The relationship between training and organizational commitment among academicians in Malaysia
Published 2015“…The university can also design more in-house training and development programmes/activities as well as encourage and financially support external training programmes that will enhance the academic staff teaching and research skills. …”
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Caractéristiques de la pisciculture rurale en étang dans la réserve de biosphère de Yangambi en RD Congo
Published 2017-09-01“…Les principales contraintes au développement de la pisciculture sont, par ordre d’importance: le non accès au crédit, le manque de personnel qualifié pour assurer l’encadrement technique, le manque d’alevins de qualité, le manque d’appui technique et financier ainsi que le problème de crue qui détruit les digues en terre. …”
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Individual and community level factors associated with medical treatment-seeking behavior for childhood diarrhea among the Gambian mothers: evidence from the Gambian demographic an...
Published 2023-03-01“…Strengthening mothers’ healthcare-seeking behavior and skills on home remedies, and childhood illnesses, advocating mass media exposure, assisting financially disadvantaged mothers, and postnatal checkups after delivery will enhance medical treatment-seeking behavior. …”
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Peran Keluarga dalam Menumbuhkan Jiwa Wirausaha Sejak Usia Dini
Published 2017-05-01“…At this time the role of parents is indispensable in shaping their lives is by instilling moral values of religion, motivated to study hard so that his hopes later when fully grown can be successful, as well as to educate children with mental entrepreneurship so that as adults they will be aware of the importance of religious moral cultivation, personality, and not rely on parents financially. That success would be determined by education, experience, exercises derived from the outset. …”
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Le futur de l'agriculture passe-t-il par la disparation des exploitations familiales ?
Published 2016-01-01“…Faut-il sacrifier l'intérêt des populations concernées et des générations à venir à la rentabilité d'investissements financiers qui profitent à une minorité? Poursuivre cette démarche jusqu'au bout de sa logique aboutira à la destruction d'une part de plus en plus grande d'exploitations agricoles familiales au profit de grandes entreprises produisant un petit nombre de denrées, à la fois grandes consommatrices d'intrants de synthèse et d'énergie fossile, et employant un nombre de plus en plus restreint de travailleurs salariés.Ce modèle permettra-t-il la création d'emplois et de revenus pour des centaines de millions de paysans aujourd'hui sur la voie de l'exclusion, et autant ou davantage appelés à entrer sur le marché du travail? …”
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Analyse de données sur les ventes lors d'une intervention axée sur un dépanneur santé de Toronto : le projet FRESH sur l'environnement de la vente d’aliments au détail comme déterm...
Published 2017-01-01“…Peu de recherches abordent les aspects financiers des interventions réalisées dans le milieu de la vente au détail, en particulier les mesures de résultat comme les ventes en magasin, pourtant au centre du processus décisionnel de la vente au détail. …”
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دراسة تحليلية لطرق إدارة أراضي الدولة الزراعية في محافظة اللاذقية
Published 2018-11-01“…Thus, the existence of a large part of the state-owned agricultural lands outside the investment or leasing process is a loss of the national economy financially and socially, where the lost revenues can be estimated at about 0.192-3.2 billion SP annually. …”
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Les coûts du diabète sur 10 ans au Canada : intégration des coûts en soins de santé imputables au diabète à un modèle de prédiction de son incidence
Published 2017-01-01“…Conclusion : D'ici 2022, le diabète va constituer un lourd fardeau financier pour le système de santé canadien. Notre méthode de calcul des coûts à venir offre aux décideurs et aux planificateurs un outil accessible et clair susceptible de leur permettre de prévoir les dépenses imputables à la maladie et les économies potentielles de coûts associées aux interventions.…”
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Published 2016-06-01“…Nous nous accorderons avec Djibril Diop qui estime qu’au-delà de la nécessité de développer et de transformer le cadre institutionnel, le besoin le plus évident aujourd’hui est de faire en sorte que les collectivités locales aient les capacités nécessaires en matière d’infrastructures, de ressources humaines et surtout de moyens financiers pour réduire cette pauvreté galopante. Une décentralisation effective constitue un aspect qui favorise le processus de développement local. …”
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A Divestment Model: Migration to Green Energy Investment Portfolio Concept
Published 2024-03-01“…We have addressed the question whether this pair can reasonably be achieved to ensure an acceptable phase-down rate at a financially achievable interest rate, <inline-formula><math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><semantics><mstyle displaystyle="true"><msup><mi>r</mi><mo>*</mo></msup></mstyle></semantics></math></inline-formula>.…”
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An assessment of telephone assistance systems for caregivers of patients with Alzheimer disease
Published 2017-11-01“…We have evaluated a Telephone Assistance System (TAS) for caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) from 2 points of view: financially and according to the level of satisfaction of the caregiver. …”
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Evaluación de la asistencia telefónica a demanda en cuidadores de pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer
Published 2017-11-01“…We have evaluated a Telephone Assistance System (TAS) for caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) from 2 points of view: financially and according to the level of satisfaction of the caregiver. …”
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Colonial Complicities: Catholic Missionaries, Chinese Elite and Non-kin Support for Chinese Children in Semarang During the 1930s
Published 2020-11-01“…In the case of Kebon Dalem, Catholic missionaries collaborated with Chinese partners who valued European standards of child-rearing and education and financially supported the project, which reveals a sense of communal responsibility for underprivileged Chinese children. …”
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Inhaled medications and inhalation chambers for childhood asthma. Spanish network of working groups on asthma in pediatrics (REGAP)
Published 2024-02-01“…This review will be updated annually, providing information on medications, devices, inhalation chambers, indications, and financiation. The REGAP Group hopes that these tables will be a valuable help for pediatricians in their daily clinical practice and serve as an effective TE tool. …”
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Poster Colours: Pocket-Friendly Alternative to Tissue Marking Dyes
Published 2019-05-01“…As previously demonstrated, acrylic paints do appear to be a reliable, cheaper substitute for tissue marking hence providing an excellent option for financially-constrained small laboratories3-5. Furthermore, its vast array of available shades of colours confers an advantage over India ink, gelatin, and even TMDs. …”
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Giacomo Borella, Colin Ward. Architettura del dissenso. Forme e pratiche alternative dello spazio urbano
Published 2020-01-01“…“Fine-grain” to which the modern «coarse-grained fabric of the rebuilt and financially profitable city» is contrasted. City no longer understandable to the population and above all detached from the real needs and in which it is the same quality of life that is penalized. …”
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Black Boarding Academies as a Prudential Reparation
Published 2023-05-01“…Kick started with public reparations, BBAs would begin with PK-3 low-income Black children, giving special attention to those at risk of falling into the dreadful foster care system, and would expand to accommodate other classes of Black students once financially stable with post-reparations funding. Like most public boarding schools, BBAs will have to be sustained with both public and private funds. …”
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Published 2015-05-01“…This research analyzed two models of cage that is traditional cage (open) with a scale of 10,000 and modern cage (close) with a scale 14.500 and decided whether they were financially feasible or not. In addition, this research aimed to compare between traditional cage and modern cage with estimation for one year (six harvest times) and to analyze which cage had better feasibility in order to provide recommendations or suggestions to the breeders or young breeders. …”
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Black Boarding Academies as a Prudential Reparation
Published 2023-05-01“…Kick started with public reparations, BBAs would begin with PK-3 low-income Black children, giving special attention to those at risk of falling into the dreadful foster care system, and would expand to accommodate other classes of Black students once financially stable with post-reparations funding. Like most public boarding schools, BBAs will have to be sustained with both public and private funds. …”
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Study about animal (NZW Rabbit, Juvenile pig) test to secure safety and effectiveness of thermoplastic polyurethane stent graft & graft using electrospinning
Published 2022-06-01“…Funding: This research was financially supported by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) and Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) through the International Cooperative R&D program (Project No. …”
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