Đang hiển thị 261 - 280 kết quả của 669 cho tìm kiếm '"fascist"', thời gian truy vấn: 0.11s Tinh chỉnh kết quả
  1. 261

    Post-Socialist Ethnic Symbolism, Suppression of Yugoslav Social Memory, and Radical Populism Psychology Bằng Faruk Hadžić

    Được phát hành 2023-12-01
    “…Moreover, the approach toward the fascist ideology symbols disregards the communist social memory of stability and human security and a collectivism-oriented community. …”
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  2. 262

    An intellectual biography of Abba Ahimeir Bằng Bergamin, P

    Được phát hành 2016
    “…</p> <p>Through an examination of his doctoral thesis on Oswald Spengler and first publications, I conclude that Spenglerian theory exerted a fundamental influence upon Ahimeir throughout his entire life, and that his embrace of Fascist ideology began six years earlier than is generally accepted. …”
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  3. 263

    Le débat sur l’architecture rurale en Italie et l’exposition de Giuseppe Pagano à la Triennale de 1936 Bằng Giovanna D’Amia

    Được phát hành 2013-07-01
    “…In Italy, in the 30s, rural architecture was the principal subject of a debate between ethnologists, geographers, architects and town planners. The fascist politics of the agrarian reorganization aroused interest in this topic, but the intellectual reflection was also stimulated by the research of an Italian modern architecture approach to the problem. …”
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  4. 264

    V Americe za války „před válkou“. Působení plk. gšt. Oldřicha Španiela v USA v letech 1939–1941 Bằng Tomáš Jiránek

    Được phát hành 2015-01-01
    “… During the Second World War, the Czechoslovak exile authorities were building military units which should have supported the efforts of the anti-fascist coalition. Shortly after the beginning of the war, colonel of the General Staff Oldřich Španiel was sent out to the USA to recruit among the local compatriot colonies and obtain the ranks for these units. …”
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  5. 265

    A proposito della trasmissione televisiva Nascita di una dittatura Bằng Federica SCHIAFFINO

    Được phát hành 2024-04-01
    “…It played an important role in establishing a moment of collective reflection on the fascist past, which was reflected in a debate on the alleged tendentiousness of the broadcast. …”
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  6. 266

    Towards a Codico-Ecology of Latin Bằng Vincent Debiais

    Được phát hành 2023-07-01
    “…The other contributions are “Between Reading and Viewing: Mapping and Experiencing Rome and Other Spaces” by Klazina Staat (pp. 7–42), “The Incipit Miniature of the Morgan Gospel of John” by Barbara Baert (pp. 44–67), “Latin beyond Words: The Material Presences of Latin in Fascist Italy” by Han Lamers (pp. 69–101), and “Looking at Latin 1911–1965–2019: An Ancient Language in Modern Art” by Simon Smets (pp. 103–36).…”
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  7. 267

    Introduction to "Rome in Shakespeare's Tragedies" Bằng Angela Tiziana Tarantini, Christian Griffiths

    Được phát hành 2020-02-01
    “…Our aim in translating the introductory essay by De Lorenzo is to raise awareness among non-Italian speaking scholars of how Shakespearian material was appropriated through translation by translators and intellectuals during the Fascist era.…”
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  8. 268

    Le parlate tedesche della Valcanale Bằng Marco Caria, Delia Airoldi

    Được phát hành 2024-05-01
    “…Later, the valley was finally given to the Italians in 1919, whose relocation to the area was encouraged by the Fascist regime. …”
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  9. 269

    Sociological contributions of Max Weber for the discussion of legal and legitimate in the framework of a theory of authority Bằng Diego Alejandro Muñoz Gaviria

    Được phát hành 2017-12-01
    “…Where the concept of Weberian authority distances itself from the authoritarianism of fascist thoughts and democratic entelechies become metaphysical collectivisms, to propose sociologically an idea of authority that is legitimized by decisions, positions and responsibilities of those who establish relations of authority.…”
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  10. 270

    Autoritarisme ou fascisme? Une Historikerstreit portugaise sur la nature du Salazarisme Bằng Yves Léonard

    Được phát hành 2020-08-01
    “…Was the dictatorial regime of the Estado Novo, that survived Salazar, fascist or authoritarian ? For decades, this question has given rise to many debates which, once the current impasse of the portuguese Historikerstreit has been overcome, call for a historiographic revival.…”
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  11. 271

    Reconnaissance of Belarussian Partisans in Strategic Interests of the Red Army (June, 1941 - July, 1944) Bằng V. K. Kiselev

    Được phát hành 2003-10-01
    “…Archives documents disclose assistance of partisan reconnaissance in collection of information about Wehrmacht plans, its troop concentration near Moscow in 1941, preparation of Leningrad storm in 1942, battle at the Kursk Bulge in 1943, fascist defensive positions in Belarus in 1944.…”
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  12. 272

    Scendere in piazza, scendere in campo. Usi politici e occupazioni simboliche degli spazi urbani tra Belle Époque e fascismo Bằng Giovanni Sbordone

    Được phát hành 2014-12-01
    “…But soon patriotic students and nationalists change the rules, imposing new political uses of public spaces and – finally – fascist squads prevail over choreographic crowds.…”
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  13. 273

    Comunicare il fascismo: il racconto della Rai Bằng Beatrice Tioli

    Được phát hành 2023-07-01
    “…The first one is about the storytelling broadcasted by Italian television from its origin to nowadays about Italy&rsquo;s fascist era, investigating what and how has been broadcasted, and which are the following interpretations. …”
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  14. 274

    The participation of Kuban medical institute, its employees and graduating students in the Great Patriotic war Bằng E. L. Nikulina

    Được phát hành 2016-04-01
    “…More than one and a half thousand our physicians treated and rescued injured on all fronts, in guerrillas, in an underground and frightful fascist captivity.…”
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  15. 275

    Homecoming: A Case Study Bằng Bartłomiej Krupa

    Được phát hành 2018-12-01
    “…It is based on the material of so-called sierpniówki [testimonies given in 1944–1946 before summary courts for the prosecution “of fascist crimes against the civilian population and traitors of the Polish Nation”]. …”
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  16. 276

    1914 y 1936: « culturas de guerra », excombatientes y fascismos en Francia y España durante el periodo de entreguerras. Bằng Ángel Alcalde Fernández

    Được phát hành 2011-04-01
    “…I argue that, in spite of their representations and discourses, fascists were not able to massively mobilize war veterans against their legal Governments. …”
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  17. 277

    Mussolini meets Marshall in the city Bằng Corrado Andini, Monica Andini

    Được phát hành 2023-12-01
    “…An exogenous change in the agglomeration of some cities that occurred in Italy during the fascist dictatorship allows us to instrument the agglomeration proxy. …”
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  18. 278

    Doctorat honoris causa Benito Mussolini, histoire d’une mémoire chaude Bằng Stéfanie Prezioso

    Được phát hành 2023-09-01
    “…What does it tell us about Switzerland's relationship with the fascist past?…”
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  19. 279

    Neointegralismo: do debate historiográfico a uma possível definição Bằng Odilon Caldeira Neto

    Được phát hành 2021-03-01
    “…In the recent years, studies on Brazilian Integralism (the main fascist-inspired political initiative in Brazilian political history) have made remarkable progress. …”
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  20. 280

    D’Ángel Rodríguez Leira à Ángel Cariño López Bằng Óscar Freán Hernández

    Được phát hành 2024-06-01
    “…This article will analyse the journey of an anti-fascist fighter who, fleeing Franco’s Spain, continued the fight against Nazism in North Africa and Europe and ended up in France, where he settled and lived until his death, without ever returning to Galicia. …”
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