, 59:43-48.Foster, G. …”
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Colesterol e gorduras em alimentos brasileiros: implicações para a prevenção da aterosclerose Colesterol y grasas en alimentos brasileños: implicaciones en la prevención de la ater...
Published 2009-03-01“…RESULTS: Cholesterol found in 100g of eggs (400mg) or fried beef liver (453mg) exceeds the amount recommended for secondary prevention, and there is no difference in cholesterol content between factory-farmed eggs and free-range eggs. The eggs had an average of 400mg of cholesterol per 100g, thus exceeding the recommended amount of up to 300mg. …”
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Estimation of genetic parameters for test-day milk yield in first calving buffaloes
Published 2013-09-01“…Methods: 3,986 test-day data from 1,246 first lactations of crossbred buffalo daughters of 23 sires and 391 dams between 1997 and 2008 from five farms were used. The model included the genetic and permanent environment additive as the random effect and the contemporary group (year, month of test-day) and age at calving as covariable (linear) fixed effects. …”
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Kompleksowe postepowanie leczenicze nowotowrów gruczołu sutkowego = Comprehensive therapeutic treatments methods of mammary gland carcinoma
Published 2015-07-01“…Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Collegium Medicum w Bydgoszczy Autor do korespondencji: mgr farm. Jan Mieszkowski e-mail mieszkowskijan@gmail.com Słowa kluczowe: gruczoł sutkowy, kancerogeneza, mammografia, chemioterapia, mastektomia. …”
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The impacts of agroforestry interventions on agricultural productivity, ecosystem services, and human well‐being in low‐ and middle‐income countries: A systematic review
Published 2021-06-01“…Agroforestry interventions include any program or policy designed to promote and support the adoption or maintenance of agroforestry practices, which include trees on farms, silvopasture, shade‐grown crops, and homegardens with trees, among others. …”
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Effects Of Keratin-Gelatin And Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor-Gelatin Composite Film On Open Wound Healing In Dogs And Cats
Published 2007“…The film was soaked for 2 minutes in gentamycin (Dutch farm Veterinary pharmaceuticals, Netherlands) and then applied on wound. …”
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Thesis -
Role of stress and ameliorative effects of resveratrol on pathophysiological changes associated with experimental Brucella melitensis infection in non-pregnant boer does
Published 2016“…This perhaps shows the usefulness of antioxidants in mitigating the effects of stress as well as improving the health of farm animals.…”
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Thesis -
Decision support system for water allocation in a rice irrigation scheme under climate change scenarios
Published 2017“…This will allow Water Management Authorities to assess climate change signals and thus promote adoption of appropriate adaptation strategies that could potentially lead to more sustainable water management at farm level. Additional beauty of the model is its flexibility updating future climate scenarios as new climate models become available, and also, with suitable locally derived data the tool can be extended to other geographical locations. …”
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Thesis -
Efecto del nivel de proteína dietaria sobre el crecimiento y parámetros séricos en cachama blanca (Piaractus brachypomus) Efeito do nível de proteína da dieta sobre o crescimento e...
Published 2012-09-01“…<br>Blood chemistry parameters are valid and useful indicators to determine the nutritional status and health of farmed fish. These parameters allow establishing normal health, detecting physiological disorders and providing information for diagnosis and prognosis of diseases caused by nutritional and environmental factors. …”
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Optimization of Application Levels of Irrigation Water, Superabsorbent Polymer and Cattle Manure Using Response-Surface Methodology: A Study on Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) in an Ec...
Published 2022-09-01“…In recent years, many efforts have been made in this field, in this regard, limited irrigation and the use of superabsorbent into the soil as two practical strategies for water conservation and optimal use have been considered.Optimizing the effective factors in production and management of water use in the farm could saves limited water resources and protects the soil, moreover, can increase yields. …”
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Dry biomass distribution in a cerrado sensu stricto site in Brazil central Distribuição de biomassa seca em um sítio de cerrado sensu stricto no Brasil central
Published 2005-10-01“…The study was conducted in a cerrado sensu stricto site at the Água Limpa Farm (15º 56'14'' S and 47º 46'08'' W) in the Cerrado Biosphere Reserve. …”
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