Magazine “Slavs” in Structure of Foreign Policy “Soft Power” in Slavic Movement during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: Musical and Cultural Aspect
Έκδοση 2020-06-01“…For the first time, an attempt has been made to source-based analysis of materials on musical subjects of the “Slavs” magazine, the press organ of the transnational anti-fascist All-Slavic Committee in the conditions of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. …”
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Benjamin’s gamble: commodifying life in the age of heroic demise
Έκδοση 2010-04-01“…He associated the rise of fascist terror with a breakdown of the threshold that separated the living from the dead, a threshold that had become increasingly ambiguous with the modern advent of global colonial warfare and the attendant call for the total mobilisation of entire civil populations. …”
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Circulation et appropriation d’idées : l’utilisation de Carl Schmitt par Miguel Reale dans la légitimation du coup d’État civil-militaire de 1964
Έκδοση 2022-12-01“…We argue that Reale’s political thought evolved from fascist corporatism during his youth, towards a political thinking that was still authoritarian, but henceforth stripped of its fascist references and now based on a sophisticated philosophical and legal conceptual tool, in which the Schmittian concepts occupy a central place. …”
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Defending Leningrad (1941–1944)
Έκδοση 2019-07-01“…The author comes to the conclusion that servicemen, residents of Leningrad and the region, the entire population of the country acted as a single whole in selfless struggle against the fascist invaders, made an immortal feat in the years of the past war, which will forever remain in the memory of all mankind.…”
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The Rise of Fascism in Italy: Versions and Critiques
Έκδοση 2022-12-01“…A century ago, on October 28th Benito Mussolini and twenty thousand members of his National Fascist Party marched on Rome. Prime minister Luigi Facta assured the king that Italian armed forces could resist the few on the march and suggested declaring a state of emergency. …”
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Censura, autocensura e malapartiana revisione: storie di una corrispondenza scartata e recuperata ne Il Volga nasce in Europa
Έκδοση 2020-01-01“…Between 1941 and 1942 Curzio Malaparte, one of the most troubled writers in Fascist Italy, was sent by Il Corriere della Sera on the Russian Front as a war correspondent, to write under the supervision of redactor Aldo Borelli and the harsh control of fascist censorship. …”
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Nazismen i Sverige
Έκδοση 1998-06-01“…This was to be the beginning of a motley history of organisation where different forms of nazi parties as well as fascist and right-wing extremist organisations would flourish in Sweden. …”
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Salubre e bello. Colonie italiane durante il fascismo: due architetture tra la montagna abruzzese e il mare
Έκδοση 2019-07-01“…Italian Colonies during the Fascist Period: two Architectures between Abruzzi’s Mountain and Sea Seaside, mountain and heliotherapeutic colonies form a combined health and educational building typology encouraged by the National Fascist Party for the care and training of young Italians. …”
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Un Mussolini munichois ? Construction et utilisation du culte du « Duce » dans différents cercles de sociabilité bavarois (1922-1943)
Έκδοση 2023-09-01“…In the Munich of the interwar period, many personalities from the political, industrial, intellectual and social spheres were looking towards Fascist Italy and its “Duce”. In the early 1920s, with the founding of the NSDAP in Munich and the spread of Nazi ideas, the Bavarian elite developed a strong political interest in the Fascist experience taking place on the other side of the border, since its leader, Benito Mussolini, had risen to power. …”
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Iran’s Foreign Policy in 1933-1939: Problems of Diversifying Relations with Leading World Powers
Έκδοση 2021-12-01“…It is stated that the rapprochement of Iran with Germany contributed to the growth of tension in Europe, the intensification of the confrontation between the bloc of fascist states and the camp of anti-fascist forces. …”
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The Battle of Stalingrad in the Context of Modern History
Έκδοση 2013-02-01“…After Stalingrad it became clear to the whole world that war against the USSR for a coalition of fascist aggressors is lost. Defeat near Stalingrad allied Germany of armies cracked the fascist block, having forced Italy, Romania, Hungary and Finland actively to look for contacts with the countries of an anti-Hitleriwste coalition for the purpose of a withdrawal from a war. …”
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La musica corale nel Ventennio. Convergenze e intersezioni fra pedagogia, musicologia e musica d’arte
Έκδοση 2023-12-01“…It has often been pointed out that choral music played a not insignificant role in the fascist totalitarian project aimed at creating a “new man” (see, for example, Gentile 1993, Tarquini 20162, Bernhard and Klinkhammer 2017). …”
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Uomini dal capo liscio
Έκδοση 2020-11-01“…Shakespeare and Censorship in Fascist Italy (Verona, Skenè, 2019, 405 pp. ISBN 979-12-200-6187-2) di Paolo Caponi…”
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Il vincolo fra individuo e Stato: l’unità di vita
Έκδοση 2020-06-01“…The Author focuses on the relationship between the individual and the State, as well as on the constitutive elements of the Nation starting from the legal thought during the Fascist regime and, in particular, of some eminent scholars such as Pietro Chimienti, Costantino Mortati and Gaetano Salvemini.…”
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Reparations Withdrawals Of Metallurgical Equipment in Central and Eastern European Countries at Final Stage of Great Patriotic War (1944—1945)
Έκδοση 2023-12-01“…Using the case studies of non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy enterprises located in territories of fascist bloc countries (Germany, Hungary) liberated by the Red Army, typical approaches to organizing the compulsory dismantling of their equipment are analyzed. …”
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Features of the fight of the underground movement in the Northern Crimea (1941–1943)
Έκδοση 2023-09-01“…The article examines the issues of the anti-fascist struggle in the Ak-Sheikhsky district of the Crimean ASSR during the Great Patriotic War and the assistance of patriots to the intelligence of the 51st Army of the 4th Ukrainian Front. …”
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Silent Majority, Violent Majority: The Counter-Revolution in 70s Cinema
Έκδοση 2012-12-01“…Don Siegel’s Dirty Harry (1971), famously labeled «fascist» by prominent film critic Pauline Kael, nonetheless represented something new and unique—the “Silent Majority’s” entry into liberal New Hollywood, a veritable counter-reformation to the new social movements having sprung up in the late Sixties and early Seventies. …”
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Aldous Huxley's ideological development, 1919-1936
Έκδοση 1987“…Finally, Huxley's incongruous emergence as a cynosure of the anti-fascist intelligentsia and his subsequent withdrawal into Greggism is surveyed in detail.…”
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Il corporativismo fascista all’estero: circolazioni, ricezioni, ibridazioni
Έκδοση 2024-07-01“…This special issue delves into the circulation, reception, and forms of hybridisation of Fascist Italy’s corporatism around the world between the 1920s and the 1950s. …”
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Έκδοση 2023-09-01“…In the wake of the recent publications on the centrality of culture in the Fascist totalitarian project, this issue examines Mussolini’s relationship to the arts and vice versa more specifically, probing the aesthetic and political aspects of representations (in literature, the performing and figurative arts, and radio) of the “duce” – both in Italy and in their circulation abroad.…”
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