Untangling charge-order dependent bulk states from surface effects in a topological kagome metal ScV6Sn6
Published 2024Get full text
Journal Article -
Le Monde amérindien au miroir des ‘Lettres édifiantes et curieuses’
Published 2017“…Ecrites non seulement pour affermir la foi des croyants, elles visaient aussi à obtenir aux missions jésuites le soutien royal et des appuis financiers et politiques, et à réfuter les nombreuses critiques adressées à l’ordre. …”
Book -
Data in online version of the ‘Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources’ (DMLBS)
Published 2016“…The project has been supported financially by major research grants from the Arts & Humanities Research Council, the Packard Humanities Institute, and the OUP John Fell Research Fund, and by a small annual grant from the British Academy. …”
Dataset -
Published 1985“…Before this commission, his architectural practice had consisted, in the main, of private houses for affluent middle-class clients: the New Gourna commission transformed his practice and almost broke him, financially and psychologically. His plan for the new settlement, his designs for each one of the buildings in it, housing and public buildings, incorporating as far as possible the architectural traditions of the Upper Nile valley and the building skills of the Nubians, and his direction of the building process, were based on long and close observation of, and consultation with, the community for which he designing. …”
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High serum C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 10 (CXCL10) levels may be associated with new onset interstitial lung disease in patients with systemic sclerosis: evidence from observation...
Published 2023-12-01“…Part of this study is financially supported by Sanofi Genzyme (NL8921).…”
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Comparison of analytical performance and economic value of two biosurveillance methods for tracking SARS-COV-2 variants of concern
Published 2024-02-01“…While WGS offers benefits, it is a lengthy process, financially and technically straining for scalable viral tracking. …”
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Maternal education and its influence on child growth and nutritional status during the first two years of life: a systematic review and meta-analysisResearch in context
Published 2024-05-01“…Funding: This study was a student thesis supported financially by Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS).…”
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Published 2020-01-01“…Tartaglia highlights its salient features, focusing attention on the reasoning around the “fine grain” of the historic stratified city over time to which the modern contrasts “coarse grain fabric of the rebuilt and financially profitable city”. The need to regain possession of the city and to “do it yourself” underlined by Ward, becomes the background to bring real needs and targeted interventions closer together. …”
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Expériences, besoins en services et répercussions des processus de la Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail (WSIB) chez les tr...
Published 2022-07-01“…Beaucoup ont aussi souligné les effets négatifs accrus attribuables aux processus mêmes de la WSIB, notamment les problèmes locaux liés à la protection de la vie privée dans les « petites villes » et le fardeau financier associé aux déplacements exigés par la WSIB, en particulier durant la pandémie de COVID19. …”
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Innovative processes impact on the factors optimal number formation of the enterprise location
Published 2014-12-01“…For example, in previous places of metallurgy in German it was not financially profitable and sometimes it was impossible, to develop electronic production because of great air pollution. …”
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Bigadiç’te 45–74 yaş bireylerde diyabet prevalansı ve farkındalık durumunun belirleyicileri/Determinants of prevelance and awareness of diabetes in a population aged 45–74 in Bigad...
Published 2013-12-01“…The chi-square test and logistic regression analysis were used to evaluate the associations with independent variables. The study was financially supported by Dokuz Eylül University Scientific Research Projects (Project no: 201194). …”
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Impacts et services environnementaux de l’élevage en régions chaudes
Published 2011-03-01“…Des perspectives d’évolution vers des systèmes de production à plus faible impacts et intégrant des services écologiques existent notamment par la mise en place de mécanismes financiers incitatifs. Mais les priorités de lutte contre la faim et la pauvreté constituent des obstacles de taille dans de nombreux pays du sud. …”
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Conhecimento nutricional, perfil alimentar e estado nutricional de jogadores universitários de Futsal
Published 2018-07-01“…Currently it counts on the support of the media, the interest of financiers and the integration of the public and private sphere to the sport. …”
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Published 2018-06-01“…Respondents dare to take the risk of divorce because they already feel financially capable. الملخص: النساء اللاتي يقعن ضحايا العنف المنزلي والطلاق بشكل عام يتعودّن لمواجهة المشاكل في حياتهنّ. …”
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AT THE SERVICE OF THE COMMUNITY, CAUSE OR CAPITAL: alternative journalistic arrangements to the major media corporations in Santa Catarina
Published 2021-08-01“…It draws a profile of 20 arrangements identified through combined research techniques (snowball and questionnaire), characterizing them from three central axes: 1) “what is journalistic” in the journalistic arrangements (defining aspects of the type of journalism that is produced – or “markers”) and considerations about the world of work of the people in charge of these arrangements; 2) organization and production process (publication regimes, target audience, independence, and alternativeness); and 3) innovation and sustainability (if the arrangements consider themselves as entrepreneurial and innovative, what their legal status is and how they are financially sustained). The results point to three ideal types of journalistic arrangements, identified by their different bonds with the capital, their communities, or their political causes. …”
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Towards single embryo transfer? Modelling clinical outcomes of potential treatment choices using multiple data sources: predictive models and patient perspectives
Published 2010-07-01“…The interview and focus group data suggest that, despite the potential to maintain overall success rates, patients would prefer DET: the potential for twins was seen as positive, while additional transfer procedures can be emotionally, physically and financially draining. Conclusions: For any one transfer, SET has about a one-third loss of success rate relative to DET. …”
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Concepts and Applications of Action Research in Improving the Performance of the Health System: A Guide for Managers
Published 2021-09-01“…Acknowledgement The authors of the article thank the Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences for approving and financially supporting this study in the form of project number IR.TBZMED.REC.1397.154.…”
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Gas, Oil and Heritage
Published 2021-09-01“…Dit artikel onderzoekt het belang en de invloed van private financiering in de Nederlandse erfgoed- en museumwereld. …”
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The Relationship between the Economic Action Pattern and Resilience in the Face of Crisis
Published 2022-06-01“…In other words, the households that were relatively better off financially tried to return to their pre-crisis conditions (recent economic turmoil and Corona epidemic) by using actions based on recovery strategies. …”
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