Identification of autosomal cis expression quantitative trait methylation (cis eQTMs) in children’s blood
Published 2022-03-01“…The Rhea project was financially supported by European projects (EU FP6-2003-Food-3-NewGeneris, EU FP6. …”
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Introduction au numéro hors série Encéphalopathies spongiformes transmissibles animales
Published 2004-12-01“…Cette mobilisation collective importante a été favorisée par trois facteurs différents : - l’exceptionnelle demande sociétale résultant d’une crise de confiance sans précédent touchant à la fois le consommateur et le citoyen, - l’ensemble des nombreuses questions nouvelles posées par la problématique « prions » qui a profondément excité la curiosité et l’intérêt des chercheurs de disciplines différentes, - et, enfin, la mise en place rapide de nouveaux moyens financiers, à la faveur d’une série d’appels d’offres successifs (INRA en interne, interministériels, GIS Prions, Union Européenne) qui ont exercé un effet incitatif puissant. …”
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Spécificités de l'élevage de ruminants en montagne
Published 2014-04-01“…La conjonction d’acteurs de montagne combatifs et sobres, de citoyens avides d’images pastorales devrait favoriser l’acceptation de soutiens financiers spécifiques et la pérennisation économique de systèmes d’élevages ancrés sur ces territoires tout en sachant s’adapter. …”
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The Global Phenomenon of Skin Bleaching
Published 2014-01-01“…Thus, many customers who buy these products are endangering the health of their skin, while skin care product companies continue to benefit financially from selling these products. In many instances, customers are uninformed about the medical risks involved in consuming excess amounts of skin lightening creams such as Artra. …”
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Published 2016-06-01“…L’UGB doit se doter d’un conseil d’administration et des audits administratifs et financiers seront menés tous azimuts. L’obligation de reddition des comptes est érigée en règle de gouvernance universitaire, des indicateurs de performance et réalisation seront imposés à l’université, des échéanciers lui seront unilatéralement fixés. …”
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Analysis of the Interaction of Resilience Variables of New Urban Habitations against Earthquake Risk: A Case Study of Isfahan Metropolitan)
Published 2023-03-01“…Therefore, earthquakes, both psychologically and financially, due to the speed of occurrence and the volume of destruction, have devastating effects and are at the forefront of natural disasters. …”
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The Musicological Elite
Published 2018-04-01“…I will consider in this article how and in what geopolitical context early US musicologists determined their object of study and professional norms, established the rules that distinguished them from the public as an intellectual elite, carved out their territory in competition with other subdisciplines, negotiated with the patrons and institutions that financially supported their labor, and promoted their status and prestige.[8] I trace how musicologists consolidated this elite position through their daily actions, documented meticulously in minutes of meetings. …”
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Comparing the Effectiveness of Adlerian and Emotion-Focused Group Counseling on the Resilience of Women with Marital Conflict
Published 2022-01-01“…FUNDING SOURCES The present research had no financially support.…”
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Agricultural input subsidies for improving productivity, farm income, consumer welfare and wider growth in low‐ and lower‐middle‐income countries: a systematic review
Published 2018-01-01“…However, these inputs can be financially unaffordable or unattractive to many poor farmers in developing countries. …”
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Dossier "PhénoFinlait : Phénotypage et génotypage pour la compréhension et la maîtrise de la composition fine du lait"
Published 2014-10-01“…Le consortium, avec le soutien financier d’APIS-GENE, de l’ANR, du Cniel, du Ministère de l’Agriculture (fond dédié CASDAR et Action Innovante), de France AgriMer, de France Génétique Elevage, du fond IBiSA et de l’Union Européenne, a initié début 2008 un programme pour : - analyser la composition fine du lait en acides gras et en protéines par des méthodes de routine et des méthodes d’ancrage ultra-résolutives (protéines) ; - appliquer ces méthodes à grande échelle sur une diversité de systèmes et de races représentatives de la diversité de la ferme France afin d’identifier des facteurs influençant la composition fine du lait ; - optimiser la valorisation des ressources alimentaires et génétiques par le conseil en élevage ; - initier une sélection génomique. …”
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The Minderoo-Monaco Commission on Plastics and Human Health
Published 2023-03-01“…The Treaty needs to include requirements on extended producer responsibility (EPR) that make fossil carbon producers, plastic producers, and the manufacturers of plastic products legally and financially responsible for the safety and end-of-life management of all the materials they produce and sell. …”
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Early Response to COVID-19
Published 2022-08-01“…The contact tracing and containment was likely financially beneficial. While the pandemic resulted in substantial economic growth downgrades and global recessions, regions like East Asia were estimated to grow by around 0.5 percent. …”
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Published 2013-07-01“…[endif]--> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-top: 0in; margin-right: 24.0pt; margin-bottom: .0001pt; margin-left: 0in; text-align: justify; line-height: normal;"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: "Times New Roman","serif";">Burn injury is a condition which catastrophic consequences can affect the sufferer physically, socially, as well as financially. Medicolegal aspect of a burn requires physicians to be able to examine burn injuries on both the living and the dead. …”
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