Saúde, bem-estar e envelhecimento: o estudo SABE no Município de São Paulo Health, well-being and aging: the SABE study in São Paulo, Brazil
Published 2005-06-01“…We conclude that health status and the inefficiency of the social security system are worrying issues in this elderly population, as a significant number of them are not financially independent and continue to work.…”
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Investigating the Effects of <i>k</i> and Area Size on Variance Estimation of Multiple Pixel Areas Using a <i>k</i>-NN Technique for Forest Parameters
Published 2021-11-01“…These small areas arise when it may not be financially feasible to take ground measurements or when such areas are inaccessible. …”
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Enfermagem na equipa de saúde ocupacional Salud laboral en enfermería Nursing in the occupational health team
Published 2012-03-01“…Finally, it is crucial to quantify costs, before and after activities, to evaluate the work financially for the management of the employer.…”
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Évaluation des impacts environnementaux des pratiques agricoles à l’échelle de la parcelle et de l’exploitation en vue de l’élaboration d’un plan d’actions : une méthode de diagnos...
Published 2009-09-01“…Ce projet a conduit à la construction d’une méthode de diagnostic agri-environnemental : le DAE-G, diagnostic agri-environnemental géographique, conçu par Agro-Transfert en collaboration avec l’INRA, les chambres d’agriculture de Picardie, l’Institut LaSalle Beauvais et avec le soutien financier de la région Picardie et de l’Ademe. Associé à un système d’information géographique, cet outil de diagnostic agri-environnemental fondé sur des indicateurs permet, à partir de la connaissance des caractéristiques du milieu physique et des pratiques de l’agriculteur, de qualifier un niveau de risque environnemental à l’échelle parcellaire. …”
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对比剧情电影和纪录片中精神疾患者的再现 :以《你好,疯子!》、《神探》、《疯爱》为例 = Comparing Chinese fictional and documentary films in their representations of patients with mental disorder...
Published 2020“…In contemporary China, patients with mental disorder are seen as “unproductive”, “burden”, “disembodied” and not being able to fulfil his or her roles and expectations in the society, such as supporting the family financially. This stems from the deep-seated values of Confucianism and its concept of “mind”. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Electro-acupuncture for central obesity: a patient-assessor blinded, randomized sham-controlled clinical trial
Published 2024Get full text
Journal Article -
冷战与现代化 :以国际电影懋业有限公司为例 = Cold war and modernisation : a case study of the Motion Picture & General Investment Co Ltd
Published 2017“…Motion Picture & General Investment Co Ltd (MP&GI) is a cinema production company financially funded by Singapore and Malaysia but situated in Hong Kong. …”
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Thesis -
Published 2015-04-01“…Basec on cost and investment calculation, cattle sheep and cassava as main product is technically feasible, economically and financially was good, means that the business had conducted feasible diversification to be continued. …”
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Cost of exome analysis in patients with intellectual disability: a micro-costing study in a French setting
Published 2023-04-01Get full text
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Patient and health provider costs of integrated HIV, diabetes and hypertension ambulatory health services in low-income settings — an empirical socio-economic cohort study in Tanza...
Published 2021-09-01“…It is likely an efficient and equitable way to address the increasing burden of financially vulnerable households among Africa’s ageing populations. …”
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The association between primary care quality and health-care use, costs and outcomes for people with serious mental illness: a retrospective observational study
Published 2020-06-01“…In the UK, most people with serious mental illness are treated in primary care by general practitioners, who are financially incentivised to meet quality targets for patients with chronic conditions, including serious mental illness, under the Quality and Outcomes Framework. …”
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Le développement durable : est-il possible? est-il mesurable?
Published 2011-04-01“…Ces comportements qui ne s’intéressent qu’aux résultats à court terme, ne s’intègrent pas facilement dans les plans de développement visant les équilibres macro économiques à long terme.A la deuxième question, nous dirons qu’il y a effectivement des indicateurs pour tester les niveaux de qualité dans l’éducation, la santé, les ressources naturelles... et les gains tirés au niveau social mais les calculs économiques qui déterminent la rentabilité des projets, les profits espérés, les risques financiers encourus ne sont pas toujours en rapport avec les efforts pour réaliser le développement durable qui, eux dépassent la simple notion d’efficacité et de satisfaction. …”
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Article -
Geospatial variations and determinants of contraceptive utilization among married reproductive age women in Ethiopia: spatial and multilevel analysis of Ethiopian Demographic and H...
Published 2023-09-01“…Raising awareness among mothers about the importance of antenatal care and assisting mothers who are financially disadvantaged or do not have access to health facilities will aid in providing better family planning services. …”
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Topography of transcriptionally active chromatin in glioblastoma
Published 2021Get full text
Journal Article -
Strong neel ordering and luminescence correlation in a two-dimensional antiferromagnet
Published 2023Get full text
Journal Article -
Consideration of mineralization and characterization of fluid inclusions in the Gharehkand sediment-hosted gold-bearing vein-veinlets, southeast of Maragheh, East Azarbaidjan
Published 2021-09-01“…Acknowledgements This research study was financially supported by the Research Bureau of the University of Tabriz. …”
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Published 2021-10-01“…The therapeutic effectiveness of these cells will be evaluated in vivo. Funding: Financially supported by FAPESP 2020/08279-8, FAPESP 2019/25309-0, CTC Center for Cell-based Therapy (FAPESP 2013/08135-2), and National Institute of Science and Technology in Stem Cell and Cell Therapy (CNPq 573754-2008-0 and FAPESP 2008/578773).…”
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Article -
Bactériémies associées aux cathéters veineux centraux chez les receveurs canadiens de cellules souches sanguines : coûts connexes
Published 2015-07-01“…Selon les estimations, le fardeau financier to</em><span class="s1"><em>ta</em></span><em>l de la BACC</em><span class="s1"><em> dans le domaine de la </em></span><em>greffe de sang et de moelle du Canada pour l’exercice 20</em><span class="s1"><em>1</em></span><em>3 se montait à 44 81</em><span class="s1"><em>6,</em></span><em>48 $</em><em>par</em><em>incid</em><span class="s1"><em>e</em></span><em>nt. …”
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Éléments d’aide au contrôle de gestion et au management de l’agrumiculture au Maroc
Published 2020-03-01“…Elle fournit les éléments agronomiques et financiers pour un modèle de contrôle de gestion de type bottom-up concevable à partir de l’expérience sur la nouvelle agrumiculture née du plan Maroc Vert. …”
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Évaluation de la faisabilité, de l’acceptabilité et pré-test de l’utilité d’un plan de soins de suivi (PSS) auprès de femmes atteintes du cancer de l’endomètre lors de la transitio...
Published 2017-04-01“…En comparant le groupe exposé au PSS avec le groupe témoin, on observe moins de besoins rapportés : information : 35 % vs 74 %, p = .030; professionnels et financiers : 6 % vs 19 %, p = .057; accès et continuité : 9 % vs 25%, p = .078; soutien : 18 % vs 50 %, p = .007, émotionnels : 13 % vs 28 %, p = .044). …”