Composição florística e faunística de quintais agroflorestais da agricultura familiar no nordeste paraense
Published 2015-12-01“…Assim, esses espaços característicos das paisagens rurais dos agricultores familiares do nordeste paraense correspondem elementos fundamentais dos seus agroecossistemas, gerando produção e garantindo a reprodução das famílias. Floristic and faunal composition homegardens of family farming in northeast Pará Abstract: The homegardens are common among family farmers in the Amazon, and sustainable land use systems developed from traditional knowledge. …”
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Dinâmica da comunidade arbórea em uma floresta estacional semidecidual sob queimadas recorrentes Tree community dynamics in a semideciduous forest under recurrent fires
Published 2012-09-01“…<br>The effects of fire on tree mortality can change floristic and forest structure depending on intensity, frequency and the length of a fire. …”
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Chromosome studies on Brazilian cerrado plants
Published 2000-12-01“…Instead, we suggest the possibility of a bi-directional exchange of floristic elements between cerrado and forests during evolutionary time.…”
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Diversity and primary productivity of hill beech forests from Doftana Valley (Romanian Subcarpathians)
Published 2009-11-01“…The present study refers, for the first time, to two beech forests typical to this belt, which belong to the phytocoenological associations Epipactieto-Fagetum (Resmeritã,1972), in the Lunca Mare area, and Hieracio rotundati-Fagetum (Vida 1983, Täuber 1987) in the Sotrile area, from floristic, structural, biomass and necromassaccumulation point of view, within the framework of the vertical structure of biocoenosis.The limestone substratum, occasionally with small outcrops in the first beech forest, differs chiefly through the pH levels (6.34-5.67) from the siliceous substratum (pH 5.11-4.36) in the second beech forest. …”
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Seleção de áreas de interesse ecológico através de sensoriamento remoto e de otimização matemática: um estudo de caso no município de Cocalinho, MT Selection of areas of ecological...
Published 2005-12-01“…These reserves were established in areas of homogeneous vegetation cover and were not established taking floristic and faunal data into account. The model used in this study can be a promising approach for indicating conservation areas in Cerrado and in other Brazilian biomes.…”
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Modelling of piping collapses and gully headcut landforms: Evaluating topographic variables from different types of DEM
Published 2021-11-01“…Alongside, topography is highly correlated with other geo-environmental factors i.e. geology, climate, soil types, vegetation density and floristic composition, runoff generation, which ultimately influences on gully occurrences. …”
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Comparação de duas metodologias multivariadas no estudo de similaridade entre fragmentos de Floresta Atlântica Comparison of two multivariate methodologies in similarity studies am...
Published 2008-06-01“…A bibliographical survey was carried out, and databanks were set up from 11 fragments of Atlantic Forest located in the States of Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte, Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The study of the floristic similarity was constructed using two methodologies of the multivariate analysis. …”
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Inventário de Dicksonia sellowiana Hook. em Santa Catarina Inventory of Dicksonia sellowiana Hook. in Santa Catarina
Published 2011-12-01“…Two hundred and twenty-five sample plots, which were 4.000 m² each, were located within the study area and based on a 10 x 10 km grid according to procedures of the Forest and Floristic Inventory of Santa Catarina. Dicksonia sellowiana was found in 94 of these plots, where it ranged from 1 to 391 individuals. …”
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Composição do banco de sementes de uma floresta semidecidual secundária considerando o seu potencial de uso para recuperação ambiental Composition of a secundary forest seed bank c...
Published 2008-12-01“…Inferences were made whether this indicator reflects future sustainability, given the seed bank's potential for revegetating degraded sites. Its floristic composition was compared with indices obtained in other similar seed bank studies. …”
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Efeitos da invasão biológica de algaroba: Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC. sobre a composição e a estrutura do estrato arbustivo-arbóreo da caatinga no Município de Monteiro, PB, Brasi...
Published 2006-12-01“…It was concluded that P. juliflora forms dense populations that grow along with native species, severely affecting the floristic composition, diversity and structure of autochthonous communities.…”
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Relationship between the distribution of vegetation and the environment in the coastal embryo dunes of Jalisco, México
Published 2022-03-01“…The cluster analysis of dune sites according to environmental variables and the cluster analysis by presence/absence of plant species produces the formation of five groups of sites with significant environmental differences and five groups of sites with significant floristic differences. A significant connection (r = 0.471, p = 0.01) between the two clustering schemes also evidences the meaningful relationship between the presence of plant species and the environmental characteristics of the embryo dunes of Jalisco, Mexico. …”
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Brioflora epífita e epífila da RPPN Frei Caneca, Jaqueira, PE, Brasil A checklist of epiphyllous and epiphytic bryophytes from Frei Caneca RPPN, Jaqueira, Pernambuco State, Northea...
Published 2007-03-01“…São apresentados comentários taxonômicos e ecológicos, informações sobre tipos de substrato e distribuição geográfica no mundo e no Brasil para as espécies de ocorrência nova.<br>A floristic survey of epiphyllous and epiphytic bryophytes was carried out at the Frei Caneca RPPN (8°42'41"S, 35°50'30"W, 750 m alt., 630 ha), a remnant Atlantic forest site located in the state of Pernambuco. …”
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A New Proposal for the Periodization of the History of Botany in Poland
Published 2023-10-01“…This periodization proposal divides the history of botany in Poland into six phases: 1 – from around the mid-14th century to the last quarter of the 16th century (medicinal botany), 2 – until the last quarter of the 18th century (the oldest publications on the flora), 3 – until around the middle of the 19th century (In that period a significant part of the botanical output was the floristic subject matter.), 4 – until the end of the 19th century (the beginning of modern botanical research), 5 – covered the first two quarters of the 20th century (This phase was characterized by extremely increased activity in all fields of botany.) …”
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Fitossociologia de uma Floresta Ombrófila Densa na Amazônia Setentrional, Roraima, Brasil Phytosociology of a dense ombrophilous forest in the northern Amazon, Roraima, Brazil
Published 2013-09-01“…The Shannon diversity index (H' = 3.27) and the value of Pielou equability (J = 0.64) were lower than those obtained in other floristic inventories in the Amazon, because of the high occurrence of Pentaclethra macroloba. …”
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Abundance, feeding and behavioural ecology of Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus morio) in the fragmented forests of the Kinabatangan floodplain
Published 2018“…A novel measure of habituation was established based on feeding-to-resting ratios to build a dataset representative of all age-sex classes, including both more resident animals and transient visitors to the study site. Floristically, the Kinabatangan now has higher baseline fruit abundance with lower synchronous peaks and less extreme seasonality, in sharp contrast to intact primary forest at Danum Valley. …”
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Evolution of Tandem Repeats Is Mirroring Post-polyploid Cladogenesis in Heliophila (Brassicaceae)
Published 2021-01-01“…The tribe is endemic to southern Africa, confined chiefly to the southwestern South Africa, home of two biodiversity hotspots (Cape Floristic Region and Succulent Karoo). The monospecific Chamira (C. circaeoides), the only crucifer species with persistent cotyledons, is traditionally retrieved as the closest relative of Heliophileae. …”
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Challenges and opportunities in land surface modelling of savanna ecosystems
Published 2017-10-01“…Climate change is projected to result in significant changes to the savanna floristic structure, with increases to woody biomass expected through CO<sub>2</sub> fertilisation in mesic savannas and increased tree mortality expected through increased rainfall interannual variability in xeric savannas. …”
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Species richness, forest types and regeneration of Schima in the subtropical forest ecosystem of Yunnan, southwestern China
Published 2020-05-01“…Yunnan had the high floristic diversity and varying stand structure of forests containing Schima species. …”
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Phylogeographic Analysis and Genetic Structure of an Endemic Sino-Japanese Disjunctive Genus Diabelia (Caprifoliaceae)
Published 2019-07-01“…The Sino-Japanese Floristic Region (SJFR) is a key area for plant phylogeographical research, due to its very high species diversity and disjunct distributions of a large number of species and genera. …”
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Florix, an index to assess plant species in floodplains for nature conservation – Developed and tested along the river Danube
Published 2022-12-01“…The region with dominant agricultural use showed significantly lower values than that with a higher portion of forests and grasslands.Florix can be used for a floristic conservation status assessment at single habitat level or for the entity of a study region in comparison to a reference region. …”
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